My motor stopped turning.


10 kW
Mar 9, 2011
Guelph, Ontario, Canada eh!
What can be the problem with this? When I twist the throttle, the motor does nothing. I turn off the system and when I turn the motor by hand, it feels notchy, like the magnetic field is wrong. If I unplug the yellow phase wire, the notchyness is gone and the motor turns freely by hand. What do I need to do to fix this please?

The motor is a 500 watt scooter motor, the controller is an 18 fet Lyen.

Qualify ALL the wiring from the motor connector into controller but if that's okay, 'sounds like FET is shorted inside controller. Send Lyen an email requesting repair or look into DIY repair?
It should be a fairly straighforward FET R&R although in my experience Edward's very reasonable for out-of-warranty repair of his controllers.
Well at first it looked like it was a MOSFET, I found one that had a short. So I ordered more FETs from Mouser and I changed the defective one. It seemed to work for 20 feet then boom! The same FET shorted again. I replaced it a second time and after some throttle input with the wheel in the air this time, boom the FET shorted again. There must be something wrong for the controller to do this but I don't know what it is. Gotta go to work on foot again this week. :?