Myrccycle relplacement lens?

Dec 28, 2009
Hi Mirror-users~
If you're like me, you spend an embarrassing amount of dollars on mirrors. I've tried quite a few, and my fav is the Mirccycle. Properly tensioned, it's very firm and still quite adjustable as you ride. Just broke another one a few days ago (lens only, broke, as usual) and those little replacement jobbies are not cheap either. . However, these are.... .... of course this is only good if the actual glass is the only thing that broke. And you gotta glue it into place or use double sided tape. You get FOUR mirror lenses for 3.99~~!! And of course, once you actually send for these and are all prepared and everything, you'll stop breaking mirrors.
You need slightly convex mirrors, otherwise its hard to see much, and it looks really close. Those decorative mirrors are flat. I know, I tried. They are better than nothing but not what a vehicle mirror needs to be.
As far as I know, the lens that comes on the Mirrcycle is flat. At least it looks it to me. I agree that a slightly convex mirror is good and I've even used those stick-on sort've very convex round mirrors that you'de normally stick onto your truck mirror for wide angle view. But I prefer a more realistic and not distorted view so I can see turn signals and that sort've thing, behind me. The replacement lens that Mirrycle sells is the exact same mirror that comes on a new unit (one of the previous posts, from ebay). Hope this helps. Some cheap mirrors are like a tin-foil that gets scratched and is not much good at all. I like a real, glass mirror, so yes...they break for me. My bike seems to always fall on that side. I'm just sick of paying six bucks for replacement lenses. I'm willing to try out this cheapy solution and see what the view is. Many of the roads around here have no shoulder at all and it seems deadly to ride in the traffic lane (these nastry drivers that think bikes don't belong on the road) I ride on the sidewalk much more here than I'm used to. Especially riding the sidewalks, the mirror seems critical to safety, as drivers notice you less than if you are on a shoulder, but in the roadway itself. Thought I'd pass on my hairbrained idea for the thrifty bunch.
As far as I know, only Mirrcycle produces replacement lenses, whether or not you use an ebay vendor or go to Mirrcycle, itself to get one. They have those plactic housings on the back that the mounting screw goes through. But you cannot buy just the glass itself and reuse the undamaged housing, unfortunately. The housing has a little platic rim that shields the edge of the glass, and measured, it seems the glass itself is exactly 3". So I went on a hunt for 3" round mirrors and that is what I found to be the best deal, as previously posted. You get four mirrors for $3.99 and $3.00 shipping on top of that. It's still better than six bucks a pop. I don't know yet if the cheaper mirrors are in fact exactly 3", but I guess I'll know soon. They are on their way. I'll let you know.
Its a third eye, uses a 3" round "flat" mirror glass, but its not completely flat like what you posted on ebay, which is where I got the replacement lens which did not work well since they are completely flat.

You need a very slightly convex mirror, not the art\hobby ones. I'
You are exactly right. Had I just peeked into my mirror from 8" away and realized I could see my entire face and the garden shed as well behind me....well...I would've caught on. Back to the $6 replacements. THanks.
Maybe someday we can find the correct replacements for a better price.
Good try.

At least they (Mirrycle) sell replacement parts. I haven't broken one yet, but I'm not riding nearly enough nor hard enough. :D That will change soon.

I'm another one of those that cannot ride without it. (at least in LA traffic)