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new eZip motor

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Think you could afford to pay your bills and improve your credit history if you curtailed breakfast and lunch expenses at restaurants? Maybe less booze and drugs would help your situation too. Before you expect others to extend a helping hand, you need to make an effort to improve yourself first.

I did not take any helping hand as far as $$$. $$$$ is not an issue. We still have around $1,000 in the bank togeather. It is credit and references that is the issue.

I think breakfast was about $4 and some change.

$1:89 for a sausage muffin and $1 hashbrown and $1:30 for coffee.

Lunch was free at city mission and basically a second lunch as biscuits and gravy with two sausage patties.

I bought a 12 pack at 9:30 PM and about halfway thru that so < $15 for the day.

A meth head or other recreational drug user would spend at least 5 or 6 times that in a day. Same thing for a compulsive gambler on lottery tickets or OTB.

Don't judge me. You do not live in my world.

Yesterday (6/16/22) I spent $40 and did not drink one alcoholic beverage. Had no power for 10 hours so spent $20 on gas and $20 on restaurant food to keep me and the ol lady alive. When I got home at 8 PM the power was back on and slept until 8:30 AM.

(6/17/22) I rode the Dual Bafangs around. I charged the LIFE packs. She slept until bout 3 PM and not feeling good. I cooked her corned beef hash and eggs about 4 PM and she barley touched it. She is old and sick and have to deal with it daily.

I took a nap about 5 PM and got up about 9 PM and took the bike to get the beer and just got back from my friends house about 3 blocks away.

There is a shooting about once or twice a week in the neighborhood here. A bullet hit my friends house less than a week ago where I sit on the porch drinking beer at night. That happened in broad daylight.

Walking is not safe at night. My 20 mph bike keeps me safe from a knife or getting jumped but not bullet proof. Better than walking though.

I might be able to zig zag and avoid the round. Or maybe not. :roll: Better chance than on foot though as I can not run very fast.


LC. out.
Might be time to move to a more civilised country where you don’t have to spend your days thinking of dodging bullets.

That is the plan.


LC. out.
I read a lot of US news and spend a bit of time in US Reddits. Life has always seemed tougher in the US for anyone not on a high income, but a paradise for anyone that was.

Seems like that has become 10x more true in the last 6 months. Read a few posts in r/Antiwork and you can sense the palpable frustrations of people working multiple jobs and not even being able to make rent. Look at stuff like r/TrueOffMyChest and see that 90% of the posts there are people who want to "un-alive" themselves, beause thet feel life is so futule.

I think every generation has said this since WW2, but it may be true this time. It seems like the US is rotting from the inside out.
Looking at a place in Alliance tomorrow. Not too far away from the trailer where my e bikes are. It is small but hopefully big enough to put the FX motor and my expensive bikes / parts in.

Outside storage is not insured and if broken into I get nothing so the Giant Roam and 3-kilowatt brushless motor / controller will go to the apartment as well if I get it. The 20" bike with the 1,800W brushless motor also. The rest of the bikes and parts can stay in the trailer with the boat on top.

The new land lady said she will accept $460 security for July and move in in July. I might still get evicted here this month but if she takes the deposit won't matter as she won't be checking for evictions.

Since the building was sold again three months ago my defense in court is I don't know who the landlord is. Nobody signed a lease, and the property manager is not the owner or previous owner so looks like a big scam. The guy downstairs got two evictions this year and won both cases. He has not paid rent in 18 months. I am riding this month on my security.

Nothing about this building is legal. It is zoned for two family and got split up into 5 units. Multiple code and health violations and code has put a notice on the door downstairs. The original landlord was a crook and both new owners and the manager are shady as hell


LC. out.
That's good news LC. Good luck with the move.
latecurtis said:
Looking at a place in Alliance tomorrow. Not too far away from the trailer where my e bikes are. It is small but hopefully big enough to put the FX motor and my expensive bikes / parts in.

The new land lady said she will accept $460 security for July and move in in July. I might still get evicted here this month but if she takes the deposit won't matter as she won't be checking for evictions.


LC. out.

Good luck! No one regardless of any mistakes deserves to be homeless. Let someone in to help you manage your finances. I’m not a religulous fella but places like catholic charities have
counselling services to help sort our lives. And little or no cost. This sort of help got me on the straight and narrow 50 years ago. Old dogs CAN learn new tricks. Honestly I hope it all pans out.

Back in the day I built relationships with landlords by simply scrounging recycled paint a doing a detailed cleanup. Rather than whine I just did it and it made one hell of a difference in or relationship. I got free paint and supplies from local recycling operations and from Habitat for Humanity. Volunteering for a few hours a week on projects you can handle can really pay off. Patience commitment and reliability will put you in the winner’s circle. Someone is always worse off

I’m looking forward to some better news. You can do it! It takes more work for me to stay frocked up than to do the positive move forward.

Rock on!
Habitat for Humanity.

Yea. They have that here.

I even have a plan B if the apartment don't work out. There is a motel at the bottom of the hill where I go shopping next to Save a Lot grocery store.

I talked to a lady there and was told it is run by the family YWCA and there are openings. The rent is 1/3 of income and she only pays like $289 a month. There is a homeless hotline which takes 1 day to register and then the YWCA will place us in the motel. That is worse case scenario.

On the 3rd of July we will have $1,920 between both of us.

I just got back from my friends house about 2 - 1/2 miles away. I have been putting at least 10 miles a day on the Dual Bafangs and LIFE packs. I am proving over time that the LIFE packs I built are very reliable for e bikes < 1,000W. I expect to get several years from them.

.I ran into about 3 or 4 of these Bird scooters very popular in the area


Kids are riding them all over the city. Must be at least 100 or more. Maybe two or three hundred. They are rented via a cell phone app. I hang out with older folk and about a week ago or so a cop caught me and a couple homeless people drinking and never arrested us. He was my age 57 and asked us if we saw someone stealing them.

I informed him that people pick them up to charge them and drop them off as they get $5 for each. The cop did not know as they are new, The officer was cool and we just talked like normal folk and all agreed that those kids are an accident waiting to happen. They are kids and immature. Future road pizza.

A few minutes ago the 4 kids I saw was at an intersection they were to the left about to cross in front of me and I went straight.
One said I will give you this scooter for your bike.

My reply was , can you beat me in a race ? They kept going and the kid said go this way. :lol: .

I guess they thought I had stupid wrote on my forehead. They might have a hack to get those things to 20 mph but not easy I heard. They have a top speed of 15 mph. The dual Bafangs do 20 and much quicker than them getting there.


LC. out.
That aint much, a good weeks drunk and a low bail is about it.

How much money did you get in covid relief monies?
More importantly, what did you buy with the covid relief money?
More importantly, what did you buy with the covid relief money?

The van. - $1,000

The LTOs - $600

The LIFE - $200

The 3,000W brushless motor and controller - $275

A 12 foot boat and 14 foot trailer - $300

A welder - $100

A 50" plasma TV used - $150

The 10 amp 43.8V charger $100

The 15 amp 54.6V charger - $140

beer - ? probably > $200

cannabis - ? probably > $200

Storage - > $400

tools and mis. parts - probably > $100

3:07 AM


I just tested the two 6S - LIFE packs.

One was all 6 cells at 99%

The other not. 96% was the lowest and 99% the highest. Most in between.

All I need to do is run a quick balance and then balance charge at 1 amp for about 5 or 10 minutes and will see at least 98% for all 6 cells. I need to do that like once every 5 or 6 times I partially charge them.

The next time I solder 26650 cells I will be using the Weller and much less time heating the cells up. Until them the ones I supposedly screwed up will work just fine.

I am actually surprised as I could have done much better with the series connections between the cell banks.


LC. out.


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As the Hub Motor Turns and the LiPo Fire Burns.


I put a security deposit for $460 on an apartment about 18 miles away today. The plan is to move in on the third of July when my disability check comes in. Hopefully my current landlord wont ruin it for me. It is a tiny basement unit smaller than where I am but a lot cleaner and updated with no neighborhood.

It was a motel converted into apartments. Right Aide and Giant Eagle grocery store is across the street and a Domino's pizza. It is all commercial. A Big Lots on the other side.

The pack I balance charged last night was 97% except one that is 96%. I am balance charging again with the 6S LiPo charger so hopefully I can get them all to 97% or above.

The apartment is tiny. It should not cost much to heat and cool but have to pay electric. No place to charge lion, I will need to sell one bike and the 20 Ah lion pack and power modules. With the $$$ I can order 26650 cells hopefully. Not sure what bike I will sell.

The 20" Turbo mabye but will need those spokes fixed. Even if I had solar panels on the roof of the van I only have a small parking spot and not willing to sit outside 6 hours or more. Where the trailer is being stored is almost 8 miles away and there is no AC outlet. It sucks.

The 26" dual suspension needs at least 48V for the rear hub but no room for the LTOs. That really sucks. I will need a 15S - 10P - LIFEPO4 pack and absolutely no $$$$ in the budget for that.

I did not want to sell it either. Likewise the 20" bike with the 1,800W brushless motor can not hold 16 or 20S - LTOs. I need a large triangle for that so lower center of gravity and not top heavy. Not sure if the 1,000W direct drive hub will go on the back of Easy Street the 700c Giant Cypress hybrid.

It looks like I will only be able to run the Currie , Diamondback Outlook with the dual Bafangs and the Giant Roam. That is about it. Also I have no e bike workshop unless I install at least 300 watt solar panels on the roof and an 1,000W inverter and power bank. NOT in my new budget. No way.

I would need triple A towing insurance to drive to the storage where the trailer is and then a power bank and solar charging system to charge Lion and run my power tools. I don't see how that is possible as I have close to $200 more in bills every month. That totally sucks.


LC. out.
latecurtis said:
As the Hub Motor Turns and the LiPo Fire Burns.

That totally sucks.

Quit being so negative. All you really need is a part-time job that pays cash. If you can still stand, you should be able to find a job at a 7 11 or in fast food. Ask your new landlord if there is anything she needs done in trade for a reduction in the rent. Start picking up cans or look for scooters that need recharging. Even if you have to work for free it will get you off your ass and I guarantee you'll feel better about yourself for at least trying. Start out by leaving the apartment for a few hours every day even if there is nothing you have to do. The exercise alone will do you good and will get you used to activities other than sitting around drinking beer and smoking pot. Use this move as a reason to change your unproductive ways.

You need to accept the fact that you are NOT a useless POS. If nothing else you have proven that you can put a sentence together and can spell well enough that people can understand you. This skillset isn't as common as you might think. Folks get paid well for doing less. You just have to take the first step, no matter how small of a step it is. Be brave and take the chance. The worst that can happen is that you fail. Even if you do fail, you will not be worse off than you are right now. Right now, as it is, I'd say that you are truly frocked... I'd like nothing better than for you to prove me wrong. Why not take this as an opportunity to point out and prove to everyone what a pretentious asshole I am. I suspect it'd do us both some good.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

It's impossible to succeed if you can't even be bothered to frocking TRY. Time to get mad LC. Just don't take it out on innocent people. If something should happen to you, what would your wife do? If the situation was switched, would she go the extra mile for you?

I'm done posting.

Sick of being threatened.

l will figure it out myself.

Goodby everyone who followed me for years.

LC. out.
Well I'd sure like to read how the story ends, unfortunately the story won't end. Lots read, lots have read. What will happen to the 7 or 8 ebikes Curtis has, where will the ball land Chicago, NY State, has to be in snow country...... which means add a fat bike ebike to your stable. Even if its just a crappy department store fat bike, they are sure a blast in the winter if you so dabble or you probably dont go out, fair weather rider... I gotcha.
calab said:
where will the ball land Chicago, NY State, has to be in snow country...... which means add a fat bike ebike to your stable. Even if its just a crappy department store fat bike, they are sure a blast in the winter

Whats another converted bicycle to e-bike in the stable gunna hurt?

The fat bike would be perfect for those light fluffy snow days of say 4" and your minivans got bald tires and plowed in, iced over.

Fat Bikes are heavy, add ebike stuff and its even more weight. Not a lifter.
Anyone following this thread for the last 8 years knows that LC has left at least once per year almost every year.

He most likely will be back eventually unless misfortune or misadventure means he can't.

Hope he's safe though. A lot of instability in the US at the moment.
As I was reading I was about to ask Curtis if he's in Abilene, TX. Judging from his posts, I used to be a bit like him until I learned how to take responsibility for things. Have a good job and life now. We have a ton of those Birds everywhere, with gangs of kids riding around getting up to every kind of no good you can imagine. I was nearly home earlier, stopped to drink some water, a dude flies past on a Bird, looked like he was going about 25 somehow which I thought was pretty cool, as flew past him at about 50.

I only ride like an idiot at night or if I'm late for work. If anyone reading this does happen to live in Abilene, and you see a very fast but very jank looking ebike with an ugly green fishing tackle (battery)box hanging off the handlebars. get the hell out of the way because my brakes are for shit! And say hi.
LC is worth it :thumb:

:es: Come back LateCurtis :mrgreen:

I want to see what wild inventions he dreams of in that pixie dust land, Mad Max style no?
Is there a tally of smoke? or :kff: ? or :bolt: ? where is the accounting $,$$$.$$ easy, cool, working with the hands, hopefully learning, most importantly hopefully riding as much as possible, getting the miles put on the tread.

Why, why do we do this? because there are too many e-grins :thumb: too much nature :thumb: to miss out on, seasons are short, look at nature, explore.

What are you going to do about that?
calab said:
LC is worth it :thumb:

:es: Come back LateCurtis :mrgreen:

I want to see what wild inventions he dreams of in that pixie dust land, Mad Max style no?
Is there a tally of smoke? or :kff: ? or :bolt: ? where is the accounting $,$$$.$$ easy, cool, working with the hands, hopefully learning, most importantly hopefully riding as much as possible, getting the miles put on the tread.

Why, why do we do this? because there are too many e-grins :thumb: too much nature :thumb: to miss out on, seasons are short, look at nature, explore.

What are you going to do about that?

Really enjoyed reading lc's column over the years. Hasn't deserved all the OFF TOPIC personal, often humiliating, bullying insults he has attracted by certain jealous members and very often by a child like admin.
Come back LC. What you been up to? What are the latest developments in your ebiking journey?
Seems like he has a black belt in self-defeat, and a doctorate in not taking informed advice. To the degree that I used to suspect he was a fictional character for some weirdo's amusement.
TBI, I honestly thought the same, but in an A.I. sense, AI is trying to learn from us all who respond to LC.

Chalo said:
Seems like he has a black belt in self-defeat, and a doctorate in not taking informed advice. To the degree that I used to suspect he was a fictional character for some weirdo's amusement.
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