Simulator of electric bike range


1 mW
Feb 19, 2013

My name is Bartek and I'm from Poland.

I work in the field of electric bikes, and I have some programming knowledge. I created an online application to simulate electric bike.
Simulator allows for an estimation of the range of an electric bike in real time. It can simulate the acceleration of the vehicle, driving up the hill, different speeds, the weight of the vehicle, the coefficient of rolling resistance (tire type, tire pressure, surface type), the coefficient of aerodynamic bicycle rider front surface, and the size of the wheel.

I created this application to show customers what the factors are range of the ebike. What do you think about my app?
Gorgeous!!!! and perfect functionality like an ebike :wink:

Looks like it has made an awful lot of work to finish it like it is.

No annoying ad banner´s AAA111++ from me for it.
ian.mich said:
bartek said:

My name is Bartek and I'm from Poland.

I work in the field of electric bikes, and I have some programming knowledge. I created an online application to simulate electric bike.
Simulator allows for an estimation of the range of an electric bike in real time. It can simulate the acceleration of the vehicle, driving up the hill, different speeds, the weight of the vehicle, the coefficient of rolling resistance (tire type, tire pressure, surface type), the coefficient of aerodynamic bicycle rider front surface, and the size of the wheel.

I created this application to show customers what the factors are range of the ebike. What do you think about my app?
Dont mean to be critical but it is somewhat lacking. seems you only use one type of motor. there are dozens of different chinese hubs that result in different efficiencies and speeds and power levels. also, your simulator should calculate the top speed, not have us put in the value (but doing that calculation requires inputting the v/km/h for a dozen diff chinese hubs

Look in "change settings" u can set the max efficency what ever your hub has and all other parameters, its perfect!
I tried your range simulator with my bikes settings (100v 150A). The range estimation was very close to reality for me. Very useful app, that everyone buying or building a new ebike should know.
First, welcome to ES :)

Application Feedback:
Thanks for doing this in Flash and for not using Java. I develop with Silverlight/WPF, the competitor – however I appreciate your work here just the same; well done! :D

Driving Parameters:
  • Hovers: Use the Titletip to explain the term in brevity and within link to more detailed information.
  • Total Weight: I presume the weight is in kg, although it would be better to switch units for the troglodytes on the other side of the pond (which includes me).
Bike Specifications: Can’t change to match my custom setup. Stuck at 48V et al.
Rim: Set to fixed diameter values – but does not account for circumference of different tires and that is the value we need for proper calculation. Example: The circumference of narrow road tires is different than for big wide phatty tires of the same rim diameter.

  • I like how I can change the parameters on the fly to realize the affects.
  • The incline adjustment is fun. I’d like to see that applied for downhill as well.
  • The Report is good, though could be made better by including a graph.

Again, nice composition and design. A few things to buff out. 8)

  • OK, went back to “Change Settings” and didn’t realize that these were not Read-Only; need to change the cursor on mouse-over to indicate we can change that, and I might be inclined to use a Textbox instead of a Label so we know intuitively that it is an input.
  • Once I was able to customize these values as best I could – the Simulator optimistically estimated the distance within about 16%. There are however some factors that I do not know without a Dynamometer. :wink:

Best, KF
I fixed a few details so that it is more intuitive.
Rim: Set to fixed diameter values – but does not account for circumference of different tires and that is the value we need for proper calculation. Example: The circumference of narrow road tires is different than for big wide phatty tires of the same rim diameter.
I know that, but I do not want to complicate the app.

The report in graphical form is a good idea - more readable.

Thanks for doing this in Flash and for not using Java. I develop with Silverlight/WPF, the competitor – however I appreciate your work here just the same; well done!
At the beginning I did it in Javascipt, but with the new ideas coming change of technology.
I like it.
incline adjustment is very touchy. Parameters match my experience
Excellent work so far!

like others mentioned, a graphical report would be easier to diagnose.
Wow... I left all the settings default, and keyed in my average speed, known motor efficiency, battery size etc, of my old bike and left everything else default. It was correct down to the kilometer.

Good work mate!
Brilliant ! I thought "another crappy simulator", but no, it's clever, very professional look and efficient simulator. Many thanks !
Took me a minuite or two to get it that the left side turns on and adjusts variables like throttle position and grade.

WOW! Incredibly good !!! I found it matched my reality very close, for hubmotors on a 22 amp commuter setup.

Only nitpick is I have no idea what values to put in for drag. Just a link to a chart with values for "typical bikes" would help. Something like (26" bike) ( 26" bike with panniers) etc.

To figure out your range into a headwind, just add the wind speed to your bike's normal speed should work ok.
I converted report to a graph.

Only nitpick is I have no idea what values to put in for drag. Just a link to a chart with values for "typical bikes" would help. Something like (26" bike) ( 26" bike with panniers) etc.
At the moment, I do not have the data to do this option.
In time, I will do tests for different bikes, described it in;,6,en.html etc. ... and maybe then something like this comes up.
A little update ... :)

I've added the ability to select the appearance of the engine as an option to generate link:,2,en.html
Now the engine might look like: (MagicPie3, SmartPie, Black HUB, silver HUB and small aluminum geared motor)

A few examples:
Cool App.

Could I recommend a "human watts" input?
Alternatively, you could have the option of having a "negative" grade that would effectively simulate the same thing.

I input my bike specifications (with the stock driving parameters) and I received an estimate of ~57km range. With my human input power, I typically get about 100km before the BMS says NO MORE! (Averaging about 7.5Wh/km vs the 12.5 your simulator calculates for no human input).
