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Thinking about hosting a race event.

Oct 28, 2008
Manhattan Beach, CA, USA
I talked with a couple racing interested friends today for a bit on the topic of myself hosting a race event for powered bicycles. They had some good ideas to add to mine. Here is the basic concept I want to use, and I would like your input/interest.

#1. This will be the rule that harshly governs all aspects of the event. It is NOT FOR PROFIT! It is to be a pit that I throw cash into with no recovery effort/plan/etc. If you want to suggest a concept that makes it profitable, or even helps me recover costs, it will be rejected. This is to be 100% about racing and racing only.

#2. We set some standard that defines it as a power assist bicycle (be it gasoline or electric or whatever you want) and this is all that will govern what is allowed to enter. This means, you do every clever cheating bastard trick your deviant cheating mind can come up with that will shave any time off your time around the track, and do not have to fear not being allowed to enter and compete as long as it meets the standards rule set for calling it a power assist bicycle. The standard will be something very simple yet carefully worded, likely something along the lines of, working pedals (proven by riding the bike 1 lap around the track under pedals only in under 1min or whatever), only 2 wheels inline, not over 70lbs (-fuel weight for gassers, -battery weight for electrics).

#3. The race will be 100% free for everyone to enter who wants to enter. I pay the entire track expenses (track rental for $2,000 + insurance + medic etc)

#4. I provide a huge row of ice chest coolers jam packed with ice cold water bottles and juice etc.

#5. I rent a big ass generator (like 20kw) that sits in a dedicated charging location that will power some crude wooden 2x4 bike-rack style stands with an extension cord plug sitting at each point. Each little slot will have something like a pair of dedicated 30amp breaker outlets, so folks can charge up to 6kw if they have the chargers for it.

#6. I will also have a couple 5gal jugs of Q16 race fuel (or something they like better?) available for the gassers if they need race fuel.

#7. I will rent the track's kart transponders with the track rental, and we can double-sided tape stick them to the bikes as they go into a heat, and use the kart tracks timing equipment to get times.

#8. No classes to the races. A whole bunch of open practice session time where everyone gets to mount up a transponder for like 10 laps that they want timed after they get the track down and bikes dialed etc. Then the top 20 bikes the posted the top 20 fastest single laps get to enter the main event. Maybe to make it fun an enter in a possible sandbagging incentive/gamble, we grid the pack in reverse order of fastest laptimes. :twisted: This means, if you've got the fastest setup, you better also be damn good at making passes, cause you will need to make 19 of them to get into first.

#9. Something like the top 10 lowest lap time bikes get to go back on the track for a single warm-up lap as the lead-in flying start, then time the second lap for who can get the all-time fastest hotlap just for fun and bragging rights.

#10. Trophies but no prizes. Nobody serious races for a prize, and it kinda takes away from the effort.

#11. A possible side event of an energy limited class. I supply something like 4x 6x5Ah 45-90c nano-tech packs all sitting charged on a common bus so everyone knows they are all at the same charge level (maybe like 8-10sets of 4x 6s5ah packs for 8-10 people to enter?). They have some 8mm bullets on them, you connect them up however you want, 12s10Ah or 24s5Ah or whatever. Each racer gets the same exact battery capacity, capable of shelling out over 20kw bursts of power, but the race length will be something very long, like 20laps or something so they must carefully choose were they use the energy and focus on pedaling like crazy and carrying as much speed as possible out of corners etc. Possibly also have something like clear soda bottles with a cap that is drilled for a fuel line and vent tube and some carefully measured amount of race gas is put into each bottle, and I provide a roll of silicon fuel line hose so they just tape on the bottle and run the fuel line to the carb and the gasoline bikes can compete in an energy limited class with us.

#12. I supply some big ass chargers able to do 180 charge amps continuously (from 0v to 155v) so folks who might not have fast chargers but do have good LiPo can have 5-10min recharge times to get as many practice sessions on the track as possible.

#13. NO MONEY LEAVES RACERS POCKETS. Its a massive expense and effort (thousands of dollars) just to build and prep and get a bike to an event. Nobody needs to be nickel and dimeing the folks that a race awesome (the racers).

#14. An elaborate carpool/logistics structure setup with the event, so if folks from WA want to ride this event in the SF bay area (where it likely will be), they drive to Oregon somewhere where they meet up with another racer group who drive to Cali who meet with another racer group who drive to SF bay area etc. The goal being to spread the driving/fuel/logistics burden out between as many folks as possible, so if a guy from WA wants to enter, he only has to make the effort to get to OR and then has a free ride from there etc. Racers help racers, it's the only way racing works.

#15. I try to think of more things that will make it as easy as possible for the racers who make an effort to get here, and do them. Maybe a free bad-ass catered lunch/bbq? Maybe a portable welding/repair truck with a welder and air compressor and drill press and some tools etc? You guys have ideas?

#16. Amberwolf gets treated like a king, and is free to come with 2 broken legs, riding a lawnchair scotch-taped onto a shopping kart with a 8,000hp top-fuel dragster engine driving wheel-chair wheels. Nobody shows the spirit of racing more, and nobody sacrifices harder to make an event than Amberwolf. Huge respect to you bro! Nobodies bike will be prohibited, no matter how resource stretched the builder was at the time, it just has to meet the standards to qualify as a power assist bicycle and it's in.

What do you guys think? I don't make a lot of money anymore since quitting Microsoft and having child support payments to make, but I live like a homeless person to keep costs down, and what I do make I'm 100% down for helping racing an the electric revolution. I expect nothing back but some racers giving it everything they have. If you guys have ideas that don't increase costs by a massive amount, but DO increase the racing aspect, I will do my best to make them happen.

I also need to know a ball-park idea on the date to make it happen.

Help me out with ideas/suggestions, etc. What do you want to see in a race?

Sounds wonderful. Spot on.

Absolutely agree that it needs something to make sure its about electric bicycles and not electric motorbikes (or motorised bicycles and not motorbikes). We've discussed this in ES before and it always comes down to working pedals and a weight limit. There are slight differences of opinion about the exact weight limit and how to demonstrate the pedals work, but I think everyone agrees on the principles.

A couple of minor suggestions, though...

You should not be bearing all the expense. Charge some kind of entry fee. For a comparison, the budget for putting on a hovercraft race over here is about $7,000 per event and it requires a team of about 20. Ok, that's for a weekend race meeting rather than a single race, but you get the point.

The 70 lb weight limit should include the batteries (and fuel). They are necessary items and the designers should be taking them into account. It just means that we have to be careful about the choice of race distance.

I like the idea of an energy limited, or battery limited race, where people draw a battery pack off the shelf. It's opening the organiser up to a lot of potential expense and problems with people abusing them and complaining about good and bad packs. So how about a scheme where we start with packs of capacity X Ah and fit a circuit to limit them to X/2 Ah and a max current fuse?

Was hoping this would be your response to, ahem. 8)

Do charge a nominal entry fee, which as organizer you are fee to waive to those you choose to treat like a king. 20 bucks, or so. No need for you to bear 100% of the costs, you'll be out thousands so you may as well grab a small portion of it back.

I keep thinking along the same lines, but I live in the sticks and would be lucky to get 4 competitors if I set up a dirt road cross country race, and there'd be no insurance, no medical support. Bad idea.
This is amazingly generous of you Luke. This could become the start of something huge.

All the best.
don't exclude trikes please.....
I really like ES as a place to come to for getting uplifted by such generous spirit.
LOL, its only 300 miles further than Toucson!
2300 miles is a daunting trip For an amature fun event.

Maybe Dr-base will drop down & pick me up on his way through & we can split the costs!
A very well thought out plan - but what about advertising budget and promotion? I know you don't wanna hear about fees and such but it's only fair for the participants be of highest profile in regard to news and promotional media and i bet most would like to see some ads and thus crowds in the stand. Part of that revolution thing...
wow, sounds like a really cool event and hats off to you wanting to finance the whole thing yourself... you are the man :)

Noly thing i can think of from my own perspective would be some cheap video camers to strap to the top few riders / random riders so we can get some good youtube footage for the people that cant attend?

Is this going to be once a year kind of event, a series or a weekly race?
I used to race pit bikes on an indoor kart track it was over 100 miles away yet we would travel once a week to get a fix.
I would consider finding a venue that would allow for weekly racing its so addictive.

I've seen auto crosses held at many different types of locations and setting up a timing system is not that complicated. It could be something as simple as rfid tags and a reader. I would also look at local sponsorship. I've organised and run snowboard competitions for over 15 years and local sponsors love to participate. Get a rental company to bring out the generator and set up a banner.

I always thought a great idea for unlimited racing would be to limit the fuel based on cost. Everyone gets the same budget to spend on fuel (at consumer pricing) other then that anything goes.

If you have any questions about the logistics of setting up an event I'm happy to give my 2 cents.
That sounds Awsome !!!

If you want to make it free for everyone, i would suggest a " Make a Donation " box for anyone that can afford it and is willing to give, leaving the door open to those who canot and are not willing to go ahead and race anyways without guilt !.

Pour those donations right back into the events ! :D
Hey Luke, you e-bike Sugar Daddy,

Terrific, follow thru for this Fall, October 8th weekend, I'll be there; got some flags for MB use! Lengthy to explain why, but do push a donation as some folks will feel less connected without getting to contribute. A bit complicated, don't do so much yourself, simplify :!:

-Trophies only, yes!!! (Sponsorships better target riders' needs)
-70lb limit include batteries, for gassers 70lbs before gas, but let everyone/everything run, no trophy for heavies;
-Pedals and no internal factory type transmission/shifters (let run but no trophy)
-Longer 12-20 mile races with efficiency part of stradegy, yes!!!
-Simple batt guidelines, 1000 or 2000 watt hr packs, racers check each other, (donations buy lipo, help w/ travel $$, ect. ) equal gas guidelines
-Classy T-shirts (best way to advertise for the sport) delegate to volunteer
-No classes, yes!!
-Simple charge station with bike rack, delegate to volunteers, your mighty charger can be the heart, compact bike racks available online
-PowerAid, or Gatorade, or Lemonade, just make handy close to pits, old gearheads need hydration, delegate to volunteers

I didn't set up scorekeeping for Willow Springs, no one did really. But those volunteering got a viable scorekeeping system going. If you can grab on to some tec stuff, great, I can organize some scorekeeping, just give the word.

Did I mention Follow thru :idea:

Sound fun racing event, I disagree about your money pour everything and I mean sound really silly maybe ridiculous. We should do something donation recoup the costs cover all and I mean be equal pay the whole costs.

Like I did advertise in ES to help Edward Lyen when his LiPo went fire and everyone (ES members) helped him out with the donation expense recoup costs on the LiPo. It shall do the same and we can do it together help each other pay the costs for the event.

I don't mind help you with the event activity and let me know. :)
It sounds pretty neat, but you shouldn't bear the brunt of paying for it.

Keep it simple. Free catered lunch?

I like the idea of a watt/hour restricted race. It would be fun for our commuter type bikes and might attract a few more racers. Supplying the batteries could work if you can get your friends at HK to chip in. Or maybe Justin could loan some CAs to keep everybody honest, but getting them calibrated for each bike might be a bit much.

You would really need some sponsors to help with the costs. There are quite a few that follow this forum and I'm sure would like to help out with expenses and maybe hang a banner at the race. Get them to donate stuff that you could offer as contingency awards to riders that sport their decals. As you know, that is always popular at the big races.

Charging an entry fee is a must, but let some in for free if you want.

I know you have a lot of energy and a positive attitude but you aren't going to be able to pull this off this race without a bunch of helpers, ones you can trust to show up. You'll need some to help out before the race day too. It's tough to get all your ducks in a row.

If you do decide to go ahead with this, be sure to allow yourself plenty of time. This isn't something that a person can pull off in a couple of weeks.

I hope this post doesn't come off as too negative. I really hope you can get it done. I wish I lived closer, but I will help if I can.

Peace and love and e-bikes! Count me in for some financial support. It really is too far for this old guy to travel, but I will help any way I can.
1: We'll need a transportation / car pooling. Perhaps a public spread sheet on google docs or something to assemble who is driving, who needs a ride, and where they are coming from. Maybe a facebook page would work too. I don't have a car, but I can pay gas.

2: I'd still donate if I couldn't go.

3: Obviously try for a 3 day weekend. God knows I miss enough of my classes.

4: AW broke his legs???
I figure it will be under $4,000usd to do a bad ass event that is free for everyone. I could maybe make it $3,000usd and not have a BBQ and drinks etc, but I feel like, hey, if I'm gonna spend 3k, I may as well spend 4k and make the most epic ebike event ever right?

I spent almost that much on the bike build for this last race, and if you counted labor it would be over $10k. If I'm organizing the event, I won't be racing in it, so hell, it's not like it's going to cost me much more than just attending a normal race event. Might even be easier/cheaper.

The reason I don't like the idea of donations or sponsors of any type is because I want it to be a totally open free unbiased event, all about the racing and only about the racing, and giving every racer the best possible shot to kick-ass regardless of the disposable income they may have. No sponsors to influence anything, nobody donating and expecting special treatment etc. Just a 100% even flat playing field, everyone just focused on the racing not worrying about buying lunch or being dehydrated and thirsty etc.

IF donations were to be considered, the only way I would consider it is if it's completely anonymous, and managed by some trustworthy 3rd party (maybe Miles or BigMoose or Jeremy or something?), and then all of that donated money goes directly to paying a portion of the track rental or something, or even just saved for a fund to help the next person host a badass event without as much wallet impact.

I love the idea of putting together a logistics map and/or website spreadsheet or whatever for the folks hooking up a carpool from far away places.

I want to draw the fastest gas bikes around. I don't know the gasser bicycle scene very well. Anyone know what would be very helpful and attractive for them at a race?
Gas powered bikes tend to break down a lot.

I have a friend with a gas bike and the only reason he hasnt gone electric is because of the cost. His bike was only $300, however it always has problems.

Electric is far more effecient and reliable.