Velectrix Ascent Speed Unlock Please Help


1 µW
Oct 1, 2016
Melbourne Australia
So a few weeks ago i bought a Velectrix Ascent it has a Bafang 8Fun 250W Hub Motor 36v 11.3Ah Battery and what seems to be the bafang c965 three button display. now i want to unlock the speed and the extra pas levels at least id like to know how the computer works, i have looked all over and i cant find instructions that match my c965 i have looked at the three button instructions they say to press and hold the + & - buttons and so on well i tried this and it doesnt work i did figure that after powering on i can double click within a second on the power button and it brings me to a pretty useless menu which is pretty useless to me even if i trick the device into thinking the wheel is smaller i dont achieve a thing, and i have no speed sensor either, as far as i can tell its located inside the hub so i cant swap it over to the cadence position. after unplugging the display i also noticed the terminal is not green lick in videos i have seen and has 6 pins not 5 i think thats how many the c965 has. i have the setup to connect my pc to it but seeing some differences in the plug im worried i will fry my bike. no instruction manual was given to the bike shop and the manufacturer has not got back to me i dont see them telling me the secret to unlock any goodies i can find. anyway if anyone could advise on what i could do that would be great im under the impression its locked for good this setup do i buy a new display do i need more than just swapping out the display.