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Was bound to happen?

I can't imagine the cops around here caring about bikes being stolen.

For his part, a commenter claiming to be the biker defended himself on Reddit, saying the video doesn’t do the situation full justice.

It plays jerky for me, can't really understand the argument, either. I'm not sure I understand where the van stopped, there was ALREADY a confrontation? The comments on the site are sure going against the cyclist.
markz said:
6 shots to a man with a knife. Interesting!
A man with a knife can act faster than a policeman within a short enough distance. A policeman would be trained to shoot until the attacker went down.

Knife vs Gun - The 21 Foot Rule
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-driver-s-litter-rides-throw-car-window.html :x

A cyclist claims he was warned by police he could face an assault charge after he saw a driver throw litter out of his car so threw it back through his window.
The rider filmed the moment he confronted the motorist, who got out of his vehicle and asked him for a fight in Dumbarton, near Glasgow.
In the footage the cyclist tells the driver, who is wearing a white cap and white t-shirt, 'here's your stupid litter back', before throwing the cup into the man's Vauxhall Corsa.
But after contacting the police the cyclist was warned he could be charged with common assault for instigating the fight.
Officers added that no charges would be brought against the driver for threatening behaviour.
The 20 year-old cyclist, who has asked not to be named, posted the video online last Thursday in an attempt to shame the motorist.
He said: 'I just thought for some reason in my head I should be confronting this person. I wasn't intending it in a very aggressive way.
'As I approached the driver I asked him to roll down the window and this was when I threw the cup in the window.'
The rider's video shows him picking up an empty Pepsi cup he claims the driver threw from his car.
He then pedalled after the black car, which was caught in traffic and tossed the cup back through his window.
The furious motorist leapt from his seat and challenged the cyclist to a fight before driving off.
He then turned around and wound down his window to hurl more abuse at the cyclist as he passed.
The cyclist caught the incident on a head cam and tried to report the motorist to police.
In an expletive-laden rant, the driver says: 'What do you think you're doing, do you think you're smart or something? Get off the bike.'
He then walks back to his car, before driving past the cyclist, rolling down his window and asking if he wants to go to a local park for a 'square go'.
The cyclist declined and hurriedly pedalled away from the scene in Dumbarton, Scotland.
When the cyclist sent the video to police he said two officers came to his house to see the footage.
He claims they told he they could not bring a Breach of the Peace charge against the driver because the cyclist was clearly the instigator for throwing the cup inside the car.
They suggested that he should be charged with common assault but the case was dropped.
The cyclist said: 'I do feel this guy needs to be named and shamed.'
http://touch.baltimoresun.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-83206867/ :twisted:
Heather Elizabeth Cook, the Episcopal bishop accused of driving under the influence and killing a local bicyclist in December, made her first public appearance since the accident, accepting a trial date of June 4 during an arraignment Thursday in Baltimore Circuit Court.
Neatly dressed in a black pantsuit, white blouse and silver brooch, Cook sat solemnly beside her attorney, David Irwin, during a hearing that lasted under five minutes.
Circuit Judge Michael A. DiPietro did not ask her to speak during the proceedings, and Cook made no public comment afterward before leaving in a white sedan driven by a friend as cameras clicked.
By accepting the court date, Cook entered a plea of not guilty on all 13 charges against her, Irwin said. He declined to say whether her legal team would seek a plea deal and noted that during the trial she could enter a different plea to individual charges.
Cook, 58, faces charges that include automobile manslaughter, driving under the influence of alcohol and leaving the scene of an accident. If convicted on all charges, she could be sentenced to more than 20 years in prison.
She entered the courtroom without fanfare about 20 minutes before the 9:30 a.m. hearing, her eyes slightly downcast behind a pair of glasses, and took a seat in a front row. Cook was alone for much of the time as the hearing approached.
She never looked toward the bench two rows behind her, where five members of the extended family of Thomas Palermo, the cyclist killed in the crash, sat quietly.
Rachel Palermo, the cyclist's widow, was not there, but her parents, Fran and Paul Rock; her sisters, Nancy Hulting and Alisa Rock, and Alisa Rock's husband, Jim Wade, were. They listened to the proceedings closely, their expressions at times distraught.
In a statement the Palermo family released after the hearing, Alisa Rock said they attended in support of Rachel Palermo and her two young children.
"We were hopeful that Bishop Heather Cook would do the right thing and take responsibility for her actions by pleading guilty," the statement read. "We are disappointed that this did not happen today, but we know that this is the first step in a long process."
Authorities allege that Cook was driving drunk and sending text messages when she struck and killed Palermo on Dec. 27 on Roland Avenue in Roland Park. They say she initially left the scene of the crash before returning.
The state's attorney's office said Cook's blood-alcohol level was 0.22 percent, nearly triple the legal limit in Maryland.
Cook is free on $2.5 million bail. Irwin said earlier this week that Cook has been in treatment for alcohol abuse but declined to say where.
"Bishop Cook is doing well. She's still in treatment for her disease. She's doing well in that treatment," Irwin said. "Of course, she's still very distraught" about the case and how it has impacted the Palermo family."
He said Cook wants to reach out to the Palermo family.
"I do know she would do that if she could," he said. But she is taking his advice not to do so because of the legal implications, he said.
"Our thoughts and prayers are with the Palermo family. We're all saying our prayers. It's a horrible situation," he told reporters after the arraignment. "We will be in court on June 4th."
Louis CK and Jerry Seinfeld are in an orange Fiat Jolly, starring in an episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. They’re on the West Side Highway in New York City driving a tiny antique car with rattan seats and no doors, talking about whether they would survive a crash.
“If we got hit by an SUV, we would just be smears,” CK says. “We would be pink and red smears with teeth stuck in it.”
At Clarkson Street, they pass a white-painted bicycle. It is a memorial for Eric Ng; a drunk driver killed the 22-year-old math teacher in 2006.
“That’s a person that died on a bike? Aw jeez,” CK says.
“I know. Must we all get bummed, every day, back and forth to work? It sometimes doesn’t work out,” Seinfeld says.
I could have been upset, but I felt proud: at the very least, Seinfeld knew what a ghost bike was.
On 19 April , hundreds of cyclists will lay flowers on New York’s newest ghost bikes. In the past decade, people have chained 148 of them to street signs and lampposts in New York City, and more than 800 ghost bikes have cropped up in cities worldwide.
It’s been a decade since I helped strip down, sandpaper and paint the first ghost bike in New York City. Then, I had no idea it was the start of a movement. If you asked me, I would have insisted that I would only ever make just one.
On 9 June 2005, a 28-year-old lawyer named Liz Padilla was killed on her bicycle in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Kevin Caplicki was riding his bike when he came upon her body.
Back then, Kevin and I made street art together in a small collective called Visual Resistance. This project, building a ghost bike, would be different.
We laid an old bicycle prostrate on a tarp. We donned our masks and shook loose the agitators in our cans of spray paint.
Here’s how you make a ghost bike: strip the cables off first. Remove every complex part; no derailleurs, brakes or reflectors. Sand down the rust, stickers and bits of city that cling to the frame. Then, lay a coat of primer and two coats of matte white spray paint. Meticulously whiten the spokes of each wheel.
I did not know the woman; not her favorite restaurant or whether she was bound for the laundromat or the library on the day a truck driver killed her. But in spray-painting those spokes, I mourned her sudden death. It was the first time I cried over a stranger, and being an atheist, it felt like an act of faith.
When we locked the bike to a street sign, the effect was immediate. People stopped to stare. The white bike popped against the colorful mess of the street. Suddenly, Padilla was neither stranger nor statistic, but a resident of the neighborhood.
Days later, on 22 June 2005, a truck driver killed 25-year-old Andrew Morgan as he biked down Houston Street in Manhattan. Again, we built a ghost bike.
Recently, I heard about a ghost bike in Hong Kong. When my parents retired to southern Florida, they called to say they spotted a ghost bike on the highway there. Ghost bikes have been installed in Quito, Cluj-Napoca, Lyon and more than 200 other cities worldwide.
Since Padilla’s death, New York has changed dramatically. The bike share program Citi Bike has hosted 16m rides. Activists have pushed the city to install over 400m of bicycle lanes. Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers ride a bike to work. Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Vision Zero initiative is in full-swing, and pedestrian deaths are at an all-time low.
But more cyclists were killed in 2014 than were killed in 2013; nearly the same number killed 10 years ago. Last week, in the backyard of the Greenpoint Reformed Church in Brooklyn, I helped strip and paint another 12 ghost bikes.
For every old bicycle I’ve covered in white paint, I’ve begged to never make another. There are days when this feels like the worst project in the world. Then, there are days when a mourning parent, child or partner says, “Thank you. This helped.”
There may never be a year of zero ghost bikes. But that’s not the point. The point is to be nothing like Seinfeld in his silly car, shirking reality. Ghost bikes do the hard work of looking tragedy in the eye and saying, “I’m so sorry".
http://www.themoscowtimes.com/article.php?id=518457 :cry:
http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/...d-elderly-cyclist-commits-suicide/518777.html :twisted:
A truck driver who hit and killed an elderly cyclist committed suicide Saturday, Russian media reported.
The driver, 42, killed himself three days after hitting 72-year-old Alexander Grechkin with his truck in the Tver region.
Grechkin, who was in the middle of a 7,000-kilometer bike ride across Russia to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, was killed immediately.
The driver told police that he had taken his eyes off the road and lost control over the truck while adjusting the radio, TverNews reported.
Three days later, he hanged himself in his truck. His body was found Sunday in a parking lot for trucks in Tver, government newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported.
A suicide note found on him asked that no one be blamed for his death. Regional investigators are looking for any evidence that he was driven to kill himself by a third party, Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported.
Following the accident last week, some commentators on social networks had alleged that the trucker had run down the pensioner deliberately.
He left behind a wife and twin children, Rossiiskaya Gazeta reported. :cry:
:roll: Like, is anyone going to book a vacation to Japan just to see a statue of Godzilla? :lol:
TOKYO –  Fire-breathing, building-stomping Godzilla was welcomed in part of Tokyo on Thursday as a sign of prosperity, not destruction.
Godzilla's head is unveiled as the irradiated monster is appointed special resident and tourism ambassador for Tokyo's Shinjuku ward during its awards ceremony in Tokyo Thursday, April 9, 2015. The giant Godzilla head towering 52-meters (171 feet) above ground level was unveiled Thursday at an office of Toho, the studio behind the 1954 original.
The irradiated monster was appointed special resident and tourism ambassador for Shinjuku ward, known for its down-home bars and noodle restaurants.
A Godzilla-size head towering 52 meters (171 feet) above ground level was unveiled at an office of Toho, the Japanese studio behind the 1954 original. Toho is shooting a comeback film this year after a decade-long hiatus.
Godzilla's standing as an icon has had its ups and downs, but its stature has been reinstated after the Hollywood "Godzilla," directed by Gareth Edwards, became a global hit last year.
Japan is hoping the biggest star in this nation's movie history will help lure tourists during a market-opening strategy launched by the prime minister.
At an awards ceremony next to the giant Godzilla head, an actor in a rubber suit waddled to Shinjuku Mayor Kenichi Yoshizumi. However, Toho executive Minami Ichikawa had to accept the residency certificate in Godzilla's place, since the suit's claws aren't designed to grab anything.
The longtime belief is that any place Godzilla destructs in the movies is sure to prosper in real life, Yoshizumi said.
"Godzilla is a character that is the pride of Japan," he said.
Hiroshi Ohnishi, chief executive of the Isetan-Mitsukoshi department store chain, who heads the area's tourism promotion, kept referring to Godzilla with the very polite honorific "sama" — used at the end of a name — underlining respect for the creature as a business-drawing landmark for the region.
The fire-breathing "gojira" — as it is pronounced in Japanese, combining "gorilla" and "kujira," or "whale" — was born a genetic aberration, caused by nuclear testing in the Pacific Ocean.
The reptilian mutation also symbolized a national trauma over the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.
The first "Godzilla," directed by Ishiro Honda, with both an unforgettable score and bestial screech, is revered as a classic.
But in 2004, Toho announced it had made its last "Godzilla," the 28th in the series.
Toho's reboot is set for release next year, ahead of Edwards' sequel for Legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers, planned for 2018.
Over the years, Godzilla has demolished Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge, the Parliament building and several castles in Japan, as well as Golden Gate Bridge and other chunks of San Francisco in the Hollywood version.
Shinjuku ward has not been spared, flattened in three Toho movies. If Godzilla chooses to return, it can now stomp on its own giant head. But Ichikawa told reporters where it will show up was still undecided.
http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/270790/nz-cyclist-was-hit-by-policeman :x
The driver of a neutral service car that crashed into the New Zealand cyclist Jesse Sergent at the Tour of Flanders earlier this week has been identified as a policeman.
Sergent, who was part of a seven-man breakaway, collided with a Shimano car as he turned a corner around the halfway mark of the race.
According to Ciclo21.com, the driver of the car was a police officer, who reportedly cannot remember anything about the incident or what caused him to try and pass the New Zealander in such a narrow place.
The Trek Factory Racing rider was left with a broken collarbone after he was hit by the car and sent crashing into the road.
Another New Zealander also had a heavy crash overnight in Belguim, with Shane Archbold amongst a big crash that decimated the field near the end.
Archbold and a team-mate were taken to hospital for checks.
http://www.signalscv.com/section/36/article/135551/ :x
Two men arrested last summer on suspicion of robbing people at gunpoint on Canyon Country bike paths have each entered pleas of no contest in exchange for prison terms, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office said Monday.
Raymond Gatica, 32, and Pedro Palacios, 19, were among seven people arrested last year shortly after the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station organized a special detectives squad in response to reports of bike path muggings.
Palacios appeared in San Fernando Superior Court last Thursday and pleaded no contest to a criminal charge of robbery and use of a firearm as part of a plea arrangement with prosecutors that he serve 12 years in state prison, D.A. spokesman Ricardo Santiago said Monday.
Palacios is scheduled to appear back in court May 21 for a restitution hearing, Santiago said.
Gatica also appeared in San Fernando Superior Court last week and pleaded no contest to a criminal charge of assault with a deadly weapon in exchange for three years in state prison, Santiago said. He was set for sentencing May 21.
A special task force was formed last May after local sheriff’s deputies received word of at least two gunpoint robberies on bike paths in Canyon Country.
Deputies assigned to the station’s Crime Prevention Unit teamed up with those assigned to the Career Offenders, Burglary, Robbery Apprehension Team in response to the robberies.
“The whole gang was trying to make a name for themselves,” Detective Mark Barretto said last May, “and it was headed by a couple of adults.”
By the end of June, seven people, including five juveniles, had been arrested in connection with the bike path robberies.
By the end of October, three of five juveniles arrested had been placed in juvenile camps.
Criminal cases against the remaining two juveniles also arrested in the case were thrown out by prosecutors who cited lack of evidence against them, District Attorney spokesman Greg Risling said in October.
http://www.pleasantonweekly.com/news/2015/04/14/services-saturday-for-george-farrell-54 :cry: Just about to retire. :(
Pleasanton engineering department veteran suffers fatal heart attack one month short of retirement
by Jeb Bing / Pleasanton Weekly
Services will be held at noon Saturday at the Pleasanton Senior Center for George Farrell, a 25-year employee in the city of Pleasanton engineering department, who suffered a fatal heart attack March 24 while riding his bike in Del Valle Park in Livermore.
Mr. Farrell, who would have turned 55 April 9, was preparing to compete in a bicycle race on May 2, one day after he planned to retire. His fellow workers, who had scheduled a retirement party, will now be offering their memories at Saturday's celebration of life service.
Mr. Farrell was well known in local engineering circles and had handled numerous city projects, including designing and overseeing the installation of underground utility cables for downtown streets, including Main, Division and First streets.
"He always had a great smile, a can-do attitude and never let difficulties get in the way of successfully completing projects he handled," said City Manager Nelson Fialho.
He is survived by his wife Donna and a daughter Elizabeth of San Francisco.
ALHAMBRA, Calif. (KABC) --
A man who attempted to steal an Alhambra police officer's bicycle was stopped after bystanders flagged down the officers.
The officers were conducting a business check on First and Main streets at about 7:30 a.m. Sunday. Police said a man ditched his own bike and started walking away with one of the officer's unattended bicycles.
Witnesses then flagged down the officers, who stopped the thief before he could escape. He was taken into custody, where he wrote the apology letter.
"The suspect was so remorseful; he wrote an apology letter to the bike officers. Apology accepted," the police department posted on its Facebook page.
Police were unable to release the apology as it was considered evidence in an active criminal investigation.
http://www.bicycleretailer.com/new-...fers-matching-dog-collars-and-cycling-jerseys 8)
PORTLAND, Ore. (BRAIN) — Cycle Dog is offering a new collection of Diagonals dog collars with matching bike jerseys. The collars are backed with recycled inner tube rubber and include a Pup Top bottle opener and airline-style buckle. The collars are hand sewn in Portland. The company said the rubber backing on the dog collars resists bacteria and drys quickly, reducing potential dog stink. The ¾ sleeve bike jerseys retail for $40. Collars start at $25. The company sells through specialty pet and bike stores and via its website. More information at www.cycledog.com.
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/tr...es-after-rider-paralyzed/ar-AAbvbk0?ocid=iehp :x
Trek Bicycle has recalled nearly 1 million bikes in the United States and Canada after a rider was paralyzed and two others were injured.
The recall, issued Tuesday, affects 900,000 bicycles in the U.S. and 98,000 in Canada from model years 2000 through 2015.
The bikes' front wheels can "come to a sudden stop" or separate from the bicycle if the open quick release lever on the front wheel hub comes into contact with the front disc brake assembly, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said.
One person was left quadriplegic from the defect, the commission said. Another rider sustained injuries to the face, and another incident resulted in a fractured wrist.
Trek is offering free replacement quick-releases and a $20 coupon for cyclists who bring their bikes in for inspection and tune-ups.
The process takes less than five minutes, the Wisconsin-based company said."We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you,"
Trek said in its recall notice. "We value you as a customer and want you to safely enjoy cycling on your Trek bicycle."
The fingers said:
What to get if your motor is too quiet, akin to those deer whistles used on car bumpers. :|
Too bad it's illegal in a number of places (like Arizona). (well, you can have it on the bike but then you can't ride it (operate it).

28-817. Bicycle equipment

A. A bicycle that is used at nighttime shall have a lamp on the front that emits a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to the front and a red reflector on the rear of a type that is approved by the department and that is visible from all distances from fifty feet to three hundred feet to the rear when the reflector is directly in front of lawful upper beams of head lamps on a motor vehicle. A bicycle may have a lamp that emits a red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear in addition to the red reflector.

B. A person shall not operate a bicycle that is equipped with a siren or whistle.

C. A bicycle shall be equipped with a brake that enables the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement.