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When Trump Loses - Then What?


10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
When Trump Loses

Everyone knows that Donald J Trump hates to lose. Many people say they hate to lose, but Trump is obsessed by the thought. So everyone had better start casting their thoughts about what it will be like right after the election. Trump will have lost by the largest margin in political history, both in the popular vote and the electoral college.

Already there is talk among prominent politicians about what will be done, when for the first time in our democratic history that a defeated president refuses to leave the Oval Office.

Will the security team responsible for protecting the 'president' only moments before, now have to bodily pick up the now 'ex-president' and show him the front door?

Boy! do I want to watch the news video of that happening. I want to hear him yelling 'IT'S A HOAX' , You know what I mean right?

This is one scenario that is well worth keeping an eye on. It also provides more fodder for 'you know who'. :lol: :lol:
If trump looses we are screwed! Joe is the stupidest candidate in the whole Western Hemisphere!

litespeed said:
If trump looses we are screwed! Joe is the stupidest candidate in the whole Western Hemisphere!


Better bend over :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just wondering how you arrived at your evaluation of Joe Biden's intelligence level, vs that of Donald Trump?

There is a saying. Intelligence is of little use...if you are not intelligent enough to know how to use it. Which sums up Donald Trump's time in office.

But you should not worry, as Putin has Trump's back, so you being a staunch Trump supporter, thus an 'authoritarianism' supporter will be just fine.

And it's 'loses' not 'looses'...but then again, I guess there's one bulb in the box that isn't very bright. No insult to 'your' intelligence...just saying... :)
Whether he wins or loses, my wish is for the Senate to change hands so the bastard can be impeached, removed, prosecuted, and thrown into prison where he dies. ADX Florence would be about right for him. Minimal visitation, no direct access to media.

Pence can go to Guantanamo, since he’s Christhole Taliban.

It’s a simple wish.
Balmorhea said:
for the Senate to change hands
It’s a simple wish.

Absolutely. Even if Biden wins, there has to be a drastic change in congress or the fight will continue and the American people will continue to be the 'losers'.
All the Democratic party's most serious talk is about when Biden loses and telling him 'Don't concede, no matter what, don't ever concede." Well, he'll probably have forgotten he was running by then, but they're planning some long, drawn out, 'We're gonna win this election any day now, just you watch' as they wait for yet another mail truck. . . .

Oh, don't forget all the rioting by people who didn't care enough DURING the election to actually vote.

Yep, the senate changing hands might be more important than who ends up being president.

No matter what happens, I don't think trump can keep his tax returns from going public or stop his numerous fraud investigations from going forward.

Once he is out of office can you imagine all the lawsuits he is going to face? There will go what little real money he has and he will also be lucky to stay out of jail. No wonder he is trying so hard and willing to do ANYTHING to get re-elected. I am starting to feel sorry for the loser but not as sorry as I am for the rest of us.
Even if the Senate flips, they won't impeach Trump. The Democrats as a group aren't quite as vindictive and bloodthirsty as the Republicans. They are also more, ah, risk-averse. ;)

Here is the worrisome scenario: Trump loses, but only on the basis of a small handful of states with mail-in voting. The Trump administration declares "fraud" and launches investigations of the vote in those states, freezing the results from those states. If there are no complete election results by a certain date (which escapes me at the moment) then the election is decided in the House of Representatives. No problem, right? PROBLEM. The vote in the House is not by member, like all other votes. It is by state delegation, with one vote per delegation. The Republicans have far fewer representatives in the House, but they actually have more delegations. Thus the election will go to Trump, unless a substantial number of Republican delegations vote for Biden.
LeftieBiker said:
Even if the Senate flips, they won't impeach Trump. The Democrats as a group aren't quite as vindictive and bloodthirsty as the Republicans. They are also more, ah, risk-averse. ;)

Here is the worrisome scenario: Trump loses, but only on the basis of a small handful of states with mail-in voting. The Trump administration declares "fraud" and launches investigations of the vote in those states, freezing the results from those states. If there are no complete election results by a certain date (which escapes me at the moment) then the election is decided in the House of Representatives. No problem, right? PROBLEM. The vote in the House is not by member, like all other votes. It is by state delegation, with one vote per delegation. The Republicans have far fewer representatives in the House, but they actually have more delegations. Thus the election will go to Trump, unless a substantial number of Republican delegations vote for Biden.

Very interesting. Do you have a source reference we can go to to learn more?
Or is this just an assumption? Not being an ass here. I really would like to see that procedure in writing, just to educate myself.
Just_Ed said:
LeftieBiker said:
Here is the worrisome scenario: Trump loses, but only on the basis of a small handful of states with mail-in voting. The Trump administration declares "fraud" and launches investigations of the vote in those states, freezing the results from those states. If there are no complete election results by a certain date (which escapes me at the moment) then the election is decided in the House of Representatives. No problem, right? PROBLEM. The vote in the House is not by member, like all other votes. It is by state delegation, with one vote per delegation. The Republicans have far fewer representatives in the House, but they actually have more delegations. Thus the election will go to Trump, unless a substantial number of Republican delegations vote for Biden.

Very interesting. Do you have a source reference we can go to to learn more?
Or is this just an assumption? Not being an ass here. I really would like to see that procedure in writing, just to educate myself.

Here is the article that raised that issue:

Thanks Balmorhea

The scenario is worrisome, even if it is fiction. Yet Trump deals in fiction (lies) so I hope those in places of power (the good guy's) are working overtime, to ensure that when Trump turns the 'rigged election' card, (and he will) there will be a 'trump' card that will block his every move to steal the election.

I still have a really hard time wrapping my head around what this man has over all his supporters and what it is doing to our society. And even harder, understanding why there are so many that want this authoritarian to remain in office, and his continued systematical dismantling our democracy.

All I can reason is that those that want this man to stay president is so they can live their own authoritarian desires, vicariously through Donald Trump.

I'm not ashamed of being an American, but I'm ashamed what being American is starting to look like. All because of one disgusting, evil, despicable, degenerate of a human being along with his henchmen.

I am a retired military that has been to those sacred cemeteries in France. I was stationed in France for a couple of years. I saw with my own eyes the thousands of bones piled high in the Ossuary at Fort Douaumont, near Verdun. I've walked those corridors, looking at the thousands of names etched into stone.

I spent 20 years sacrificing for duty and country. I believe in a heart beat that Trump made those vile disparaging remarks about those that gave their lives. It angers me beyond belief...in case you can't tell. Much more than the cowardly effort Trump pulled to keep from serving his country. (not his country-he isn't worthy of this country)
You can't say any one thing about ALL of a despot's supporters, but a common characteristic among Trump supporters is that they are selfish - VERY selfish. Only they and their immediate families (if that) count to them. They take badly any slight against them or tax imposed on them, while thinking that people who aren't as well off as they are are lazy, stupid, defective. So what about the poor Trump supporters? Sometimes you worship a leader not because you think he is helping you (although most of them think just that, with little basis other than Trump saying so regularly) but because you want to be like him. To them Trump is a Celebrity, a success, and a role model. He gives them hope and tells them (in public, anyway) that they are Great.
If Biden wins, I think he'll last two years, and after the mid-term congressional elections, he will retire with "health issues" and Harris will be president for the final two years.

I think it will be close, I'm not so sure about both sides recently claiming it will be a landslide for their team.
spinningmagnets said:
If Biden wins, I think he'll last two years, and after the mid-term congressional elections, he will retire with "health issues" and Harris will be president for the final two years.

I think it will be close, I'm not so sure about both sides recently claiming it will be a landslide for their team.

I believe you may be right. Harris may well be a President in training. I admire her spunk, and it will serve her well. How well of a president she will be, only time will tell.

LeftieBiker said:
You can't say any one thing about ALL of a despot's supporters, but a common characteristic among Trump supporters is that they are selfish - VERY selfish. Only they and their immediate families (if that) count to them. They take badly any slight against them or tax imposed on them, while thinking that people who aren't as well off as they are are lazy, stupid, defective. So what about the poor Trump supporters? Sometimes you worship a leader not because you think he is helping you (although most of them think just that, with little basis other than Trump saying so regularly) but because you want to be like him. To them Trump is a Celebrity, a success, and a role model. He gives them hope and tells them (in public, anyway) that they are Great.

Well said LeftieBiker, well said.

He gives them hope and tells them (in public, anyway) that they are Great.

It hasn't got personal yet. When it does, they will wish they had comprehended more about what Trump is truly about. Himself and power. He has already proven he will kick anyone, that crosses him (loyal or not) to the dirt. The nearly 500 firings/forced retirements since he took office clearly proves that he has no qualms about firing friends, or loyalists. (though he demands it)
Loyalty is not demanded it's earned. Unless you are a dictator, then the only way to get respect and loyalty is to demand it, with dire consequences if not given.

When his supporters are no longer an advantage for him, they too will be shown the door.
LeftieBiker said:
Sometimes you worship a leader not because you think he is helping you (although most of them think just that, with little basis other than Trump saying so regularly) but because you want to be like him.

And they want to be like Biden because he forgets everything and laughs and goes back to sleep in the interview. NOBODY could possibly want to be like Harris.

Ah well, let's just keep the fear mongering going until the election. Except the fear mongering about Harris becoming president, too creepy. You caught where Biden's polls dropped when he named her running mate, right?
nicobie said:
I'm a bit more basic thinking when it comes to human motivation.

People are stuborn and don't like to be proven wrong and are willing to cut off their nose in order to spite their face.

Dumb as hell and not a good survival trait either.

True enough nicobie. It takes real character and courage to standup and admit to the world..."I was wrong", when the world already knows you were wrong. Especially in the face of overwhelming, undeniable evidence. But like any addiction, the addicted must get past the "denial' stage.

But there is also a need to admit that there are those that are not addicted. They are in fact made from the same inherent traits as Trump, thus will not be cured. "Loyalty above country" is their mantra. You know, the same loyalty as was given to Hitler, and look where he took Germany. Or even the demanded, fearful loyalty to Kim Jong-Un. He had his own relatives murdered for being disloyal (in his mind). Or the loyalty that's being 'demanded' in Belarus today. To even be thinking of making these type comparisons, to these authoritarians just shows how far the values of this country have degenerated.

These are the people, led by Trump, I fear will put this country into another revolution. Trump will have no qualms about using the military against the citizens, just as Putin, Xi, and Un. would do.

And in less than 60 days our country could look like Belarus.
And we have a president that is hell bent to bring down this country any way he can, legal or not, just to satisfy his insatiable desire for power. Emulating those authoritarian leaders he idolizes.


Maybe we all should step back and refresh the memory of unrest in our country. Maybe we should think what this election will mean for the future of our democracy.

Is loyalty 'to a man' worth the disloyalty to a 244 year old democracy?


I'm reading and hearing all this from people who are supporting not just the candidate but his whole 'Side' who are saying THEY are not going to accept losing, publicly talking about what they're going to do to pretend they didn't lose, who rioted when they lost last time, who have rioters out there all ready that are PUBLICLY financially supported by Democratic candidates and supporters.

So in Germany in the 1930's, the NAZI's started a movement to suppress followers of the Italian political party that had taken power there and the movement had spread across Europe. The NAZI's intended this to expend beyond their own party. They called it Antifacism, or 'Antifa' for short. While not all these kids were engaging in this behavior, the number one purveyor of Antifa action was the Hitler Youth. We now have kids keeping the Hitler Youth movement alive in America, using their methods to support the Democratic party. You must be so proud.

This is not about left and right!

Trump voted left before he ran for Dictator of the USA. Biden is a moderate he is not left or progressive no mater how much brain washing everyone does. I blame Biden and the democrat party for Trump being in there. I don't expect much out of Biden, he will be for the country, not a Dictator. Trumps people can not see the big picture. If we go to war will any country stand with Trump? Biden just needs to have people around him to run the USA. Hearing trumps thoughts on the military is wild, if you serve your country, your a sucker and if you Die! for your country you just a loser. Anyone who agrees with that should not be in this country. I did not serve, my father was in the Navy, brother a Marine and Uncle was in the Airforce.