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10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
I warned you this was coming and now you have it from his own mouth.
And you are worried about 'socialism' more than a dictatorship.
The continued systematic dismantling of our government agencies, staff, and democratic society.

At 2:55 into Trump's speech in Henderson Nev. Sunday 9/13/2020 Trump declares :
“After we win four more years, we'll ask for another four or so.”
I did warn he was going to try to extend his term limit and now it is not just hyperbole, it's fact.

In case you didn't understand what he said..."or so'...means going for a 'for life' term.
Exactly how the dictators start their reign as supreme leaders.
Thus suppressing your rights little by little until there is nothing left.

Actually I thought he would wait until after he had won the election to announce his intent to extend his term past 8 years.
I predict here and now, if he wins another term he will not only seek a third term, he will start negotiating to make his term ' for life'. Just like all the rest of the authoritarians have, when given the chance. As I predicted before, he will do it step by step so not to alarm the public. Once he talks the public into 'for life' presidential term, it's the end of democracy in America.

I implore everyone to learn about pathocracy and authoritarianism. A form of government in which individuals with personality disorders occupy positions of power and influence. Resulting in a totalitarian system. It's happening as we speak, right before your eyes and ears. Trump continues to systematically dismantle our government agencies, and replacing their leaders with 'yes men', thus replacing the democratic process to totalitarianism.

Trump is a dangerous president. However, the greater danger lies with the people that believe this authoritarian is their savior and continue to enable him further. These people will bring down and destroy 244 years of democracy. Under Trump, this country is rapidly regressing to the 1960s. All that's been achieved, over the last 60 years, 'though not perfect', is being destroyed. Will you re-elect Donald J Trump to be … America's first dictator ?


Say it don't spray it.

So, little boy, once again you have cried "Wolf, wolf." Once again we find none.If you continue this, someday there might actually BE a wolf, but by then there'll be no point listening to you. In fact, there's already no point in taking you seriously. We can only hope that if a wolf DOES show up here, it might prefer the taste of useless little boy over valuable sheep.
Dauntless said:
Say it don't spray it.

So, little boy, once again you have cried "Wolf, wolf." Once again we find none.If you continue this, someday there might actually BE a wolf, but by then there'll be no point listening to you. In fact, there's already no point in taking you seriously. We can only hope that if a wolf DOES show up here, it might prefer the taste of useless little boy over valuable sheep.

You are faced with the indisputable, unadulterated, truth, and you have no other defense, then to close your eyes and start swinging blindly.

No wonder fechter wants to lock this thread. I'm backing him 100%. This thread has gone on waaaay past it's usefulness.
There is absolutely no use for your continuous degrading comments to virtually anyone that dares post on ES.
No matter what the subject is.
You just can't be an adult and discuss people's posts without insults.

What are you even saying Dauntless. Your post is nothing but mishmash of incoherent jibberish.
What do wolfs have to do with the post?
Please, don't take me seriously, then maybe you will stop posting defamatory replies to everyone's input

OK, time for you to go back into the ...'ignore' box.
ZeroEm said:
Last month at a rally the told the crowd to chant 12 more years but they ignored him.

Wait until he tries to pass the office to his son, prince trump.

Not Jr. He has already spoken publically that the presidency should go to his daughter.
Just_Ed need to be like that Marine or was he Navy in a peaceful protest and trumps people starting clubbing his arms and legs trying to make him go down or react and he just stood there looking at them.

Speak your mind and don't let the attacks break you.
ZeroEm said:
Just_Ed need to be like that Marine or was he Navy in a peaceful protest and trumps people starting clubbing his arms and legs trying to make him go down or react and he just stood there looking at them.

Speak your mind and don't let the attacks break you.

True enough. I'm starting to thicken, but my main concern is not so much about my thin skin as the message being lost.
Which I know is a strategy of Trump and his enablers. I just hope the fence sitters are hearing the message and will take it to heart.

JackFlorey said:
Just_Ed said:
What are you even saying Dauntless. Your post is nothing but mishmash of incoherent jibberish.
I think you hit the nail on the head there.

Ditto! But can't knock any sense in a nail head. :lol: :lol: :lol:
ZeroEm said:
My mother and her friends get wary of it all and I remind them to vote. They want to grind you down to a nub and want to you to give up, don't.

So does my wife. But she understands this is super important and does not complain.
So giving up or giving in, is not in the cards.
I've been anti-Trump since the 2015 debates. I really wanted to vote for the guy.
But after watching his true character emerge, during those debates, I quickly changed my mind.
And his authoritarian job performance the last four years has only helped to justify my decision.
I recognized his authoritarian tendency while he was stalking Hillary Clinton on the debate stage.
I have no respect for Trump as a man, much less as the president.
I have absolutely no regrets or guilt about how I voted.

I write for an opinion page in our local paper as well.
I get published usually once a week, so the editor must think my submissions are worthy of the public reading them.

So for me, it is another stress relieving outlet.
I'm 60 now and have noticed Trump in the news and showing up in movies or shows so I had a feel for him when he ran. I used to want a business man in the office to see how he would do. But would have picked one with a better track record of success. I voted republican until Newt Gingrich the 94 Gingrich Revolution. That ended my involvement until Bush was appointed to the Office of the President by a Judge. Have voted as much as possible. At the moment i'm being blocked in Texas because I moved. Today sent of my voter registration by priority mail over $7. Have a paper Driver licence at the moment but required to carry my Driver licence with the bad address also. They wanted more money to up grade my licence to a, now they call it this "A real ID" . Because Texas ID and DL is not valid to travel abroad. I have a Pass Port but Texas has never wanted to accept that, maybe because it's a real ID.

I will not let them frustrate me, I will grind away.

You may not know this, Texas Governor is a Trump mini me.
Just_Ed said:
You are faced with the indisputable, unadulterated, truth, and you have no other defense, then to close your eyes and start swinging blindly.

I did it this perfectly with my eyes closed? No wonder you're so jealous.

Just_Ed said:
No wonder flechter wants to lock this thread. . . . This thread has gone on waaaay past it's usefulness.

It's usefulness ended when you hit the post button. He wants to block it just after you post it? Because you're name is on it. Which means the post is based on insanity. Oh, how dare I point out the truth about your behavior.

You know, I really get the feeling you regard yourself as some major force in the Democratic Party disinformation game. As though your silly prattle truly affects the outcome of the election. I can't help but wonder if even the heaviest drinker of the Kool-aid can't help but be discouraged that YOU are the best they can do.

JackFlorey said:
I think you hit the nail on the head there.

You're making that up, as always.
nicobie said:
Dauntless, you need to quit insulting members.

A person who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw rocks.

Awww, flying monkey sad. A troll that lives under a bridge shouldn't burn them.

That's not a window you're looking out, it's a mirror. I can't claim your expertise at insulting people, I don't do it. I'm not a moth to the flame when the trolling is so intense you taste sweet honey in your mouth in the middle of it. As you are.

Oh, did I tell the truth again? Yeah, you so excitedly flinging insults everywhere with your contention it's okay for you to do it, but when I tell the truth you self righteously scream "Flying monkeys, ATTACK!" I can draw a roadmap of your behavior, connect dots to you swooping in to hatehatehate. You can only throw out your cookie cutter response about how I am somehow insulting people by describing their behavior. Which you seem to say is supposed to be the unspoken high holy secrets as you, and they, engage in it publicly.

And I do such a good job of fending you off and you whine that you feel cheated of your good feelings at your monkey attacks.
I'm only recently active but I stumbled in here a few days ago. The o.p. has numerous threads in this vein. I was impressed. Can't argue with any of his talking points. Yesterday in one of his posts I learned a truth. Just Ed is more fairly characterized a "never Trumper" than a card carrying Liberal. This is why Trump got in, and why he will get in again. He won't get in a third time only because he will be too old. If he had started his political career at 59, instead of 79, I wouldn't rule out that third (more?) term.

Conservative ideals are very comforting to those who have much or at least have grown up middle class. Or in the majority demographic. I have friends in the majority demographic that, as young people, were about as flagrantly criminal and lawless as only young and dumb people can be. Right under the noses of law enforcement and NEVER a wry word. Never a blemish on their records to inhibit employment prospects.

You don't like Trump, but y'all's admire him. Think that if he would just stop tweeting ... ...
You can't have it both ways. What you see is what you get. This is as good as it gets. Those lower court judges, those Supreme Court judges. The repealed regulations. The decoupling from China. The price of these things is a shunned and reviled United States, and many are fine with that.
Being a never Trumper is more about the joy of it than anything. It's a S&M thing, it's not enough to hurt themselves, they want to hurt everyone. That's why it's always important to sing 'Don't worry----Be happy' as they carry on.

It amazes me that the Democrats have nominated the single most notorious liar in American politics for the past half decade, then the never Trumper grouses of TRUMP being a liar. If you ever read the novel 'Forrest Gump' you realize it's basically Biden being parodized, all the tall tales he's telling of going to Vietnam and winning the Medal of Honor then throwing it away at a protest, but when he assaulted the cop he didn't really go to prison, they offered him the chance to be an astronaut instead. Damn, pure Biden.

Ah well, the important thing is to give the trolls things to hate here, so they keep it off the rest of the board. That should keep those two busy. . . .