Trump's Goal - Supreme Leader


10 kW
Jan 16, 2020
Apple Valley, California
Trump's Goal of becoming
Supreme Leader

It's well known that Trump idolizes Putin, Xi, and Un. Trump aspires to their level of power. Regardless of his competency, he wants recognition by the world as an authoritarian leader. His idol, Vladimir Putin has used loopholes in the Russian Constitution to remain in power since 2000. If Trump is re-elected he'll pursue similar “loopholes” or try for a Constitutional change. He has already 'joked' about extending the term limit from 8 years to 12. "Donald Trump does not joke".

Extending the term limit may not seem like a big deal. But once that first change is in place, Trump's obvious next step will be to eliminate term limits entirely, thus allowing “for life” in office, with no voting him, or his successors out of office.

And the people of this country will have voted for the biggest mistake of their 244-year democracy. A democracy that will have become an “Autocracy” virtually overnight. Thinking for a microsecond that such a scenario can't or won't happen in our country is naive, uneducated, and dangerous. Trump has been systematically laying the ground work for the last four years. Trump the man, the “Authoritarian” scares me, right down to the pit of my gut. And to think of how close I came to voting for this man.

Those that support Trump, are using a decades-old style of campaign rhetoric, tactics, and thought processes, therefore losing current perspective and reality when viewing Trump. If people would just get past party loyalty long enough to learn about narcissism and pathocratic leaders.

Start here to learn how Donald Trump fits into this scenario.

"The danger of democracy transitioning into pathocracy is always real. It is always closer to us than we think, and once it has a foothold, will crush every obstacle in its way."

The Republican party or even the Democratic party may not be everyone's 'cuppa tea', but it's not the party as much as, it's the man that is the immediate danger. Cut the head off a snake, the snake will die. There's a fervor among Trump supporters that has little to do with Trump the man, or 'his' goal of authoritarianism. His mantra? ...Give them candy, and they will follow you no matter what.
The fingers said:
Poppycock. :roll:

And therein lies the problem. :|
"Thinking for a microsecond that such a scenario can't or won't happen in our country is naive, uneducated, and dangerous."

Did you even read the link?

As I stated in my post "There's a fervor among Trump supporters that has little to do with Trump the man, or 'his' goal of authoritarianism." His mantra? ...Give them candy, and they will follow you no matter what.
The fingers said:
You should move to China if you don’t like this country. :lol:

I don't want to take away your ticket :lol: :lol: :lol:

What you don't understand is that I write what I feel. What I understand from viewing and reading relative information about the subject matter.

In no way am I trying (as some on here) to convince hard liners that they are wrong or my way or the highway. They have their opinions and they are welcomed to them. But there are those watching but not commenting that are not so rigid, and may welcome an honest open perspective about the current issues.

I have only two objectives. One is to use this forum as an outlet, for my pent up frustration with the events of our time. The other objective is to provide perspective and information that I feel is relevant and honest, to those that have open minds and are mentally willing to learn about the points of both sides of an issue. And then they will make up their own minds how they wish to proceed in life.

In China I wouldn't be allowed to do that.
The fingers said:
You should move to China if you don’t like this country. :lol:

I spent 20 years stationed in countries like China and IRAN and was told not to stand in the doorway, with a beer in my hand because the authoritarian police will come and arrest me.

Unless you've been there done that you, are talking out of your ... assumptions.
Just_Ed said:
And the people of this country will have voted for the biggest mistake of their 244-year democracy. A democracy that will have become an “Autocracy” virtually overnight. Thinking for a microsecond that such a scenario can't or won't happen in our country is naive, uneducated, and dangerous. Trump has been systematically laying the ground work for the last four years. Trump the man, the “Authoritarian” scares me, right down to the pit of my gut. And to think of how close I came to voting for this man.

This country is a federal republic, not a democracy.. and the populace chose Hillary Clinton as president, however their votes do not determine who becomes president. The electoral college does.

You should really educate yourself on what the country you live in is, and how it works.
neptronix said:
This country is a federal republic, not a democracy.

Really? "You like potayto, I like potahto; you like tomayto, I like tomahto; potayto, potahto, tomayto, tomahto,"

This is exactly what I find wrong with trying to establish a point about a subject. Just like Trump. where there is no defensive against the message, attack the messenger.

Did I personally attack anyone on this forum in my original!
The post is an 'opinion' therefore not held to having precise facts. It's one mans interpretation of the events, to form an opinion. Nothing more nothing less.

Furthermore you have chosen I believe to circumvent the whole point of the post. Whether you want to call our country a "Republic" or a "Democracy" means diddly squat to the purpose of the post. Namely the systematic attempt by Trump to turn this country into an authoritarian ruled society. When that happens will you be as quick to defend his totalitarian rule as I say...not as I do. If so, what label will you put on it then?

In the US, the notion that a republic was a form of democracy was common from the time of its founding, and the concepts associated with representative democracy (and hence with a democratic republic) are suggested by John Adams (writing in 1784):

Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."
Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."
Just_Ed said:
neptronix said:
This country is a federal republic, not a democracy.

Really? "You like potayto, I like potahto; you like tomayto, I like tomahto; potayto, potahto, tomayto, tomahto,"

No, it's not like that. Our government literally calls itself a federal republic, that choses it's president through an electoral college.

My response had absolutely nothing to do with how good/bad a president Trump is. It had to do with the fact that you blamed an entire populace for a situation they have no control over.

Last time you brought this up, i provided a link to a page on a federal government website designed for children that explains our form of government, and the electoral process we've had since the beginning of this government. This link demonstrates that 99.9999% of the citizens of the United States have absolutely no means to chose their president.

Did you not read it? Do you not understand what i am saying?
My response had absolutely nothing to do with how good/bad a president Trump is.

You are absolutely right, your reply didn't have anything to do with how good/bad a president Trump is. That sir was in fact the point of my post. Not how our government functions.

Neptronix, I'm sure you mean well and I appreciate you're wanting to teach me all you know about how our government was formed and functions.

But could we please put this subject to rest and get back to the intent of my original post. That being Trumps attempt to change our government into an authoritarian controlled entity.

I'm not going to keep discussing whether this country is called a Republic or a Democracy. Or whether the president is elected or not based on the number of popular votes or by an electoral college. It is totally irrelevant to my intended subject.

Thank you for respecting my desire to stay on point and not wanting to pursue additional lessons in how our government works, as it relates to this thread.
Okay, but knowing that you have no choice to alter the course of what you think Trump is doing, or whether he will remain president or not, what is your solution to this supposed dictatorship you are concerned about?

IE what is the purpose for sharing your message to this forum?

ps - why did you blame the american public for putting Trump in power and mischaracterize our form of government if it's not a relevant detail to your post?
Ed, All the Leftist/Progressive so called News outlets in the Country have been criticizing President Trump for his amount of ...deregulation , A person who deregulates is , NOT , an Authoritarian .
President Trump doing the amount of Deregulation that he has been doing means he is , NOT , trying to change our large Government into what you say .

President Trump's amount of Deregulation means he is giving more power back to the People . We the People .

Just_Ed said:
But could we please put this subject to rest and get back to the intent of my original post. That being Trumps attempt to change our government into an authoritarian controlled entity.
Ed, your ignorance really surprises me ,

First President Trump does not idolize any of those people , he has to negotiate with each of those temporary leaders of those Countries since he is the Leader / Commander in Chief or our Country . He has to at least try to make an attempt
to be nice to them. We all know he thinks much better of himself than those three you listed .


He has no desire to stay in the White House , as Commander in Chief for as long as you say. He had a very comfortable life before becoming President , and will want to get back to a normal life sooner than you think .


We all know that 4 years is too short of a time, Both Parties have been saying and agreeing on this for Decades now .
6 years for any President better .

Just_Ed said:
Trump's Goal of becoming
Supreme Leader

It's well known that Trump idolizes Putin, Xi, and Un. Trump aspires to their level of power. Regardless of his competency, he wants recognition by the world as an authoritarian leader. His idol, Vladimir Putin has used loopholes in the Russian Constitution to remain in power since 2000. If Trump is re-elected he'll pursue similar “loopholes” or try for a Constitutional change. He has already 'joked' about extending the term limit from 8 years to 12. "Donald Trump does not joke".

Extending the term limit may not seem like a big deal. But once that first change is in place, Trump's obvious next step will be to eliminate term limits entirely, thus allowing “for life” in office, with no voting him, or his successors out of office.
The fingers said:
Poppycock. :roll:

You would seem to be the only poster in a position to comment on the length of others' posts. So many, so long, so lacking in the quality of ours.

neptronix said:
what is your solution to this supposed dictatorship you are concerned about?

IE what is the purpose for sharing your message to this forum?

He has no solution, only complaint. The basic message of the deconstructionist is 'Destroy NOW.' as the scorpion on the back of the frog, he has not a care for consequences, he's merely pleasured at the thought of seeing his enemies driven before him and hearing the laments of their women.

neptronix said:
why did you blame the american public for putting Trump in power and mischaracterize our form of government if it's not a relevant detail to your post?

Just_Ed said:
(Ah, the sound of crickets.)

Blaming and mischaracterizing is the ONLY relevant details of his posts beyond the hating.

ScooterMan101 said:
Ed, your ignorance really surprises me ,

You must not have read many of his posts.

Oh, another current leftist definition is that 'Authoritarian' is someone HE can't push around.
ScooterMan101 said:
Ed, your ignorance really surprises me ,

First President Trump does not idolize any of those people , he has to negotiate with each of those temporary leaders of those Countries since he is the Leader / Commander in Chief or our Country . He has to at least try to make an attempt
to be nice to them. We all know he thinks much better of himself than those three you listed . I wished I could believe that


He has no desire to stay in the White House , as Commander in Chief for as long as you say. He had a very comfortable life before becoming President , and will want to get back to a normal life sooner than you think . He has already talked about staying up to 12 years.


We all know that 4 years is too short of a time, Both Parties have been saying and agreeing on this for Decades now . 6 years for any President better .

I'm not talking about the years in each term. You may be very correct in saying 6 years might be better. My fear is his push to extend the number of terms, from just to three, then four, and eventually he has changed our president's term into a '"for life' term. That goatman is the prelude to authoritarianism.

I want to say a lot here, but I won't call you ignorant or any other insult for expressing what is nothing more than your 'opinion'. I can tell by your responses you either didn't read my thread entirely or didn't comprehend the point or details I was expressing.

My 'opinion' is each one of your statements is not reliable. Your are speaking for the President of the United States. And unless you are a mind reader, or he has given you an affidavit authorizing you to make those claims, I have no choice but to 'ignorance' them :lol:
First President Trump does not idolize any of those people , he has to negotiate with each of those temporary leaders of those Countries since he is the Leader / Commander in Chief or our Country . He has to at least try to make an attempt to be nice to them. We all know he thinks much better of himself than those three you listed .

From "Rage":

Mr. Trump provided Mr. Woodward with the details of letters between himself and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, in which the two men fawn over each other. Mr. Kim wrote in one letter that their relationship was like a “fantasy film.”

In describing his chemistry with Mr. Kim, Mr. Trump said: “You meet a woman. In one second, you know whether or not it’s going to happen.”
It is rare that I call someone ignorant , when I do , and in your case here, it is because I am very much discouraged on how brainwashed you are by the Left . I do understand you are that way , since I watch the same Brainwashing programing by them, the difference between you and Me is that I learned long ago how to see through the Lies from the Left .

So do know , do understand what I am writing here with this post ... that I am more concerned about you than I am just writing you off .
Your life will be Negatively Impacted with the very slim chance of a Biden ( really a Harris ) win in November .

I can understand you being so brainwashed since independent studies have shown that President Trump gets 92% to 95 % Negative press coverage by nearly 98 % of so called news media .

And lately another study found that for just 1 negative write up on Biden, there are now 150 Negative write ups on Trump , the Left is really on a Blitz of Negativity right now and until the first week of November .

Just_Ed said:
I want to say a lot here, but I won't call you ignorant or any other insult for expressing what is nothing more than your 'opinion'. I can tell by your responses you either didn't read my thread entirely or didn't comprehend the point or details I was expressing.

My 'opinion' is each one of your statements is not reliable. Your are speaking for the President of the United States. And unless you are a mind reader, or he has given you an affidavit authorizing you to make those claims, I have no choice but to 'ignorance' them :lol:

On that last line you, or Rage wrote , we all have been wrong on people we do not see much and have only met a couple of times . just look at how so many people were fooled by Jeffrey Epstein , many who only met him once or twice thought he was a great guy .
so yea
President Trump could have been Fooled by Jong-un , but only for a very short time . He did later change his opinion about both China's leader and North Korea's , you must have forgotten about that .

Interesting that Wordard left that important information out . Very Interesting .

From "Rage":

Mr. Trump provided Mr. Woodward with the details of letters between himself and the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, in which the two men fawn over each other. Mr. Kim wrote in one letter that their relationship was like a “fantasy film.”

In describing his chemistry with Mr. Kim, Mr. Trump said: “You meet a woman. In one second, you know whether or not it’s going to happen.”
Maybe we should put together all the conspiracy theories the left throws at us about Trump, on the left side they get to keep those not yet disproven, they don't have to be PROVEN, they just can't be disproven. On the right side we put all the conspiracy theories of the left that are disproven. Such as the Russian bounties where the left demands the slaughter of every innocent Russian encountered because of their accusation that the Russians have some odd bounty on Americans. Oh, the video illustrates another example of the left being proven WRONG in their wacko conspiracy theories.

The fingers said:
Poppycock. :roll:

Poppycock ??????? :roll: :roll: :roll:

I warned you this was coming and now you have it from his own mouth. No faking it here. It's recorded.
And you are worried about 'socialism' more than a dictatorship.
The continued systematic dismantling of our government agencies, staff, and democratic society.

At 2:55 into Trump's speech in Henderson Nev. Sunday 9/13/2020 Trump declares :
“After we win four more years, we'll ask for another four or so.”
I did warn he was going to try to extend his term limit and now it is not just hyperbole, it's fact.

In case you didn't understand what he said..."or so'...means going for a 'for life' term.
Exactly how the dictators start their reign as supreme leaders.
Thus suppressing your rights little by little until there is nothing left.