Wing in Wheel, Downwind faster than wind


1 W
Mar 25, 2012
Janesville, WI or Waukesha, WI
I know someone out there is riding with a geared rear hub and friction drive for regeneration. I also know you have seen the downwind faster than wind vehicles.
I don't have the equipment or a job, and someone stole my bike but the piece of the puzzle I've come up with is very cheep. untitled.JPG
It is a single blade of a wind turbine for the front wheel. Turbines only need one blade[1], I would actually fold tape over the spokes though to reduce drag. Just puttin' it out there.


(Moderator edit: Merged your multiple threads discussing the same thing into this single thread. Please do not create multiple threads for the same thing.)
I forgot to say that I was going to put pegs on the rear axle and ride a wheelie. The front wheel generates electricity from the wind. Charges the battery and powers the rear wheel hub. There are a lot of details to work out, but putting a simplified version on the road is irresistible.

This is a different kind of wheelie machine. When conditions are right, you put your feet on the back pegs, hit the throttle, lift the bike, and start generating electricity.
I know someone out there is riding with a geared rear hub and friction drive for regeneration. I also know you have seen the downwind faster than wind vehicles.
I don't have the equipment or a job, and someone stole my bike but the piece of the puzzle I've come up with is very cheep.
It is a single blade of a wind turbine for the front wheel. Turbines only need one blade[1], I would actually fold tape over the spokes though to reduce drag. Just puttin' it out there.

I want to put pegs on the rear axle and ride a wheelie. The front wheel generates electricity from the wind. Charges the battery and powers the rear wheel hub. There are a lot of details to work out, but putting a simplified version on the road is irresistible.
This is a different kind of wheelie machine. When conditions are right, you put your feet on the back pegs, hit the throttle, lift the bike, and start generating electricity.

(Moderator edit: Merged your multiple threads discussing the same thing into this single thread. Please do not create multiple threads for the same thing.)
shorttyd said:
I want to put pegs on the rear axle and ride a wheelie. The front wheel generates electricity from the wind. Charges the battery and powers the rear wheel hub...
You are a dreamer :D
Thanks, haha, That is actually a great compliment. I have gone as far in my mind as making it like a transformer. The front fork could fold up so that you can orient the wheel into the wind.

You know anybody with a friction drive on their front wheel for regen?
Is this some kind of mythical vehicle for a story or movie or something? Or are you talking about the real world?

If you are talking about the real world. You might want to examine how much power you can generate with a 26 inch wind turbine vs regen from a hub motor.
Generation will be relative to wind speed. If the wind is blowing at say 3 miles per hour you might only be moving at 9, but you still are not using power from the battery. This is ultra practical, you can set it down and pedal if there is no wind, you can charge it over night, shit, you can turn it up side down if you are camping, catch some fish, and the wind will charge it.

You might want to examine how much power you can generate with a 26 inch wind turbine vs regen from a hub motor.

250w from a 1.12m turbine
If the laws of thermal dynamics that congress wrote will allow it, I propose putting a wind turbine in the front wheel. When you are backpacking, you can turn your bike upside down on the seat and handlebars and the turbine will charge your batteries.

(Moderator edit: Merged your multiple threads discussing the same thing into this single thread. Please do not create multiple threads for the same thing.)
You are backpacking, you stop, turn your bike over. Your front wheel is charging your battery while you are setting up your tent, catch dinner, cook dinner, sleep. Etc.

(Moderator edit: Merged your multiple threads discussing the same thing into this single thread. Please do not create multiple threads for the same thing.)
You are backpacking, you stop, turn your bike over. Your front wheel is charging your battery while you are setting up your tent, catch dinner, cook dinner, sleep. Etc.

(Moderator edit: Merged your multiple threads discussing the same thing into this single thread. Please do not create multiple threads for the same thing.)
It doesn't hurt to try to innovate, but there are just so many reasons why this will not work.

The general public sometimes thinks wind and solar power is magic and provides much more power than it actually does. You should research the efficiencies of all these generators etc. And you need to understand that the amount of energy you generate will ALWAYS be less than the amount of energy you use to generate it.

for example, If you power a desk fan to spin a small wind turbine, the desk fan will ALWAYS use more power than the wind turbine can generate.