wiring infineon EB3 12 to A123 battery-prefitted precharge


100 W
Nov 23, 2011
Canberra, Australia
Hi everyone,

I am almost ready to start putting my first e-bike together.. I still have a couple of questions, but one major question relating to the wiring between the controller and battery.

I have drawn a diagram showing how i believe the connection would be between the controller and battery. I am either going to do the wiring between the controller's 3 pin plug, and the 3 andersons coming out of the battery OR ask cellman for an adapter.

Anyway best if i confirm with Paul if my diagram is correct before getting too far into it..


Last question,

I have seen build threads in the photo section, the general bike section and also in the technical section. Which is the best place?

Thanks again everyone..


Thanks heaps for that Phil.

I have made some progress so far. No where near finished yet and havent even touched wiring. I have got the rear wheel on with rotor, and caliper lined up and re mounted. So glad i bought the 3mm worth of rotor spacers and also a small axle spacer to get the disk away from my frame. (I owe great thanks to Stuart for that advice.) Otherwise there was no chance my disk brakes would have fit/lined up. The spacers literally only cost a few bucks. The freewheel of the motor is fantastic as you mentioned today. Really no difference to the old non motor wheel. I am very impressed so far. The rim is laced slightly off to one side of the hubs center (which is correctly setup) so that it would run in middle of the frame normally. With my 4mm axle spacer, the rim is now 4 mm off center (compared to the frame that is), which is good in that i can re adjust the spokes to bring the rim further back to the center of the hub.. Wont be doing that till later. Might even get an experienced person to do that.

I have taken a few photos and will start a build thread when I get time. If i did it again, to get to where i am at now would take me only about an hour.

Anyway, will have a read of that page from your post..

Thanks again for everything mate.. I have to bus it to work tomorrow, so that will motivate me to get my act into gear and finish it off asap.

