Just how smart are animals?

Feb 8, 2007
New Smyrna Beach FL
:shock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA0WFLFXwUg&ab_channel=TheUNBELIEVABLE
Back in 1985 i was living in an old farm house on the 2nd floor. A stray cat was meowing. So i yelled out the window, if you can come up here, i'll let you in. i heard a thud; cat jumped up :shock: i let her in. She never needed a litter pan. Would just scratch at the door and i'd let her out. Once i was asleep and she had to go, and she used the bath tub. Pretty smart 8)
Intelligence varies per animal as it does with humans. There are genius cats and dogs, and stupid ones, with most being in between. We had a cat once who would use the toilet. We knew because he never managed to flush it.
Yes I'm sure not many elephants can paint a self portrait :shock:
With pets, one masters' 'Smart' is another masters' stupidity. That cat is bound to have been someones' pet at some point, it may have left because it just didn't like it where it came from. Or it may have been thrown out or left behind in a move because they just didn't like it. But it showed up at your house and you liked the way it behaved.

Consider "DC," short for Damn Cat. It was the inspiration for the Disney movie 'That Darn Cat.' Hollywood has always been post truth in their true stories. But it was smart enough to be the subject of the investigation, eh? My relatives had a new stray around the house that just moved in and stayed, even if you put it out it would find a way back. They called him 'Mr. Bigs.' The thing is, when I came to visit he was just fine with me. I guess I responded to him however they did where he came from. The family was amazed.

I still miss my Shadow. A black cat that was a foundling getting nursed by hand when a local stray mother died. The rest of the litter were these unusual fluffy siamese colors and people wanted them, he wound up staying with me. I'd walk to the store two miles away, and this not full grown cat sees me and walks home with me, or I walk to the post office and he just comes. He kept up just fine, too. Hence the name.

And then there was the neighborhood bully, Smokey. The people moved and left that monster behind. He was huge and haughty and just plain mean. Shadow wasn't even half his size when he acted out the Jim Croce song 'You Don't Mess around with Jim.' I was looking out my picture window when it started, running to the rescue, but no need. Smokey didn't even make it out of the yard when Shadow tackled him again. Yeah, those bullies don't know how to handle it when someone fights back.

But he seemed to find somewhere else he liked better. Probably the home of a girl cat, still wasn't time to fix him. (Not sure I would have anyway.) I saw less and less of him. . . .

Matt Gruber said:
Yes I'm sure not many elephants can paint a self portrait :shock:

Oh, and you DO? Elephants do handle tools, you know.

Pets can end up being the Alpha and be smarter then their owners.

Just watch any episodes of Cesar Millan's various TV shows like The Dog Whisperer.
goatman said:
if my dog doesnt get 2 strips of bacon every night,
she'll pee in my sandals when im sleeping

Well maybe that is deserved, and maybe its not. :wink:

Question is, do you wear socks when you put sandals on?
Like some other fellows in Surrey do.


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No, its a Surrey, British Columbia, Canada thing But the weather is about the same as the UK, rainy and overcast. A little sidestory, when I first visited the UK, I was walking from the motel into town having some chips and saw a road named Vancouver Drive, I gagged a tad.

By the way is your pc using intel or amd?
Whens the first animal implant and will they use intel or amd?

goatman said:
i dont live in Surrey, UK :lol: :lol:
thats a British thing no?

About a dozen cliff swallows showed up yesterday, scouts looking at their last year’s nesting sites. Soon the main band will arrive and begin building mud nests after their thousands of miles journey from South America. 8)

I walked out yesterday and this woman tells me my peacock is escaping. I look around and there it is right at my (Closed) gate. I figured it's SOMEBODY's escaped pet so I called animal control. They told me these are actual migratory birds who come through this time every year, they land and hang out for awhile and fly off again. He walked around checking out the neighborhood. Lived here all my life and I've never seen or heard of them around.
You know what you can do about that right?
Blame something
Blame anything
la Nina seems suitable

Dauntless said:
I walked out yesterday and this woman tells me my peacock is escaping. I look around and there it is right at my (Closed) gate. I figured it's SOMEBODY's escaped pet so I called animal control. They told me these are actual migratory birds who come through this time every year, they land and hang out for awhile and fly off again. He walked around checking out the neighborhood. Lived here all my life and I've never seen or heard of them around.
My mother-in-law had peacocks on her farm in El Centro. Her aunt had a menagerie down there including camels, lamas, horses, goats and guineas running around with the chickens. ducks, geese, peacocks and bunnies. :pancake:
A few years back someone over on Palos Verdes Peninsula was killing the peacocks in the area. They typically roost in the trees overnight and make quite a racket. Don’t know if they ever caught the person.
I’ve seen flocks of dozens of wild green parrots down in Long Beach which nest in the numerous palm trees. They reportedly came from pets that escaped years ago which multiplied, squawking as they fly around.
I knew a guy who raised a crow fledgling as a pet and taught it to talk. It would sit on his fence and startle passersby. He fed it dry dog food. :lol:
fukishima could use some ape-slaves right now.
Researchers studying unique cultures of brain cells from humans, gorillas, and chimpanzees have uncovered why human brains grow so much larger than our primate cousins.

skip to the 7 minute mark where they doth protest too much how they aren't enhancing monkey brains.

the chinese, not so much.

Dauntless said:
I walked out yesterday and this woman tells me my peacock is escaping.
aww, she wuz just politely informing you that your fly wuz undun.


since the time of charles darwin, it has been held the one thing separating man from beast was homo sapiens mastery of log-rolling.
Maybe she could coach you.

Maybe they are trying to create Arthur C. Clarke's 'Simps,' or Super Chimps. Good kids on a good day, but let the panic set in and they wait for the humans to handle it. As in 'A Meeting with Medusa,' for example.

It starts a few lines down the page.

Falcon was getting rather tired of this advice and recalled a TV discussion he had once seen between a space lawyer and an astronaut. After the full implications of the Prime directive had been carefully spelled out, the incredulous spacer had exclaimed: ‘Then if there was no alternative, I must sit still and let myself be eaten?’

The lawyer had not even cracked a smile when he answered: ‘That’s an excellent summing up.’

It had seemed funny at the time; it was not at all amusing now.

