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    UAF Shell Eco-Marithon Trike Here is our Eco-marathon trike that we just built. I didn't get a chance to work on it at all really since I was still catching up on homework from missing a week of school for the Clean...
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    Braille Battery

    I just came across this battery company in my Racecar Engineering Magazine from this month. Their batteries are very pretty looking, all carbon fiber cases, great discharge rate (~50C continuous. ~55 Burst) As well as 2500 cycles at 80% DoD But they...
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    8 kWh Battery pack advice

    We are currently in the process of creating a electric snowmobile, for a SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Zero-emissions competition. We are limited to 8 kWh pack size. The current battery pack we are using consists of Headway liPO4 in a 6P setup, with 144V total. Our motor is a Warp...