16 years... working for the man... been set free !

Next chapter in the new bed saga, still not quite comfortable on a firm mattress, i like leather couch type soft .... so back to costco.. i did some online research, stopped at Sears to check out other options, etc... bottom line.. unless i spend 1500$+ .. i'm not going to get any better than what i have.. and honestly the 600$ costco bed is a decent unit... I just need a softer surface for my personal taste.. so .


Sandy wasted no time testing it out.. growling at the expanding gel lol...

Takes a while to expand..
oh man.. the foam topper fixed everything, damn bed is 2ft off the ground.. ( and no frame.. box spring is directly on ground .. cuts down on dog hair accumulation . )

Like 2 months ago, i picked up some new elcheap'o vinyl stick-on strips to redo my old workbench ...

Never thought it would be possible, but a few days is what it took to clear the entire surface of " stuff " .. sorted thru my huge pile of 18650 cells in various stages of assembly/age.. tossed all the questionable one's.. loaded bins with nuts bolts and screws long forgotten and impossible to trace back to their rightful owners. .

old top.


After removing the old stickies... i found a thin layer of what i suspect is the old backing material on the previous top... Was going to leave it there but the old tiles left a strong glue on the bench and it made it impossible to put down the new tiles and move them tight.. it was inst-a-stick .. so that had to come off..
View attachment 2

marty said:
Ypedal said:
Ypedal - Happy you happy with no job. Can't buy happiness. Good luck with the geared hubs.

My mattress is 30 years old. Wife says get a new mattress. I am just getting used to the old one. We went to a bunch of mattress shops. I laid on 100s of mattresses. I am overwhelmed. They cost $1000 or more :shock: I can't tell what is a quality mattress? I could look at a electric bicycle hub motor and guess if it is a good one. Polished aluminum is good. Flaky paint is bad. I have no knowledge of what is a good mattress?

What mattress should I buy?

Consumer Reports May 2013, Mattresses
Scan 4 pages.
View attachment consumer_reports_may2013.pdf
Ypedal said:
Bed is finally ok, with gel topper and new pillow, i'm good to go.

this is the last week of severance.. :shock: .. as of Friday 4pm, i'm officially no longer on the payroll.


Wow - seven months Severance! Here in the US one is lucky to get 2weeks.

they gave me 32 weeks as long as i agreed to sign the " i will not talk shit about my past job " agreement.. if i did not sign .. it would have been 2 weeks only..... so do you think it may have been a tad personal lol.. i had seniority and more skills than others on the team, yet i was chosen.... :twisted:
Ypedal said:
they gave me 32 weeks as long as i agreed to sign the " i will not talk shit about my past job " agreement.. if i did not sign .. it would have been 2 weeks only..... so do you think it may have been a tad personal lol.. i had seniority and more skills than others on the team, yet i was chosen.... :twisted:

Ah, an agreement, now I understand. Sometimes the most skilled/senior is the most expensive, and the first out the door when it is about budget and not workforce..

Is that a power switch/3speed switch/battery level?

Well... it's official .... I'M ON MY OWN !!!!!!!

no more corporate BS, and no more paycheques.. last friday at 4pm was the last hour of salary.

feels freakishly good.. :p

This week i've been finishing up old abandoned projects, organizing things, again, and making room for new stock.. fun times ahead.. i hope. :p
That's a good new!

oatnet said:
Wow - seven months Severance! Here in the US one is lucky to get 2weeks.
No unemployment compensation from the government?

I got shoved out the door with 6 months $$$$ equivalent of health insurance premiums, but no severance as I'd only been there 11 months. I took that lump and went on vacation. Thanks to the government's printing presses running at full speed and a fluke in timing, I collected a livable unemployment compensation benefit for 26 months. Because I also worked self-employed simultaneously, I made more in that period than at anytime before or after. Well, except for the job working 500 ft. underground in a mine, but I had to quit that because it wasn't safe.
It's like Xmas! Congrats, Y!
Are you going to be a ceiling fan installer? :wink:
TylerDurden said:
He's gonna sell cardboard boxes.

Dude, you can get a lot more in, if you ship them flat. :p

::nods head:: agreed...Gaston, i think you should make Tyler Operations Manager
he could increase your profits substantially :p

Good luck mate, im sure you will make a lot of people happy along with putting
some $$$ in your pocket ... ;)

thx guys !.

I whole lot of work, time and money went into this, and there is much work still to do..

Was too tired yesterday after hauling all 100 pcs upstairs to do much more than post a few pictures lol... i got the first 50 boxes hauled in 1 hr, then the pace slowed down, but in 2.5 hrs it was all done ( with the help of a friend for the last 30 minutes ) .. you find out who your " real " friends are on days like these !

I am so relieved that this part is over, Samples, Packaging, color and wire length choices, accessories, 100's of emails, freight forwarding, customs, fees, fees and more fees, but in the end.. it's all here, safe and sound. 8)

Now the fun part.. i'm done spending, time to sell. :p
Wow! Talk about "Go big or go home" :mrgreen:

Are the kits ready to sell as pictured, or is there more you have to do to them before shipping to customers? You must have pics you can show us.

I hope you don't catch a bunch of crap selling these because of your mod status. The way I look at it is that you are providing a needed service. I also know that you are capable of providing excellent tech support :wink: .

I really hope this works out for you. Taking the first step is always the hardest.

Best of luck.

yeah, it's pretty cool , and a big financial risk, pictures will happen shortly, the kits are pretty much ready to go as-is, but i'm adding a whole lot of parts to make it even more.. I had the kits customized to my specs and managed to get some significant changes done that i never though would possible at this qty, but i got my way !.. in many ways.. it's not easy.

The whole 100 pcs are front, 26" , geared 350w ( sensored ) , in wide double walled rims, black motor, black spokes, black rim, black controller with Quick connects, puny 6fet controller ( max 15 amps ) no octopuses .. just 2 wires and power.

As far as being mod, my selling these will have no effect on how i conduct myself ( i will be the same prick i've always been.. no better and no worse.. ) , if at any time a conflict is created, i will step off.. for the time being, i see no problem and got no hidden agenda's..

It's either this, my dream come true, or apply for another day job at some corporate office doing Tech work.. i much rather be biking !.
Ypedal said:
The whole 100 pcs are front, 26" , geared 350w ( sensored ) , in wide double walled rims, black motor, black spokes, black rim, black controller with Quick connects, puny 6fet controller ( max 15 amps ) no octopuses .. just 2 wires and power.

Fronts only, huh?

Nice work Gaston! I'm guessing there will even be reasonably understandable English instructions included, eh?