Advice: 2-3kW controllers with variable regen


10 mW
Oct 16, 2016
Portland, OR, USA
I'm looking to run a leaf 1500W system with variable regen. Budget is ~$150. I already have a 14s lipo battery.

I know of some Kelly options
The sabvoton site seems to be down right now, so I couldn't check them out.
Any other options out there in the 12 fet, 40-60A range?

Also, can a 48V nominal controller handle the voltage spikes from regen off a 14s (58.8V full charge) battery?
None that I am aware of, though I haven't looked at all the products out there. I might use a PhaseRunner for that application, but it exceeds your arbitrary budget. With a good heatsink it can handle that much current even though it is only 6 FET, thought that is pushing it harder than I would like. A 12 FET PhaseRunner would be good, and I think there is one by ASI, there are a few folks experimenting with that, but it also exceeds that budget.

If your battery is fully charged then regen will be disabled by the controller to protect against overcharging.
Maybe I've misinterpreted the specs of these controllers - I thought a line about 0-5V input for regen meant that they were variable regen. Or is true variable regen only possible with FOC or other more advanced control strategies?
Variable regen could be done with a trap controller. It would not be as good as electric braking, because it would not be able to work well at low speed. I think FOC is required for good electric braking, which allows smooth full motor torque braking down to near zero speed, or even zero speed if they wanted to program it that way. They use the hall sensors at the lower speeds. It would be better to have more precise angle resolution for low speeds to reduce torque ripple. I suppose it could be done with trap as well, just a little tricky to program, and the braking torque ripple would be there at all speeds, just like the acceleration torque ripple is always there with trap controllers.

Regen requires stepping the motor back EMF up to battery voltage. At low RPM this doesn't work well or produce a lot of braking.

Electric braking requires using some battery power at low speeds to produce more reverse torque than is available by regen alone.