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    • E-HP
      E-HP reacted to vwrado's post in the thread Sabvoton SVMC 7245 speedometer is off with Like Like.
      You are correct, it is a geared hub. Thank you for the answer and now I wont look into this more and live with this for now until my new...
    • E-HP
      You’ll need to supply more info about the motor. My guess is that with a 500w rating, it’s likely a geared hub motor. That means in...
    • E-HP
      Possibly. Are you going to use a battery? That might add some weight.
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread S06S controller without LCD?.
      Possibly. What display is it usually paired with?
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread Action Camera.
      The DJI looks like a great camera if you plan to use it for more than an action camera. Good for YouTubers with the front display for...
    • E-HP
      It looks like “strength control” may just adjust the max throttle voltage used by the controller to determine the speed. 4v would be...
    • E-HP
      Ya those pics are good enough to see the label on the controller or what’s going on with the wiring, so can’t help much. Do you any info...
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread Action Camera.
      The most important feature is the image stabilization. Maybe you’ll use some of the other features, but my guess is you may try them...
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread Why is Mxus so cheap..
      The first is not the H550. GOHO.750 / 1000.DC. - 750W at 48V, 1000W at 52V...
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread Controller an battery combinations.
      The battery should always have a greater discharge current rating than the controller's current requirement. The more capable the...
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread Why is Mxus so cheap..
      I’m going to pretend that when you say wheel size that you mean dropout dimensions. Maybe consider one of these: GOHO.750 / 1000.DC. -...
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread No help here.
      This is a good suggestion. There does appear to be some other person involved, or maybe not.
    • E-HP
      E-HP replied to the thread No help here.
      Do we know it’s not a factory bike? I don’t think this is an electrical problem. It seems more biochemical.
    • E-HP
      Well then adding it out back doesn’t make a lot of sense. Same solution though. Better front brake.
    • E-HP
      No, I don’t think you can. The rear brake has almost no value in a panic stop, simply be virtue of it being on the rear wheel. You...
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