Awesome new motor technology!

"The bad news is the motor won't start on its own. So I'm looking for ideas to overcome this problem"

Idea #1: take an elementary physics class, pay particular attention to Newton.
Idea #2: take it to Kickstarter like every other mad genius that skipped high school science.
Idea #3: Start from the top of a hill :lol:

Bet you'll need a little help there pushing it to the top... KF

Well, if you guys had just done your research, you would have seen that they already come up with the solution for BOTH those issues, the unable to start itself AND the long hill to power down. My favorite part is the way that there is no passenger, then there is a passenger, then there isn't, then there is. . . . Ah, yes, reminds of a song. 'First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.'
