BBS02 48V Controller and 36V BBS02


100 µW
Mar 14, 2013
Nashville, TN

I am considering installing the BBS02 on one of my bikes. Is the difference between the 36V 500W BBS02 and the 48V 750W BBS02 on the EM3EV website just the controller?

I already have a couple of 36V batteries. So I would like to just get the 36V 500W BBS02. But I am not sure if it will meet all of my hopes for this build. I live in rolling hills and it is frequently windy. I would like to be able to maintain 25MPH most of the time. I understand that when hills turn steeper I get less speed and more battery drainage.

My question is: if I try out the 36V 500W BBS02 from EM3EV and decide it is not enough motor for what I want to achieve, would it be possible to just spend the $80 (plus shipping) for the 48V controller that he sells, put it on the kit, and end up with the 48V 750 W version? I understand that I would have to purchase a 48V battery to go with it.


Good ?.
I am considering the 36v500w versions as well. Canadian legal. Running a 36v battery would be a plus too.
I have the same speed requirements 40kph, live in a relatively flat area, with just a couple of short steep inclines.
I will run it on an older Nuvinci 171 hub bike I have been pedalling for a couple of years, it should handle both the 36v&48v controllers. I do like to hit the occasional trail trough the woods though, those will be hard pack but hilly. Should I find the 36v controller underwhelming, it would be good to know that we could swap the 48v in.
IIRC the 36v & 48v BBS 002's had the same stator width, maybe even winding. The earlier 36v BBS 001 had a small stator stack. So short of spending a week reading the various BBS002 threads, I'd send em3ev a quick email with our query, unless someone can answer quicker? Good question though, thanks for asking, it's been on my mind last couple days. :D
I just got a reply from Paul at EM3EV. He said that they are different altogether.

"The motor winding and controller both differ between those 2 motors."