Cured my wife's anxiety and my depression with nutritional supplements.

e-beach said:
Just occurred to me, maybe you already thought about it. I think the caffeine thing depends on the height of the ride you want.

I've done 6 to 8 cups of coffee per day as a way to concentrate at work, and I have done months where I have not done any caffeine at all. It is a far less exciting way to go, no caffeine, but I was on a much more even keel through out the day.

:D :bolt:

It's not like that for me. I just want an effective dose. That effective dose grows ~50% each day, and stays in my system for over 16 hours. Having a low CYP1A2 enzyme production is partially responsible for this. Rutecarpine is a hack to slow this rapid gain of tolerance, and the sleepless nights near the end of the week that accompany it.
phamvan said:
It's just unbelievable. I would never have thought that the problem with depression and anxiety can be solved with the use of distributed foods and various vitamins. Thank you very much for a lot of useful information! I hope everything will continue to be fine with you and your wife!

I just hope you can benefit from something i shared. I live with the perpetual feeling that i wish i knew this stuff 20 years sooner!
neptronix said:
It's not like that for me. I just want an effective dose. That effective dose grows ~50% each day, and stays in my system for over 16 hours. ...

Then don't relay on caffeine. It is, in reality powerful. If, you remember the days of your youth when you didn't ingest caffeine, you had more energy and slept better. Don't drink it at all for 3 months and you will find you have a more firmer and constant energy then you have had since you started ingesting caffeine. How do I know? I've done it.

:D :bolt:
I had a lot less energy in my youth because i was sick for most of my life.

I wish i had the luxury of taking 3 months off my business. Not realistic. I cycle caffiene instead to manage the cyp1a2 problem i have. My protocol for cycling caffiene is working extremely well now that i'm up to the 6th revision of it.
Just wanted to check in on a few things.

I found an ideal caffiene tapering protocol after many failed tests.
Rhodiola Rosea + 7-keto-dhea is now my go-to for coming off it during the weekend. It allows me to crash extremely hard and fast without being a zombie.

What didn't work:
Refilling the adrenal store ( notable rebound effect )
Refilling the thyroid store ( huge rebound effect despite being the most effective )
Other nootropics that touch dopamine/epinephrine ( didn't lower tolerance or allow thyroid/adrenal to recover )
Other nootropics that touch non-dopamine/ephinephrene areas ( not powerful enough )
Herbs that refill the dopamine and/or epinephrene store ( huge brain fog and demotivation afterwards )
Vitamins that are precursors for dopamine, thyroid, and epinephrine ( didn't put a dent in the problem )

I also now use rutaecarpine to deal with my ultra slow caffiene metabolism daily. It's the only herbal drug out there that notably increases cyp1a2 enzymes ( which metabolize caffeine ) without unwanted side effects. I'm still on the hunt for something better because rutaecarpine is NOT well studied in humans.

With rhodiola rosea and rutaecarpine i have successfully lowered my caffiene intake and tolerance gaining to almost a normal person level. Something i've thrown the kitchen sink of natural and unnatural medicine at for 10 years and not had any success.
I am very happy to be on much less caffiene, and am more productive!!

Also, my air filters have a downside. When not under their pure air, i am more sensitive to pollution. I had the first athsma attack of my life this year. So these filters keep my immune system out of practice even if they work very well.

I did have one unexpected thing happen when i tried lion's mane recently. It gives me a resistance to pollution and almost makes me as insensitive to it as normal people. I'm still scared to rely on it because this pollution has put me in dangerous situations before with my mental function and energy levels collapsing. But... this may be something.

I found that in some research that asprin helped with pollution's effects and tried using it for a week.. it did about 25% of the job.. but is not something i'd like to take perpetually because when used chronically, it's toxic..

A good friend of mine says lion's mane does the same for her but cordyceps is better and fully eliminated her athsma. Looking to try it soon to see if i get the same effect.

My lady has also tried lion's mane and found it effective on her horrific upper neck pain from a previous car crash.
This is not something either of us expected.

She is currently on opiates for the pain and wants to get off them, but hasn't found an alternative. There is also basically no possibility of surgery as this is on the C0-C1 joint.

She's tried:
Kratom ( This was her idea but not mine. Works OK but the stuff tastes super gross. )
Ibuprofen ( only good for headaches that accompany upper neck pain. We replaced it with fish oil and the headaches disappeared. )
Boswelia ( I turned her onto this and she uses this instead of kratom now - works extremely well )
CBD ( zero effect - not useful on this kind of pain )

Lion's mane works better than all of these when added to the opiates during major pain days.
I think the reason why is that it has regenerative properties on nerves, which are the source of most of her pain.

Under this idea of targeting nerve pain instead of overall pain, i may actually be able to get her off opiates.
Stay tuned while i see if i can pull off my biggest feat yet. :lol:
I keep doing better at my low caffiene game.
And productivity is only down a little.

I now take a little rutaecarpine and 1/5th of a 25mg doxylamine succinate and get 7-8 hours of sleep pretty damn consistently thanks to tackling both core issues at once. In fact the rutaecarpine helps also metabolize the doxylamine succinate which would normally last an entire 24 hours for me - same problem, needs CYP1A2 enzyme to break down.

I can actually now taper off caffiene every weekend without any of the extra aids, and do an even steeper and more extreme taper without feeling like the walking dead.

I do believe my theory about my crazy 'taste' for caffiene being related to masking a lifelong sleep disorder. Treating the sleep disorder was previously impossible because the sleeping pills would leave me dead during the day. So i just decided to live with it, even thought it screwed my life up for a long time.

It all circles back to CYP1A2.
Whats your thoughts on Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (N.A.D.) ?

edit - After reading Nep's response I had no clue it was related to Nicotine, a little back story - I was listening to Tim Pool as a guest talking about his Keto experience and NAD was mentioned in passing.

neptronix said:
You know what, i actually have a nicotine addiction that i can pretty easily shake off after a week, but after some months, with no emotional trigger, i can fall into some sort of weird mental state where i go from not thinking about nicotine to absolutely craving it more and more. It's like a time-release severe withdrawal.

I can have a single cigarette or gum or a few vape puffs and be ok for week, but after a week, the craving comes back again, and i've started the cycle - there is no going back to 'quit' for some months.

So it's funny you brought up NAD because of the nicotinamide aspect.
Actually there are many vitamin or vitamin-like substances that are related to nicotine.

Wikipedia sez:
Niacin (nicotinic acid)
Nicotinamide riboside

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide

I hate to say it but i have not fully investigated the connection, but it would be interesting to put the vape down again and start taking niacin, NAD, anything related or that touches nicotinic receptors, to see if the bizarre withdrawal goes away.

That's a theory i've been kicking around for a few months but never put the brain-hours into following.
What do you think about NAD?

I almost always don't trust webmd's opinion because they often downtalk effective alternative therapies and talk about the dangers. They often make lies by omission.

There are human clinical trials on NADH/NAD which i'd rather read when i get a minute, so that will provide dramatically better information:
I just struck the supplement goldmine... i think.

I have been only partially or not medicated for ADHD my entire life because ritalin, adderal, etc had too many side effects.
I also did not like how they altered my personality so much.
So i took to my own path there. As i did with my depression, and for the same reasons.

Also, these drugs don't work well on me. Ritalin does 33% of the job. Adderall works fantastic but is horribly addictive and has 'what comes up, must go down' effects. Adderall is a Schedule 2 substance for good reasons. I won't touch it ever again.

I recently tried out Chinese skullcap out of my own curiosity.
Skullcap has been used in traditional medicine for eons for mental health and other issues.

When i took it, i got a boost in focus that i've never felt from anything non pharmaceutical, but this was later tinged by the GABA activity, and i had the focus, but not the sharpness to use it. My nerves were just too calm.

This lead me to read more about skullcap.. and i found out that in recent years, identification of the focus-boosting chemical, and also.. human and animal trials had been done, and all of them agree that this extract ( Oroxylin A ) butts heads with ritalin.

Like ritalin, it is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. But it also reduces GABA activity. It isn't known to touch epinephrine like ritalin does - which is where many of the negative effects of Ritalin comes from. So this seemed promising.

I decided to give it a spin to see if there was some hope for my ADHD 3 days ago.
I took 1/5th of the human clinical trial dosage to be cautious and had my mind blown anyway.

Compared to Ritalin:
Focus boosting effect 3x better; basically perfect.
Unlike ritalin, area of focus can be controlled.
75% less off-target motor effects ( shakes, twitches, etc. ).
No 'robotic personality' effect.
No 'overconfidence' and then subsequent agitation effect.
No comedown, and focus effects last longer than a day despite a half life of 5h. Very abnormal for a stimulant.
Sweatiness a bit worse.
Heart racing nowhere near as bad.
Appetite suppressing qualities are 1/2 of Ritalin's.
No suppression of libido. Ritalin would destroy mine.
My arthritis pain, which is almost always noticeable, has faded into almost background noise. Ritalin: no change.

Long term safety is an unknown in scientific literature, so for this one, i have decided to play it safe.
There's enough efficacy here that I can cut the dose in half and still notably move the needle on my ADHD.
So i will be taking 1/2 this dose starting next week and will take that 5 days a week, then withdraw for a week to see if 'what goes up must come down'.

What is really encouraging is that the stuff appears to be reparative to the body:

Interestingly, the use of natural products as a realistic option for the treatment of liver fibrosis has broadly been accepted. Oroxylin A, a safe and natural product, shows a wide range of pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-tumor properties. However, the effects of Oroxylin A on liver fibrosis remain poorly understood. In the present study, we sought to determine the effect of Oroxylin A on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver fibrosis, and to further examine the molecular mechanisms. We found that treatment with Oroxylin A markedly decreased the level of liver injury markers, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), in a dose dependent manner.

Given that it reduces liver injury markers, this is a good sign that it's very unlikely to harm the liver.

Moreover, Oroxylin A treatment remarkably inhibited extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition, and significantly down-regulated the mRNA and protein expression of liver fibrosis markers including α1(I)collagen, fibronectin, alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), PDGF-βR, and TGF-βR1 in CCl4-induced murine model of liver fibrosis. Furthermore, experimental results in vitro showed that Oroxylin A treatment reduced the mRNA and protein expression of HSC activation markers, α-SMA, desmin, α1 (I) collagen, fibronectin, TGF-β, and TNF-α, in a dose dependent manner.

This explains the arthritis relieving effect! some of these things it touches are target receptors of some very expensive and new drugs. :shock:

In the present study, we found that Oroxylin A (ORA), a flavonoid compound derived from Oroxylum indicum, maintained ECM hemostasis of chondrocytes by Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) stimulation. Besides, it was demonstrated that IL-1β induced over-production of inflammatory mediators was attenuated by ORA treatment. Moreover, ORA could rescue IL-1β mediated hypertrophic alterations of chondrocytes. Mechanistically, ORA's protective effects were found to be associated with both NF-κB and Wnt/β-catenin signaling inhibition.

In addition, ORA driven chondroprotective effects were also affirmed in a surgically induced OA mouse model. Taken together, the current study suggested that ORA might be a promising therapeutic option for the treatment of OA.

This sounds like a regenerative drug for arthritis!

:shock: wait a minute, they're thinking of turning it into a patented medicine?
This goes on the 'things i'm surprised i can buy on the internet - for now' list.. :lol:
Okay i let my lady try both skullcap as well as oroxylin A.

Oroxylin A: no pain reducing effect for her at all, says it makes her tired and unfocused.. :lol:
Skullcap: no tiredness, just pain relief on par with opiates but without the tiredness. In love with the pain relieving effect.

So... she has the opposite results as me.... that's how variable human being can be.

We don't know which of the 177 substances in skullcap are responsible for her shining effects, but the most potent pain killing one is wogonin, so we'd like to try that on her if i can get an isolated version.

Apparently Wogonin and opiates both touch toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) to a high degree. TLR4 is at the beginning of the inflammation chain, so these are powerful places for a drug to touch.

What Wogonin doesn't seem to touch is opiate receptors.. and in fact, it has mouse model research showing it could be just the thing to use when kicking an opiate addiction:
^-- the above mixture is not an isolated compound, but a wogonin-rich form of skullcap.

Now both of our minds are equally blown.

I withdrew from Oroxylin A over the weekend to see if there were any cravings or rebound effects.. none! i just slowly slipped back into my brain being a pinball machine. I'm back on it this monday, and got into a deep productivity zone very early this morning :mrgreen:

So good, so far!
Interesting findings on Oroxylin A, it's reducing my caffiene usage somehow. I just want less. Very strange. Nothing else has done that.

Of the other interesting substances that come out of skullcap is wogonin. That stuff is in phase 2 clinical trials as a mild disease modifying agent for arthritis. Not only does it work on the inflammation, it also works on what starts to inflammation. it also improves markers related to cartilage generation/repair. No other known drug does it so well.

Currently, there is no patent on wogonin, and the FDA has approved creams containing it, as long as it's listed as an 'inactive ingredient'. So you can try it yourself. Looking to do that experiment soon. :)
neptronix said:
Isn't that where the Prairie Home Companion was from?.......No?.......Shows you what I know :lol:

:D :bolt:
I've carefully read through all the comments in this discussion, and I found the information to be incredibly useful.
However, the concept behind our body's susceptibility to various illnesses is quite straightforward: when we restrict ourselves from what is natural, it's inevitable that we will experience health issues.

here's a reason why it's often said that we need diversity in life, ranging from our diet and physical activities to spending time in nature and experiencing different emotions.

We should provide our bodies with what has been offered to them consistently throughout thousands of years by our ancestors and not forget about our mental health. To keep my mind in shape, I go to individual counseling in NYC. It's the best decision I've made.
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We should provide our bodies with what has been offered to them consistently throughout thousands of years by our ancestors.

Malaria, cholera, nutritional deficiencies, occasional starvation?

When we analyze remains of people from thousands of years ago, we find that their health was generally poor, they were comparatively dwarfed, and they didn't live long at all. I'm not sure what the benefit would be of imitating them.
When we analyze current people who are in a rare intersection of having access to modern healthcare yet chose to eat like they did 100's of years ago, and also stay physically active..

..we consistently see record lifespan lengths and low amounts of disease across lifespan. These places top the numbers of people living to 100.

Eating a species appropriate diet is an important piece of the puzzle.
Side note, in the past when i've posted information here that changed my life and the life of others, the reception has not been good. Whereas on youtube i continue to get "thank yous" from people suffering of severe mental illness like i did, on videos that are a decade old now.

I have to conclude that this is not the place to post this kind of thing, and a majority of the replies have not been interested in the content, but moreso trying to poke holes in the case without fully understanding the case i'm making.

I'll be locking these threads and letting them sink in coming months for this reason, FYI.

I also no longer post this stuff on youtube because i was given a strike for "misinformation" on a video where i was showing the FDA's legal documents. The footage showed the document on their website with the URL clearly visible. This is the furthest thing from "misinformation", however, youtube is like most media outlets where pharmaceutical corporations have the largest share of ad spend. They don't want content posted on youtube that works against their profit motives, so regardless of whether you have evidence to back up your claims, you are going to get censored there.

So basically there will be little to no talk from me on this topic here or anywhere else. I'm simply tired of the continual pushback.
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Side note, in the past when i've posted information here that changed my life and the life of others, the reception has not been good. Whereas on youtube i continue to get "thank yous" from people suffering of severe mental illness like i did, on videos that are a decade old now.

I have to conclude that this is not the place to post this kind of thing, and a majority of the replies have not been interested in the content, but moreso trying to poke holes in the case without fully understanding the case i'm making.

I'll be locking these threads and letting them sink in coming months for this reason, FYI.

I also no longer post this stuff on youtube because i was given a strike for "misinformation" on a video where i was showing the FDA's legal documents. The footage showed the document on their website with the URL clearly visible. This is the furthest thing from "misinformation", however, youtube is like most media outlets where pharmaceutical corporations have the largest share of ad spend. They don't want content posted on youtube that works against their profit motives, so regardless of whether you have evidence to back up your claims, you are going to get censored there.

So basically there will be little to no talk from me on this topic here or anywhere else. I'm simply tired of the continual pushback.
Sorry to hear that Nep', this thread is one of the reasons I started taking vitamin D for some possibly unrelated skin issues.
It worked.
Hey, glad i could have been of help !
I would not make any bets on that. ;)
Well, I keep tellin' them that if they cut the legs off the beds they cain't hide under there no more! :ROFLMAO:
Well, I put my mattress right on the floor, so....

(started cuz I've had old dogs that can't get up there otherwise).

(and it hurts less when I fall off tossing and turning)
Well, I put my mattress right on the floor, so....

(started cuz I've had old dogs that can't get up there otherwise).

(and it hurts less when I fall off tossing and turning)
Well, these things were necessity, not nuttiness. :bigthumb: