DAMNN that's an eBike !


1 MW
Sep 16, 2007
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Have you guys seen this monster yet from http://www.stealthelectricbikes.com.au ?

View attachment 1
Silent Guerilla 2.jpg

from http://www.stealthelectricbikes.com.au (user getadirtbike on this forum)

From what I can see, it has a crystalyte 5 series motor, and internally geared crankset/bb (see http://www.g-boxx.org)

The whole thing looks extremely sweet and very neatly packaged. Hope I can make a poor mans version half as good :D

Maybe member getadirtbike on E-S will give us some more details on it...
It even stands up all on its own :shock: , no stand needed :?: . Magic indeed. :p

Looks fun. HB
I love taking pics of bikes like that. You all want to know the secret? :lol:

Certainly a nice bike, I have seen it around a bit. I'm not too fond of the paneling. It takes away from the stealth to me.
The videos on the e-mtb website are great! That guy is REALLY tearing around on that bike!

He must be running at least 72V for that kind of power.
johnrobholmes said:
I love taking pics of bikes like that. You all want to know the secret? :lol:

Certainly a nice bike, I have seen it around a bit. I'm not too fond of the paneling. It takes away from the stealth to me.

Step 1: find stick and jam it in the ground
Step 2: prop bike against stick
Step 3: use PS "clone stamp" tool to remove stick

This bike is a new one, only put up on his website a few days ago. It does share some elements/similarities with the e-vader and e-liminator frames.

The more people & companies making electric vehicles from the ground up the better :D

I haven't seen his frames in person, but a purpose built cromo frame with space for batteries and internal gears to eliminate the dangling derailleur has got me smiling :)

I don't mind the covers, they would keep out battery shorting mud :twisted: and means you look less like you're carrying a stack of dynamite IMHO.

I like the way the design has evolved. Hopefully getadirtbike will fill us in.
That dirtbike is gorgeous! Superb engineering. Saw their site a while ago. Chopper kinda pretty too. I need a rear suspension for my "soft tail" :oops:
Photoshop is too much work.

Hold the bike upright. Jump back far enough for a few pics to be taken. Then catch the bike before it falls all of the way. Easy one to two seconds of time even with skinny tires.

I really like that MX looking one.
That bike is Sweet!!

I agree about taking off the side covers/panneling.

Also if it brought down cost would settle for a regular type of peadling system.

Love that frame and swingarm.
Very nice indeed, give me sidecovers over a bunch of wires and batteries (dynomite) anyday. Is this thing for sale yet, and why isn't this company on our forum? I would think that if one were trying to sell something like this, they would be peddling thier wares on ES. I guess they dont want to give up trade secrets, could be some lurker, stealing our ideas and information, and contributing nothing but pretty pictures.
Holy Crap!! That's beautiful! :shock:

But I'd be looking a $6600 CAN for the 3 kW long range version; that's a lot of money. I could buy a real dirtbike and still have enough left to build a decent electric bike.
PaulM said:
Holy Crap!! That's beautiful! :shock:

But I'd be looking a $6600 CAN for the 3 kW long range version; that's a lot of money. I could buy a real dirtbike and still have enough left to build a decent electric bike.

I don't think CA$6.6k will buy you a hand made low production volume dirt bike (in a country that actually pays a living wage too) with leftover for a electric bike. So it depends on your perspective, as well as the value you place on it's intended use.

I can see it's not for everyone. I'm working on a uni-student budget's version which will cost me much less BUT it will be worse in almost every way:
- mine is not being delivered ready to ride
- requires modifications/beefing up of frame
- not designed to hold batteries
- has DH geometry/suspension for descending, not riding flats or uphill at speed
- installing, adjusting, cleaning, prepping all manner of the bike components
- possibly will be slower, heavier, and have less range
- not supported with parts and technical advice

Just some things to think about. I haven't totaled up my build costs (something to do when I'm done...) but I'm sure I'll find them disturbingly high.

yes the new site for emtb.au looks great and the latest iteration of the bike is great too.
The guy has history in dirt bikes,builds his own frames and is quite a good rider to boot - 6.6k isn't too drastic but i dont think he has it craked quite yet imo, for all the lovely components (love the gb) and stealth (panels are cool i think to cover all that crap up) it still has a heavy ass hub motor in it.
imho this bike is as good as it gets off the shelf for off road but still needs a new type of drive, we've all had hub issues and these are compounded if your jumping the ass off the bike - i think he needs an rc motor coupled up to that lovely gb to be as good as you can get with current kit.
That said if he had this site 2 years ago when i first started looking i probably would have bought one myself but as is im not too far behind with the stinky now, for cost by the time i've paid out for the new drive i will have probably spent the same (at least) but could do it cheaper as i made errors first time around.
I still think tho that hubs are not the answer for off road.

