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Did you guys hear about walmart receipt 'policy'?


10 MW
Mar 3, 2015
I happened across a vid of some dude getting harrassed about his walmart receipt upon attempt to exit the business. Apparently this is a thing, and they will attempt to detain you (or worse) if you don't fork over your property (receipt). This is usually without having any evidence of even attempted theft.

I've personally not witnessed this, but if this happens when I'm in there shopping, I will consider ripping up my receipt, throwing it towards them as a diversion, and high-tailing it past lol. While that breaks no laws, they will break laws if they attempt to physically detain or restrain.

Seriously wtf is going on wallymart? Hire people to watch the cameras @ checkouts, and get police involved upon store exit of real theives, but don't hire numbnuts to violate all your customers' rights!

Search for yourself and see what you find.
Here's a short one of a dude folding to their 'policy'.
This apparently has been going on for years!
My bad, ASSumed this was in Toxic...
Local Fry's Electronics (big box electronics chain) stores do same thing.
Outcome in my case is pretty simple: I don't like the practice, so I shop at Fry's less often.
If I have a choice, I just take my business elsewhere.
Amazon is probably the biggest winner from Fry's stupid policy.
I didn't know that about HD either. Huh.

At least in walmart's case, research will confirm their policies in no way allow employees to force the surrender of YOUR receipt to leave their store. . . . False imprisonment and larceny aren't good crimes.
If you haven't shoplifted, I'd say the best logic is to stand for your rights VS conforming to bad policy because of ________ (fill in the blank).
Yes, you can be refused business anywhere, but in the rare case that would happen I'd rather have sent the message a little louder than simply dropping patronship silently.

Having looked more, I've decided I will simply flat out refuse. Kindly explain if necessary, but refuse. I will gladly wait for police if store feels they have probable cause of my guilt in shop lifting to pass along to them.
Is it a PITA? Sure is. Especially when you’ve already stuck it away someplace but it’s their store, their inventory, their rules.

I think I addressed this above, it's technically YOUR merchandise, and YOUR reciept, unless they can involve the law to prove otherwise. They can ask you to leave or call the cops. They can't do anything else.

Ykick, if you watch it again you might see those guys were completely in the wrong. Store policy may be to ask, but that's it. It's the customer's property along with bought merchandise and the only right they have is to involve police if there's reasonable suspicion. The policy infers 'guilty until proven innocent' mentality and obviously encourages illegal action as evidenced by the officer and manager there.

They could be prosecuted for wrongful imprisonment and larceny. . . . at least imo.
And I can't believe they weren't.

Here's a twist. Earlier this year (2 years later) the very same plain clothes 'loss prevention' santa dude has been charged with manslaughter. In the store. A suspected shoplifter was apparently asphyxiated. The autopsy also showed 15 broken ribs.
My bad, ASSumed this was in Toxic...
Not against the law, obviously if it's their policy it couldn't possibly be against policy. You don't get to make that up for yourself. Yes a security guard DOES have the power to detain you from leaving the store. The guy says "You could have asked" but dang, that's what happened. This was a setup. Oh, what fun for that goofball to stand there saying that stupid stuff he's saying. Most people do not long for opportunities to make fools of themselves. He's not most people. He plans ahead to refuse to show the receipt and get video. Oh, the fulfillment.
Yep, the guy with the trolley is an A'hole !
Of course the security guy can ask to see the receipt. He wasnt asking the A'hole to surrender the receipt, just show it.
This is good practice in suspicious cicumstances to reduce theft and keep prices down.
This is common practice in many stores with self check outs.
Its a result of there being so many cheapskates, thieves, and A'holes in our society.
The A' hole is just being provocative and deserves all the delays, hassel, and inconvenience that he gets.
I would just keep walking out the door, and if they want to play then I feel a lawsuit going their way. Easy money.
Even when the buzzer goes off for the door alarms, I never stop like a deer in headlights. I always just keep walking. I had a Walmart jacket that still had its alarm tag on and I knew it. :evil: :twisted:

At Costco you must show your receipt when leaving, its a store policy.
So the guy has more in his cart than is on his receipt and he says it just happened to be in his cart. The security guard shows up and knows him. He acts like it's some sort of vindication that the guard says we got our stuff back so get rid of him. These are the people you WANT to insult so badly that they take their shoplifting elsewhere. But there's no such thing as insulting them all THAT badly.


Oh, but this one is great fun. I just love this woman getting off the mobility scooter to wrestle with someone. And of course there's always loudmouths with something to say. 'White trash at its' finest.'

Yeah, I watched about a dozen, and anywhere the customer was intent on 'exercising their rights' while the employee(s) where intent on 'interpretting and executing policy' it became a shitshow. Duh.
Knee jerk reaction is to think the customer is behaving badly etc. The point I gathered lays beyond that though, as mentioned.

I liked that first vid Dauntless, but I found no evidence there was any attempted theft. They merely tried to enforce the backwards policy of asking for a receipt upon exit- no reasonable suspicion or evidence was produced. Good vid - the officer obviously knew the law. Interesting stuff, and at least entertaining.
I'm actually headed to walmart 2day, but honestly the only time around here I was asked to produce a receipt was a decade ago in the now defunct circuit city. I felt it was understandable and rational, at least @ the time. They didn't have a standard 'check out' procedure to mitigate theft.

The club stores. . . Yes, signed membership often conveys receipt checking is mandatory. Now that makes sense when there's an upfront contract. However it's my understanding the employees still cannot force production of the receipt to exit. They can call the cops if there's reasonable evidence of crime, and/or 'trespass' you and/or dissolve the contract, but that's legally it.

On filming in a store. It may be privately owned, but any area that is open to the public and can be shown to not convey any expectation of privacy (often already recorded cctv) can be filmed. A bathroom would have an expectation of privacy, but not out in the main store. You can be refused service for whatever reason, but can film.

Yes, there's also shopkeeper's privilege. I don't belief I said anything contrary to that. In the case of Walmart, their particular policies do not convey any such right to employees afaik. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopkeeper's_privilege
markz said:
Nutspecial is a Social Justice Warrior

That's great and I'm happy for him. But why is this in GD on an EV site?
why is this in GD on an EV site
Why not? Everybody shops at wallyworld, or knows someone who does. Good to be informed incase they start trying to strip search you upon exit, after buying that new mongoose bike :D I'd also refer you to the explanation of 'general discussion', and some of it's other threads often potentially even less relatable, sometimes authored even by . . . .

couldnt you find something more worthwhile to bitch about
I'm sure this is rhetorical. Yes of course. But in case you didn't notice, larger issues tend to get a bit more polarizing and heated, and often subjective or circumstantial. I actually didn't think this one was that difficult.

:D Uhhh, thanks that is somewhat accurate, though not quite as much imo to today's common meaning lol. Maybe I'm more like just an internet walker.

Walker texas ranger
It's simple, ever since the start of the great recession, theft has gone up. Walmart is simply adapting.
nutspecial said:
. . . . but I found no evidence there was any attempted theft. They merely tried to enforce the backwards policy of asking for a receipt upon exit- no reasonable suspicion or evidence was produced. . . .

You don't think them finding things in the cart that weren't on the receipt is evidence? You don't think him saying it just happened to be in the cart was suspicious? Well, a normal reasonable person will say it's very suspicious. Also strange, it's his own video and he's so clueless he doesn't realize he's incriminating himself. Of course he's depending on some people to just not get it.

It wasn't that the security officer knew the law, because he knew they could haul him to jail. He also knew they didn't want to. This was a repeat offender, I just wonder at what point they figure out they just HAVE TO because he's going to keep coming back and stealing.

Oh, but maybe we need an SJW section for the board in the Biker Bar.

It's simple, ever since the start of the great recession, theft has gone up. Walmart is simply adapting.
Yes of course this is not debatable. However, in some opinions if the public doesn't 'adapt' to this 'adaptation', we'll get to see even more negative corporate effect upon laws/freedom. (not gonna try to say it isn't already a HUGE issue all the way to the top. . .)

Anyway, I assumed it was also not debatable that their 'adaptation' left alot to be desired and flew in the face of common sense. Never assume :D

Do you have sources? Unless you have more than was in the vid, I say you oughta look/listen again, it's pretty clear what's clear and what is conjecture and fabrication.
I'm personally OKAY with guards protecting against theft, doing whatever it takes, if it helps the companies keep down prices. If theft increases, it's only logical that companies pushing the lowest possible prices will be forced to increase prices to compensate. So, it's only logical that "lowest price" retailers to do what they can to protect against theft. Guys with higher profit margins can probably absorb the impact of shrinkage, but the "lowest price" retailers would have to increases prices otherwise. Essentially, if unchecked, people like me (Who pay for their merchandise) would be essentially paying for the thieves' loot, something I find unacceptable. So, of course I support "checking".

Anyway, I've stolen merchandise before and got away with it. It's not exactly a habit of mine, but the circumstances were exceptional. Needed some condoms and I just couldn't see myself paying some female cashier while I handed her some condoms, and not expecting her to think anything of it. Small town, and I just didn't need the small town gossip to go with it.
nutspecial said:
Do you have sources? Unless you have more than was in the vid, I say you oughta look/listen again, it's pretty clear what's clear and what is conjecture and fabrication.

Why would I need sources? I say you should listen for the first time. The part where the woman says this is not on the receipt. Listen to what she says, to his response. . . .
I walk into the store all the time with my own stuff in a bag, then I reorganize all my bags at the self checkout line. They need 100% proof that you are stealing or they get sued. I doubt anyone can even touch you, I'd just keep walking out.
You know, you just need better issues to get upset about. Here's a good one. This petty university fired this instructor just because she assaulted a student and tried to instigate a riot. The nerve of some administrators, eh? This woman's expertise included her dissertation for her PhD. proved conclusively that Martha Stewart is (GASP!) WHITE! For realizes. Oh, the Masters thesis ". . . .Theorizing (in)visible identities. . . ." (Now why does deception come to mind over '(in)visible?') Oh, the field work going to a 'Twilight' convention to study the fans, I mean Indiana Jones in action, right? I mean, don't we all wish WE could have published that article on 'Food and individual responsibilty in Reality TV?'

So there's your cause. You can stand up for this woman. (Not too close though, she hits.) And you know the best part? I'm calling her an idiot, so you KNOW you're on her side.

So this is going to require a newer, BETTER thread.
