E-Twow Booster S+ reads an "E1" error

William Knox

10 µW
Jun 17, 2015
I bought a used E-twow Booster S+ off E-Bay yesterday and am currently waiting for delivery. I won the auction at $240 including shipping. It's described as having an issue affecting the motor control and also the battery charges only to 90% so I'm not getting too excited yet. I am refurbishing another E-Twow S2 Booster scooter so in the least I could use this for parts, but it would be nice to have both of them ride-able. below is the E1 error issue as described on the E-bay listing.

The LED Display reads an E1 error as the zero start is disabled so will need to hold brake before starting and hold brake when stopping This is being sold as is and no refunds under any condition.

Not exactly sure what he means by holding the break when stopping, seems kind of obvious, but I guess I'll understand the issue better when I finally ride it, I will update you guys when I am able to inspect it.

So I figured I'd ask here on how to troubleshoot the issue. Perhaps someone is familiar with the E-Twow E1 errors? I'm reading the manual and some things online that describe it as poor circuitry protection. The manual seems to say that while reading an E1 error it wont let the throttle engage for longer than 4 seconds to protect from a short circuit. From that language I'm guessing that it could likely be a problem with the controller, and I'm hoping that perhaps that's affecting the battery charging issue too. It could also be a short on the computer circuit board or any of the wiring.

It was nearly impossible to find an E-Twow controller specific to the 36V Booster S plus, f.y.i. it needs to have the a quick release plug on the both the wire going to the computer, as well ass the engine, so 2 quick release plugs total. Most controllers for sale are for the older model with only the motor quick release. I finally found the s+ controller, it's a liquidator site called daily2deals search there for "etwow," no dash, and it's the only E-Twow item they sell, it was marked down from $91 to $21, at that price it it made sense to buy it as a spare that could possibly be a fix to this issue too, we'll see, hopefully that will fix the issue.

I look forward hearing your feedback, and in the meantime I will keep you guys posted on this issue as I move forward with troubleshooting. Hopefully this can serve as a resource for others who may be struggling with the E1 error. Wish me luck.