Electric car from 1916 auction in Paris

Oh man, I can't believe it! About 2 weeks ago I went and visited a shop that was restoring one of these for my wife's piano tuner! I have some pictures I'll post up of it tonight. Amazing. The body was made of aluminum. Think how rare that was back then. He and his brother are restoring it for use as a wedding limo. The other thing that was quite odd was that the passenger seats were in the front, two of what we would call captain's chairs, swivel type. The driver sat in the rear on a bench seat. My pictures are not too good because I didn't take enough strobe accessories. I never thought about a black car being restored in an Amish workshop with no electric lighting and taking pictures of it. The tires are also huge like 29 inchers.
First I apologize for how crummy these pictures are. I had to snag two flashlights from the car. Not a light in the "barn..." Don't get me wrong, I love the Amish and their community that is 60 miles east of me, but black cars in dark "barns" make for terrible pictures. BTW the bearded guy is not me, but my wife's piano tuner. The young guy is his brother. Here are the pix.

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This is the rear luggage compartment. Look how big the drum brakes are too. I don't know where they got those firestone tires, they are huge and fit the car.

Its an Anderson Electric Car, made in Detroit Mich.

This is hard to figure out, but this is the front, looking forward. It is where the two captains chairs go that swivel. The curved windshield made it through the years perfectly. Not a scratch or a crack. I didn't want to talk to him about running a livery vehicle without safety glass in the windshield... some things a person has to figure out on their own.

Now this is the rear bench seat where the driver sits. You can see the pedals that were original (black) and the new towmotor drive pedals sitting next to them. Can you believe it, the driver sits BEHIND the passengers. Guess it is a throwback to carriage days.

Here is the inside of the door with crank windows. Notice the marriage of wood and aluminum in the body works. Early cars were not much different than what we would home fabricate today.
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Here is a pix under the front bonnett. That is the new GE towmotor controller.

He planned on using 8 golf cart 6 volt lead batteries and said "I am expecting 90 to 110 mile range..." He did not like my answer on what his real range would be. He also put the towmotor propulsion motor directly to the rear end. Only a 3.24 gear ratio to those tall 29 inch ish tires... Not going to be spinning very fast at his expected parade speed of 20 to 25 miles per hour. This team is going to learn a lot once they get it under power.

I was amazed how big and how tall this car was. You can see it in the first pix. The big guy is about 6' 5" tall!
Jay Leno has one of these. I remember reading that his wife likes to drive it around their neighborhood to visit the neighbors because it doesn't scare away the deer and other wildlife that she likes to see.
