Fired because of Coronavirus

goatman said:
that's pretty much why those counties in California are defying the governor and opening back up, multiple stories of it. bikers roll into boston tomorrow. most of Canada is getting ready to open back up and one of our provinces no longer have any cases.
New Zealand had zero new cases yesterday; they've been shut down for the past few months.

Texas recently reopened. 1000 new cases every day for the past few days.

Will be interesting to see what happens in a week.
You sure do rant a lot. You've got such a large post count, and I honestly still don't know wtf you're on about. Absolutely no continuity from one sentence to the next. And certainly no constructive criticism to offer anyone.

Definite traits of a troll.

If you aren't a troll, and you're actually trying your best to converse with your online friends, then I'd suggest taking a course on communication or maybe professional writing or something, so you can learn to express yourself more clearly.

Maybe plan your posts out first. Read them back to yourself and see if they make sense, before submitting.

Good luck.
serious_sam said:
I honestly still don't know wtf you're on about. Absolutely no continuity from one sentence to the next. And certainly no constructive criticism to offer anyone.

But there you are talking on. Wipe the egg off your face and read some posts.

serious_sam said:
If you aren't a troll, and you're actually trying your best to converse with your online friends, then I'd suggest taking a course on communication or maybe professional writing or something, so you can learn to express yourself more clearly.

Actually, YOU need to develop some reading skills and catch on to the trolling programme he's got himself on. And the trolling reduction effected by taking the fun out of it for him. But I'm sure you already know about that. You just don't care. You like the trolling yourself. That must be the continuity you seek.
serious_sam said:
If you aren't a troll, and you're actually trying your best to converse with your online friends, then I'd suggest taking a course on communication or maybe professional writing or something, so you can learn to express yourself more clearly.
I think he's one of those people who isn't happy unless he's trying to make someone else unhappy.
Sadly I don't think he is ever happy. Maybe someday he will auto correct and things will be fine.

Right now he needs a different, or at least more input from some different viewpoints. Slow down on Fox and the other extreme joints he likes to quote. Read news from European and Asian sources. If nothing else watch a bit of Newsy every once in a while. And for God's sake quit acting like trump is a true religion and accept the fact that he is a dangerous cult.

BTW... It's OK by me, and might be best for your mental health if you put me on your "ignore" list.
The employers are saying stay home if you feel sick. Yet they have given no raises, and wont pay for time off. Yet people are falling behind in paying their bills and rent. Short from having a fever, most employees will go to work even if they lost taste, or whatever other symptoms there are, shortness of breath, loss of sensation.
Oh, so I'm waiting for serious_sam to come and and admit he's got something to say. (He didn't before.) This would be in the form of an apology. After doing some reading as I said, catching up with these two trolls today, not just here but elsewhere on ES. Oops. Or is serious_sam seriously not so honest?

Bill,it's not that I want to make you unhappy, it's that I want you to stop trying to be happy about your evil thoughts. Can't you find something BETTER to be happy about? I wouldn't bother suggesting that about Trollobie. Pathological liars are addicted to that and you see that post he followed yours with.

Oh, and for cats sake will both you STOP writing in parallel 5ths. The cruelty, to say nothing of the screeching sounds in your posts.

The fact a major years-long depression is upon us, is not an argument for "opening up" while every day thousands of Americans are newly infected.

People must be paid a living subsidy to stay home,

and provided subsidised health care as needed

while our government does its job and **makes it safe** for us to return to work.

Not forcing us to choose between getting infected and losing our homes.
markz said:
The employers are saying stay home if you feel sick. Yet they have given no raises, and wont pay for time off.
About a dozen states have sick leave laws that require paid sick leave. Quite effective in preventing the rest of your company from getting sick.
Yet people are falling behind in paying their bills and rent. Short from having a fever, most employees will go to work even if they lost taste, or whatever other symptoms there are, shortness of breath, loss of sensation.
Yep. Especially with right wing media telling them it's all a hoax, the numbers are inflated, it's just like the flu etc.
Many companies in the US only offer say seven sick days per year.

Are there states that require lots more than that?

When most people living in more civilised countries find out about out the labor exploitation our government allows, they are properly horrified and think we are (more) stupid (than they thought beforehand).
nicobie said:
Most civilized countries don't piss away tons of money on weapons like the US does.

They just expect the U.S. to and wait for the U.S. to have enough when they need, say, a 1,000 foot ship carrying Harrier jump jets and heavy lift helicopters to just quickly show up when they need relief supplies. As always, you're painting the wrong picture.

Too bad the navy sent all those medical ships to places that needed them, eh? Think of how much more effective your argument would have been without that.
john61ct said:
People must be paid a living subsidy to stay home,

and provided subsidised health care as needed

while our government does its job and **makes it safe** for us to return to work.

Not forcing us to choose between getting infected and losing our homes.

Who pays all this? Where does it come from, all this more more, always more? There'll always be more, that's what more means.

It's a good thing doctors don't have to attend medical school, so we can depend on another 17,000 graduates whether they get taught or not. Nurses, other specialists, yeah, the fact that there's already enough and no need to have an operating economy to train more.

If there's a top 100 list for most foolish, deluded, self indulgent posts of all time, yours certainly deserves that 'Honor.'

Bill followed with one that's pretty bad, but yours. . . .
nicobie said:
Most civilized countries don't piss away tons of money on weapons like the US does.
Not just the civilized ones, **no** country on the planet even comes close.

World military spending totaled more than $1.6 trillion in 2015. The U.S. accounted for 37 percent of the total. Our military expenditures are roughly the size of the next seven largest military budgets around the world, combined.

Dauntless said:
Who pays all this? Where does it come from, all this more more, always more?
What are you on about?

Show me one. single. developed nation that isn't already doing this for every. one. of its citizens.

Just normal common sense, this is what government **is for**!

Only USians who've allowed themselves to be brainwashed by GOP propaganda over the past few decades think otherwise

funded by corporations and billionaires who prefer to not pay their fair share of taxes

and prefer a desperate underclass willing to work for wages so low even families with full-time working parents are kept way below the poverty line.

For shame. . .

john61ct said:
Dauntless said:
Who pays all this? Where does it come from, all this more more, always more?
What are you on about?

Just another example of if you don't understand it, you shouldn't be talking about it. But you so love the great taste of foot.

Where do all these other countries go when they need money? You're saying we're already doing it for the rest of the world? Well, note the cutting back the rest of the world is doing even with the financial support they'd been receiving from the U.S.

That's wakeup call enough, all the nontrolls and some of the trolls even are laughing at the foolishness of your post.
The USD being petro currency alone has been an inbound subsidy to the USG allowing ultra cheap borrowing for decades.

Outbound non military aid dollars is not even a rounding error compared to that.
john61ct said:
The USD being petro currency alone has been an inbound subsidy to the USG allowing ultra cheap borrowing for decades.

Outbound non military aid dollars is not even a rounding error compared to that.

Ummm, perhaps you had some-----REASON-----you'd post that. . . ?
Yes responding to your bringing up aid or subsidies to foreign countries

pointing out that they are a drop in the bucket, completely insignificant, much less than what our colonial / capitalist empire extracts from them by criminally rigging the system.

Not to mention we hardly give any such aid unless it is directly in our interest, very rarely actually altruistic.
john61ct said:
Yes responding to your bringing up aid or subsidies to foreign countries

pointing out that they are a drop in the bucket, completely insignificant, much less than what our colonial / capitalist empire extracts from them by criminally rigging the system.

Not to mention we hardly give any such aid unless it is directly in our interest, very rarely actually altruistic.

If you knew anything about it, you'd realize that so much is simply the U.S. bowing to pressure. Start talking about $2 billion and the other countries frown, it goes to $5 billion, $10 billion, $20 billion, wherever the sour looks finally die down.

Of course subsidies come up with you talking about what other countries are doing with the money we give them. Oh, wait, you didn't understand that, either.

Ain't it amazin' what you call 'Insignificant.' It's funny how your own efforts tower over all in those same thoughts. 'Insignificant.' Oh good gawd. . . .
john61ct said:
Are there states that require lots more than that?
CA requires 1 hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked. So that's a minimum of 8.5 days off a year for a full time worker. (Most companies offer more than that of course.)