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Got the 'wave' tonight


10 MW
Sep 13, 2009
Austin TX
Do you ever get a wave from a motorcyclist? I did tonight, for the first time on my ebike. We were head on, on a divided road, but it wasn't too dark with street lights. I'm pretty sure he thought I was a motorbike due to my decent headlight which makes people think I'm a car when I approach from behind. Just a $30 Spiderfire flashlight.

I thought it was cool though, to get a wave. It was even a crotch rocket bike! When I had a 49cc scooter years ago I got waves from motorcyclists. Back there in New England you would always wave to other cyclists too, since we weren't that common.

Before this tonight, I chased down a girl on a Vespa type scooter, had it up to 39mph (eh, a bit downhill) pulled her in fast. lol I get a kick out of chasing scooters, they pretty much ride the same speed as me. Cyclists just come up on to you like they are nearly standing still (most).
You need to dump >2x more amperage into that motor, desperately.. :mrgreen: not even the tip of the iceberg until you are out-accelerating scooters. Then motorcycles are next.


Go for broke!!
I get the wave all the time. But I think something else is going on here. Often the waver just passed me, and I have a ponytail. :lol:

This used to be hilarious on the ski slopes. I skied like a madman, so sometimes did spectacular crashes. Guys would ski up, all concerned, " are you ok?' All they saw before I dumped it was a tight ass and a ponytail. Then I'd trun my face to them, scraggy beard and all. :shock:
I actually had one(crotch rocket) shake his head at me yesterday. I think it was cause I have been wearing a downhill helmet which resembles dirtbike helmets. Just sitting at the crosswalk and as he turns left in front of me he stares me down and shakes his head the same way the lycras do when the ride by me.

Most view it as overkill but I find the standard bike helmet to be worthless. Even when strapped uncomfortably snug they will slip when it meets unmovable objects. I hit my head on the side when I crashed and the helmet did very little to protect. This was on a unpowered bmx at 10-15mph. Just don't know how long I can stand the full helmet. It was only 70 degrees and any stops would get uncomfortably warm. Once summer is here I may go back to the traditional helmet.
atom1025 said:
I actually had one(crotch rocket) shake his head at me yesterday. I think it was cause I have been wearing a downhill helmet which resembles dirtbike helmets. Just sitting at the crosswalk and as he turns left in front of me he stares me down and shakes his head the same way the lycras do when the ride by me.

Most view it as overkill but I find the standard bike helmet to be worthless. Even when strapped uncomfortably snug they will slip when it meets unmovable objects. I hit my head on the side when I crashed and the helmet did very little to protect. This was on a unpowered bmx at 10-15mph. Just don't know how long I can stand the full helmet. It was only 70 degrees and any stops would get uncomfortably warm. Once summer is here I may go back to the traditional helmet.

I ride with a full face downhill helmet too, even here in summer when it's 115 degrees and don't have any problems with my head getting too hot. Could just be my helmet design too. It's a Vigor Vamoose II. I do get a few strange looks but the one time I was pulled over by a police officer for not completely stopping at a stop sign he complimented me on my helmet choice and let me go with no ticket or talk of my bicycle. I wear a full face so if I crash hopefully the full face will prevent me from having no face.
Most ignore me. As expected.
I get the odd open minded motorcyclist,Giving the wave/nod. Or asking ?'s.
More cagers, @ lights/stops, holding up traffic, give the wave/nod, ask ?'s

Say, 10 to 1, Cager to Motorcyclist/Bicyclist, approval. :wink:

How many bicyclists give you the wave?

Back when I rode motorcycles I waved at plenty of pedalers, but I've been riding those longer than motorcycles. I generally saved the wave for those who were obviously commuters, and especially in bad weather.
I always wave to E-bikes. Usually I'm jealous(and soon to be joining the e-crowd)They almost never wave back. No idea why. :cry:

EDIT: Also for helmets check out DOT approved dualsport helmets under 100$. Cheaper than a good downhill helmet, tons of ventilation, and passes the certifications for a motorcycle crash. Good enough for me:)
People constantly wave at me... however I ride a "girl bike" frame, and have very long blue hair (waist length). So I have a feeling a lot of it is due to that.

However, one time I know it was my bike. I was sitting in the bike lane, waiting for the light to change. Motorcycle pulls up next to me. Kinda gives my bike a long look, then smiled and gave me thumbs up. He revved his engine a little to suggest we race. When the light turned green, we took off. He won.
I also stop pedaling when I go past bus stops, just to show that you don't need to pedal/gas/expensive transportation to get around quick.