High Voltage Ebike Controller [above 72v 20s]


10 W
Feb 21, 2011
Vancouver, BC
My sweet spot would be either 26s or 28s.. Lyen (not sure if he is still in business or not) seemed either; quite disinterested in my business, or is a provider of extremely poor customer feedback. Am still open to his solutions if he is out there though.. Any other options on the market? Will consider anything above 20s.
What other features are you looking for, and what battery current limit do you need?

You should pick a current limit that is enough to do the job you need it to do, but below the limit of the battery pack's capabilities to easily handle.

Features could include but are not limited to
-display (kind? features?)
-programmability (what options?)
-regen (what kind? limits?)
-FOC? (or just sine or even just trap)

The Grin Phaserunner is good up to 90v max. (21s LiIon)

There are various VESC variants good for certain HV applications.

Nanjing Fardriver and some others I can't recall the names of are available, too, but require some deciphering of instructions, menus, etc to be able to program them for use.

Kelly makes some, including but not limited to these

If you're up for some DIY, you can use a Lebowski brain board from Kiwifiat, or the OpenInverter board, to drive the powerstage from any suitable controller (whatever will handle the voltage and current you're after), such as the Honda IMA (see Marcexec's thread or mine on that specific one).

There's also some threads over the years like this
that might still have working links (most, like that one, are pretty old, though).
WOW!! Thanks so very much Amberwolf!! So much information to chew on for the next little while.. I kinda forgot that the phaserunner could do 21s. Its very possibly my next stop.. The higher 's' values are definitely more desirable but don't seem as straightforward to obtain. Regarding the battery pack specs, my bike has massive accommodation therefore am quite willing to build whatever it takes to get what I want.
I ran this powervelocity controller at 22S for a day and it ran fine, while testing various voltages. Looks like they have a 140V model. I ended up killing the mosfets, playing around without a current limit set. It was rated for 70A and the mosfets popped at ~121A running 20S. It performed great otherwise.
I ran this powervelocity controller at 22S for a day and it ran fine, while testing various voltages. Looks like they have a 140V model. I ended up killing the mosfets, playing around without a current limit set. It was rated for 70A and the mosfets popped at ~121A running 20S. It performed great otherwise.
Hm, I will have to consider those for my next build, I'm planning 28s. Price seems rather reasonable as well.

And they do indeed have higher voltage models available. Thank you
I ran this powervelocity controller at 22S for a day and it ran fine, while testing various voltages. Looks like they have a 140V model. I ended up killing the mosfets, playing around without a current limit set. It was rated for 70A and the mosfets popped at ~121A running 20S. It performed great otherwise.
Massive help.. I cant thank you enough for placing this on my radar. Glad to see that others are interested as well! Will post about my experience if/ when I get my hands on one.
I'm interested in your e-bike built what frame are you going to use what motor how many amps are you thinking of running what is this ebike for.
It just sounds like a little more than the e-bike to me.
I'm interested in your e-bike built what frame are you going to use what motor how many amps are you thinking of running what is this ebike for.
It just sounds like a little more than the e-bike to me.
Just like cars have more speed capability than they can legally use on the highways and byways, I want that same option for myself. If they are allowed a discretionary reserve, I want/ need the same thing.. This, to safely manage/ control my space while swimming with the nasty "Mr. Wheelers" on our streets. Said idiots are everywhere IMO. Pls dont follow me; I have 40 years of experience biking city traffic in "courier-like" fashion. Regarding the motor itself, it would be a geared hub motor like the MAC, but with much lower e-RPM feedback to the controller. This kind of setup does not need high current in order to make speed and torque [ask me how I know].
BTW the geared hub motor will be on the rear wheel and a GRIN HUB 5 turn fast wind up front. Twin controllers, 25 amp limit at the rear, 40 amp limit up front. The more I think about, 21s would likely do the trick. Super convenient that the phaserunner can support 21s. Thanks for all the contributions and for reminding me about that last mentioned fact.
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