How to know the range of my bike?


10 mW
May 28, 2019
I am making an overpower ebike with a QS motor 273 with 8000w, a 100A controler and a 20s4p battery with the VTC6 (12ah) but i dont know the authonomy of the bike, anyone can help me?
To summarize all that, range is highly variable depending on how fast you ride and whether you accelerate hard.

If you want good range, go slow. Your range drops very fast with increased speed due to nonlinear increase of air drag.
Ignoring? I am important to you? im so sorry, i dont even knew it... And this informations isnt just for me, my question could be someone question and your answer could help alot of people. You is using forums in the wrong way man, my bad if i did something wrong to you, wasn't my intention... I just want some help and you dont have to help me if you dont want!!! What do you want after your help? an thank you??? ok so, thank you for all your help and sorry for hurting your feelings. This is serious.

I need an e-bike to go to my university that is 10km away and i have to pass by 3 hills on my way. But i want something that could make alot more ang go fast (90kmh) . I dont know if i am asking for too much
Man, for real, you is putting to much feelings on this forum... I dont have too much time to waste so when i have it, i came here and try to take some information... This forum isn't like real life mann, dont take it so seriously, no one takes it so serious! Trust me, i waste all my time negociating on the internet and almost never people wanna know how do i feel when they dont say hi when come to speak to me... This is how internet works, everyone needs to be fast, too much information going on. If you take everything with too sentimentalism you gonna stay all day with a feeling that you or (in your case) everbody have a problem. I understand your side of the conversation and allredy sad sorry for hurting your feelings... and about the wasting of time when replying me, man come on... on my topics when someone give me the answer its over... you dont need to put more information when it alredy had an answer...

All over the way, any of these things that you sad dont give you the possibility to speak with me like im just beeing so inconvenient.... Again... SORRY FOR HURTING YOUR FEELINGS WHEN YOU DONT HAVE A FEEDBACK, lets talk about what this forum was made for. (Sorry for my bad english, i am brazilian)
Im gonna take some information to help you to help me (!?) And then i come back!
Back off hassling Amberwolf, you have no idea how many people he's helped, for more than a decade.

To calculate your range, you need a lot of basic info. Otherwise you are just guessing. So that's why we won't tell you much, we hate guessing.

You need the size of your battery in watt hours. That formula is volts times amp hours. So for example if your battery is 100v, and 12 amp hours, you have 1200 watt hours. Typical e bike batteries are 500 to 800 watt hours, partly to cut the cost, and partly to keep it small and light enough to carry on bicycles.

At motorcycle like power, as your bike will be, ( 5000 to 1000w?) it could easily eat a typical 800wh battery in a few miles. And typically hitting that hard on the thing will kill it in a few cycles, if its the typical e bike battery designed to discharge at 1000w.

Once you know the average rate you pull, then you can calculate the range you have better. If you have 1000wh of battery, and pull at it at 1000w, you will ride about an hour on that battery. 30 mph takes about 1000w typically, so in that case you'd go about 30 miles. But if you make the battery suffer, it gets hot, and all that heat is lost range. So if the battery is getting killed, it won't go near as far. So even in this example, its still a guesstimate.
Nobody else has a big problem with this question because it's easy to figure out especially once you actually start riding.

Go ahead, make the bike, ride it, play with it. We all have made several bikes and learned along the way.

Try to get over yourself because you have nothing to contribute to us and everything to learn, so you'd better be nice.
With a QS 273, I would need at least 2kw/h of batteries to do 10 km. :D

You are good for a dozen bricks of 8000mah RC Lipo. That is the minimum I would carry, riding up and down mountains with such a big motor. Then you will see by yourself how to tame your throttle wrist, to go to school back and forth.
MadRhino is spot on. That motor needs a lot more battery or you're just carrying a bunch of motor weight for nothing. Your battery can't deliver enough current and with only 12ah you couldn't have fun for long even if it could. You also need a much higher power controller.

As far as estimating range it varies drastically with all up load, speed, terrain, and how you ride.
DK1800 said:
Is there any formula that i can use to discover the range?

As others have said, there is no real formula that can do it with the information you've provided - though there are many ways to do a rough estimate as others have outlined. Something like the Grin Trip Simulator might be useful as well.
Actualy i had some problems with the importations to my country and i think this dream never gonna be made real!
E-HP said:
DK1800 said:
I guess you feel you're the only one that is entitled to that freedom?

The bottom line is Amberwolf is a big part of this forum's brain trust, while by contrast, you've provided no contribution to this forum in your posts.

Completly correct, i know nothing about electricity, but i am a really hummble guy! Could you even read the post before he took it of??? He gave me alot of good information and i thank him to that but after all he sad that i am a waste of time... Such a big hero...

No matter who you are or what you did brother, you cant be rude with someone, even with the lay people like me :/

I wasn't rude with anyone and no one have the freedom to do it with me, sorry if you think diferent
DK1800 said:
I need an e-bike to go to my university that is 10km away and i have to pass by 3 hills on my way. But i want something that could make alot more ang go fast (90kmh) . I dont know if i am asking for too much
You can absolutely do that - but it will be pricey.

First choose the speed you want to ride at. You can then get rough estimates of what that will take via the simulator. (You also have to choose a motor.) It will give you power required (including for hills.) Add that all up. Let's say it comes to 1000 watt-hours. That means you need at least a 1200 watt hour battery. 1500 watt hours would be better.

If 1500 watt-hours is too expensive a battery for your taste, reduce your speed and run the exercise again.

The final test is a ride. If on flat ground your bike comes close to the simulator estimates, you are in good shape.
DK1800 said:
E-HP said:
DK1800 said:
I guess you feel you're the only one that is entitled to that freedom?

The bottom line is Amberwolf is a big part of this forum's brain trust, while by contrast, you've provided no contribution to this forum in your posts.

Completly correct, i know nothing about electricity, but i am a really hummble guy! Could you even read the post before he took it of??? He gave me alot of good information and i thank him to that but after all he sad that i am a waste of time... Such a big hero...

No matter who you are or what you did brother, you cant be rude with someone, even with the lay people like me :/

I wasn't rude with anyone and no one have the freedom to do it with me, sorry if you think diferent

I read his post and as usual it was informative and professional. But, he merely pointed out your pattern of starting posts then abandoning them after people invest time trying to help. If you have difficulty being called on that, then it's your problem, not his.

Also, if you're using a translator program, try a different one. The first time you went off on Amberwolf, I couldn't see anything that would have triggered that diatribe.
[/ quote]

I read his post and as usual it was informative and professional. But, he merely pointed out your pattern of starting posts then abandoning them after people investing time trying to help. If you have difficulty being called on that, then it's your problem, not his.

[/ quote]

Yes it was, and i said thanks for that, i said that he had reason about i dont give much attention to my post
but he still dont need to be rude ... you can say anything, but give information for someone and finish with a "dont waste anyones time anymore" isn't cool ... and no one will convince me otherwise, he could just say dont leave the posts away like that. I have never used a forum before, i live in poor conditions and didn't have much connection with computers. This is for me just a good studying tool.

If you have difficulty being called on that, then it's your problem, not his.


This proof that he was disrespectful!

Call someone "a completly waste of time" isn't be rude to you? i think that who have a problem here is you :/
Anyone is entitled to leave your threads and say why. We try to give people the information they need, expecting them to answer basic questions to make it possible to give precise answers.

We all try to be helpful, but everyone’s patience has a limit. Then each has his own ways to express frustration. Some will ignore you, some will joke on you, some will start discussing about something else or give absurd answers, some will give you sh*t and you are the only one who can prove it was not deserved. :wink:
E-HP said:
DK1800 said:
This proof that he was disrespectful!

Call someone "a completly waste of time" isn't be rude to you? i think that who have a problem here is you :/

That's not rude. That's called clairvoyance. But I get it that sometimes the truth hurts.

DK1800 said:
Actualy i had some problems with the importations to my country and i think this dream never gonna be made real!

Clarivoyce can be done without beeing rude, i am being clarivoyce with you, and you is being rude :thumb: waste of time
DK1800 said:
Clarivoyce can be done without beeing rude, i am being clarivoyce with you, and you is being rude :thumb: waste of time

There seems to be a real problem with language and translation. I suspect that is a big part of the problems here.