"Hunting Roadies" ~ A non-fiction mini series , Part 1


1 mW
Mar 15, 2016
Northeast Corner United States
My First Time:

It started when I was late to get to an appointment. I left the house grabbed my helmet, gloves and headed off down the road using PAS 5 (pedal assist 1-2 is my normal mode) and made good time to the end of the street. At the 4 way stop , a group of 4 road riders was approaching from the right so I waved as usual , at least 2 of them saw me and they just looked away and rolled the stop sign. I recognized 2 of them wearing a local road racing and triathlon club's jersey. Now I'm a big guy on a bright yellow semi-fat bike that is VERY eStealthy. It is a clean install and you really have to look directly at the bottom bracket to see anything "unusual". So I roll out going the same way towards my appointment , they were going 16-18 mph and I soon attached to the last riders wheel, the noise of the knobbies whirring had gotten her attention and she gave a quick look to see if it was really possible that I had run them down in only a few hundred yards and was maintaining speed. I heard her exclaim "What the ???" to her friend in front of her and she looked back too. I had dropped back about 30 yards to see what they would do and I saw the message go up to the guy pulling the line. Immediately speed went to 18+ and they started pacelining to share the load at the front, I dropped back another 10 yards for effect.

I think that was the moment I turned evil.

After about another 2 miles I started a push to jump the gap back up to the "breakaway" (why do I hear Phil Liggett's voice in my head). I closed in , but not wanting to mess up their paceline rotation or cause a crash I stayed back about 10 bike lengths. We came to a long downhill followed by an equally long uphill. I decided that if I wanted to be on time for my appointment I would need to pass them. So about halfway down the hill I went by at about 40 mph as they were going 35+ ish, as I reached mid pack I yelled "TEAM GRAVITY" in reference to my size and rolling weight. I heard one of the guys yell "What goes down must go up" looking at the uphill section fast approaching. I went to PAS9 and dropped them on the uphill ...

I made my appointment on time and must have looked like a lunatic since I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and I might have giggled to myself a few times.

Stay tuned for "Hunting Roadies" Part 2 ~ "Using Strava Heatmaps as a Fish Finder"
Love it.

I also enjoy just hanging back maybe 50ft, watching the pace increase and increase as they try to drop you, and eventually exhaust themselves. :)
Hehe, you guys are not cool with the pedalists.

Sometimes on windy days, instead of just passing them, I slow down and take the lead at their pace to let them draft for a while.
Ha Ha I had a moment like that on my way to work a few days ago. Guy pulls up to me at a light, I,m in the top level of assist on my Bionx D500 road bike not wanting to arrive at work all sweated up, light turns green I start pedaling sitting upright and going 20 mph, i check my mirror, he,s leaned way forward pedalling like mad but cant quite catch me. So I decide to pedal a bit faster and bump the speed up a couple mph. Then I turn to take a side street with no traffic, he stays on the main drag. About a mile up we are both crossing the river, he's on one sidewalk on the south side, I'm on the north side and I pass him before we even get halfway across the bridge, he,s staring, prob wondering how can that old guy do that, made me smile. Like I tell my co workers, the e-bike makes me feel like I'm 18 again not 63.
Have yet to have a lyrca pass me, and don't see it happening. lol I just smile big and keep pedaling past them. lol Of course I pedal full tilt whole time I ride as well with 11t rear and 48t front. I can get it up to mid 30's on a flat with a bit of good pedaling, so not many would be able to keep up for long if at all.
Bicycle365 said:
Stay tuned for "Hunting Roadies" Part 2 ~ "Using Strava Heatmaps as a Fish Finder"

Love it! If you haven't planned the entire series may I suggest this for Part 3:
“The Right Bait: Electrified Schwinn Beach Cruisers as Q-Ships”
Toy with those roadies only if they laugh at your, or make some other rude comment.

Then the push em trick works a lot better than the pass. :twisted: But only if they pick shit.

By now, the locals know me, know my weird bikes, from the local toy run ride at Christmas. One year we had a huge headwind, and a guy towing a playhouse full of kids was dying. People tried to help tow him, but couldn't do it more than a block. I hooked up with the e bike, and towed him in the last two miles easy.

Since then, they all know me now. So I can't toy with anybody. On the other hand, they know I'm cool, and I haven't had a rude comment in about 5 years now.