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Hyena's e-bike builds (now with HD video)

I know exactly what you're going to say so I like to save you the trouble :lol:
Now shut up asshole and give me a link to those frames! :p

Hey what are your thoughts on that harbour freight tube bender ? I recall you had some issues with it bending cromo.
I might get one of those and bring it back with me seeing as it will cost nothing to ship.
Hyena said:
I know exactly what you're going to say so I like to save you the trouble :lol:
Now shut up asshole and give me a link to those frames! :p

Hey what are your thoughts on that harbour freight tube bender ? I recall you had some issues with it bending cromo.
I might get one of those and bring it back with me seeing as it will cost nothing to ship.

For the price they are excellent benders, as for the link, haven't got one for framez soz.
I think we have a Perth member with a knock off baseman cant remember his name Matt.P has met him i believe?

I'm not sure if I'll do friday now, my damn schedule is so tight. At this stage I'm thinking I'll leave san fran at lunch time, drive straight to yosemite and sleep there the night then get up thursday morning, ride all day (gotta find somewhere to recharge at lunch) and then head off later afternoon and drive back to santa cruz. I'll then spend the best part of friday there before driving back up to san fran to fly home that evening.

So Thursday it is then. So I will get there early (0700?). Go for a tour de Yosemite ebike ride, have a pint and some lunch, and have you back in Santa Cruz in time for tacos. Now keep in mind that Yosemite will probably be in the 20s-30sF range (-6s to 0C) in the early morning hours. Because the base of Yosemite sits at around 1400+meters 4000 feet above sea level and goes up from there and the Month of May is so damn unpredictable so bring jacket gloves and hat.

Rix said:
So I will get there early (0700?). Go for a tour de Yosemite ebike ride, have a pint and some lunch, and have you back in Santa Cruz in time for tacos.
Sounds like a plan 8)
The santa cruz thing still isnt set in stone yet, if that falls through I may stay a second night in Yosemite, but I'll let you know closer to the date.

Now keep in mind that Yosemite will probably be in the 20s-30sF range (-6s to 0C) in the early morning hours.
Yeah I've been looking up the weather and notice that. I still dont know where I'll stay yet but I dont think I'll cheap out and camp if it's that cold!
Looks like it warms up to early-mid 20s (~70-75F?) during the day so that should make for perfect ebike riding weather.
Still gotta work on some wheels though.

AJ, was the frame you're thinking of the Micargi Royal by chance ?


I found these online and they look pretty close to the Basmans
I dont like the ape hangers but with some more sensible bars I reckon that'd be perfect. The question is, if I buy one over there can I disassemble it enough to bring it home ? How closely is yours copied off the basman ? I guess I could get a rough idea by multiplying out hte width of the rims but can you tell me how long it is from the head tube to the drop out ? If I remove the forks and wheels I reckon I might just get away with it.
Qantas bike box dimensions are
Length: 140cm (55in)
Width: 30cm (12in)
Height: 80cm (32in)
^^ not what i was thinking of but aside from the top tube it looks like the larger basman frames, i modeled
mine on the mid size frame they make, the one above looks alot longer than mine in the front and rear, mines
deceptive, looks bigger than it really is in pictures without anyone on it i guess...crap, just read that back
doesn't sound right LoL Don't like your chances of getting it on a plane perhaps check it out measurement wise
soon as your there or before you go if any0one has one?

Jay, if you want, I can call Ebikes.sf of Sanfrancisco for you and see if they have any good ebikes to rent for your visit and Yosemite trip. They stalk the 4080 and 4065 so possibly there could be a higher powered option as well. Let me know.

Hey Jay, I just got the link from my mate in Perth who got a Basman from these guys, http://classic-cycle.de/en/Frames-and-Parts/Custom-Frame-original-Basman-raw.html?cur=1&lang=1
Thanks for the link Matt.
I was kinda hoping for a cheaper alternative, if I can't find one for cheap I'll make my own and customise it how I want (the way I'm leaning anway)

Rix said:
Jay, if you want, I can call Ebikes.sf of Sanfrancisco for you and see if they have any good ebikes to rent for your visit and Yosemite trip. They stalk the 4080 and 4065 so possibly there could be a higher powered option as well
Thanks mate. I have a few issues with this trip
Being high powered isn't a terribly big concern as I'll mainly be sight seeing. But I'll need a decent bit of battery capacity and ideally a fast charger.
Buying or hiring a bike and getting it to-from yosemite is the other issue.
If I do buy something I'd like it to be the sort of bike I'd take home with me at the end, and then I'd need to disassemble it enough to get on the plane.
Lastly is the issue of batteries. I can't take them back with me if I build something myself so I'd either need to leave them with someone to try and on-sell or borrow some. Ideally borrow considering I only need to get 2 rides out of them.

In other news, had a bit of a garage clean up on the weekend. Well, started to anyway. My version of cleaning seems to be moving things from one corner to another while only throwing out about 10% of stuff in the process...
I did however fit a fire a fire alarm and fire blanket after reading about GCinDCs recent garage BBQ.


I went to commission my red diamondback (in the background above) for commuter duties and realised I'd made a noob mistake. In my quest to simplify and tidy the wiring I wired the battery pack straight to the controller with a flush mount anderson set on the opposite end of the controller for charging. Only problem is the bike has been laying around unused for 6 months and the controller has bled the pack dry. Damn it, there's 18S worth of lipo down the drain, only had 5 cycles on it too :x

Speaking of fires, I was late for work today due to a doctors appt and when I arrived the office was full of people so I couldn't wheel my bike through for charging and storage as per usual. So I chained it to the unused heater in the corridor outside and promptly forgot about it. At lunch time I get a knock on my door from the fire warden with a stern look telling me he needs to talk to me about my bike. My first thought was "oh shit, the lipo pack has gone up" ... "no wait I didnt hear any alarms, he's just noticed the batteries and is going to tell me I can't bring it in the building"
Turns out he was just concerned it was blocking an exit (well not blocking, it was leaning against a wall in a wide corridor) and he was concerned people would trip over it in the even of a fire. I felt like saying "mate if there's a fire people are going to want to run away from my bike not towards it!" :lol: but I politely apologized and said I'd move it and he was cool.

Oh and while waiting around at the doctors I signed up for strava on my phone. For those not in the know it's a GPS app that tracks your rides and uploads them to compete with others. Even with my modestly powered commuter bike on medium speed and deliberately taking it easy I took out 2 lycra hill climb records :lol: I set them to private afterwards so as to not be toooo much of an asshole but looking around my local area it seems there's a heap of marked out trails and times to play with. I also noticed a few downhill and single tracks that I didn't know about so that was a cool bonus. I found many o the local trail records are held by my best mates friend (he does XC and DH racing) so I'll have to make sure I dont bump his times off.
Just incase I've signed up with an alter ego that those in the know may recognise as an acknowledgement of cheating and how I'm going about it.
His name... is Lance Lectron (no facility to enter a middle name but you know it starts with an E ) :mrgreen:
Thats a good point about the puffy pillows, I didnt actually remove the cover because I was so pissed at myself I went and found something else to do!
It was a super tight fit getting them in initially, I imagine getting them out is going to be fun!
I might have to pierce them and hope it doesnt end in involuntarily heat treating my frame!
I suspect they wont given the total pack voltage is reading 0.15v!

Back to Strava, I busted my arse pedalling this arvo. Well, when I say busted, I mean I rode as close to a normal cyclist as my health will allow. But then normal cyclists dont ride in jeans and an armored motorcycle jacket :p . I arrived home hot and a bit sweaty (would have been alot better off without the jacket!) but about as close to my sustained maximum I dare go for now. About 10% more and I get chestpain, dizzyness and tend to fall over so I try to avoid that while riding! And swimming for that matter (no more big surfs for me!)

I set the speed mode to "approximately legal" which equates to a top speed of 25km/hr. For most of the ride I just twisted to full throttle, tapped cruise and then pedalled in a suitable gear to maintain a moderate load. I was drawing 200-400w most of the time with short peaks of around 700-800w on the hills. In other words, pretty damned economical for such a bike and about what you'd get from a street legal 250w continuous pedalec.
Interestingly when I compared the strava stats this time I was no where near the top. Granted it aint no light weight, slick tyred road bike like all the top times on strava are, but I thought with the constant e-assist it'd be higher up there. For most of the sections I was around 100 positions from the top and about 30th down on the short steep sections where I'd have thought an ebike would shine (no doubt a higher current limit would result in lycra rape) In short, from a time point of view if I was moderately fit I'd be better off not riding an ebike on my work commute. That's certainly a very interesting data point!

Here's the ride for those that are interested.
If you've got a strava account you'll be able to compared other times and what not, if not I think you can only see the route and a few key data points. One thing I did find quite interesting is just how hilly my commute is! Obviously there's some notable ups and downs while riding but on the whole it's further from generally flat than I realised. Also using bare minimum power I noticed the little grades that I'd normally just powered through where today I was clicking down gears.

pro tip, you don't want to be reaching over what will be exploding with flames to get a fire blanket.

best place (like a fire extinguisher) is near the exit, you usually rush after seeing smoke and grab it on your way in.

Might get another, best to have one over the unit while charging and another left in it's sleeve on the off change something else goes up.

I got one from Aldi, want to test how it copes with a fire,=. My guess is that it would be highly depending on the amount of air flow aka how it's covered.

Need to figure out somewhere safe and controlled to conduct my tests :p

Sorry to heat about the LiPo, it really happens to the best of us.
My theory is that no matter how well educated or experienced you are, if you do something enough times you're bound to make the simplest of mistakes.
Blew out my balance taps plugging a 10s wired pack in parallel, I mean I know not to do that but it happen anyway.

This is what scares me most using a regular LiPo setup on a daily rider, you come home once tired or shitty and your mind slips and it's easy to see how a mistake could be made.
t3sla said:
pro tip, you don't want to be reaching over what will be exploding with flames to get a fire blanket.
Actually I meant to post a pro tip to you the other day when I saw your pic - fire blankets aren't meant to be handled regularly like you are for charging and what not. Fibreglass is itchy horrible shit and you don't want to handle it if you can possibly help it. You want a giant lipo charge pouch or 3 for that. Actually, best application for battery builders would be to wrap your lipo pack the blanket then tape or shrink wrap over that. I reckon that'd go along way to containing a bad situation or atleast buying you some time.

I've got alot of puffed cells around, I might do video an experiment if I get bored.

But yeah, that fire blanket buried behind a mountain of lipo filled frames was really more of a joke than anything serious. A 1x1m blanket against that is like pissing on a bush fire.

I got one from Aldi
How much ? Mine was $10 at bunnings on special. Not sure how much they are normally. Only $12 or so with shipping all the way from China so can't be too much more.
I'm not sure what the chinese could cheap out on instead of fibreglass in their blankets but I wouldn't be surprised if they found something! Can rice be spun into fabric ? :p

My theory is that no matter how well educated or experienced you are, if you do something enough times you're bound to make the simplest of mistakes.
True dat. And when you're at your most complacent is when it will bite you on the arse.
I really need to clean out my old lipo packs. I've got some from my first build like 5 years ago that's got cells at 1v, leaking and puffed. I've also got some in a metal box that nicely distorted by puffed cells. They've been on my outside work bench for the last 12 months underneath a power drill, a roll of copper pipe and a bunch of roofing screw which weren't deposited there with any care :lol:
Maybe there really is a god and he figures I've had enough shit things happen in my life so he's just going to let my old lipo swell to 3 times their size but just hang out chillin like villins 8)
Or it could be that stasis field generator I've been working on. Yeah, that seems more likely... :p

This is what scares me most using a regular LiPo setup on a daily rider, you come home once tired or shitty and your mind slips and it's easy to see how a mistake could be made.
With balance charging, sure. That's why bulk charging is 4TW. Essentially impossible to make a mistake. (yeah I know, famous last words)
Hyena said:
t3sla said:
pro tip, you don't want to be reaching over what will be exploding with flames to get a fire blanket.
Actually I meant to post a pro tip to you the other day when I saw your pic - fire blankets aren't meant to be handled regularly like you are for charging and what not. Fibreglass is itchy horrible shit and you don't want to handle it if you can possibly help it. You want a giant lipo charge pouch or 3 for that. Actually, best application for battery builders would be to wrap your lipo pack the blanket then tape or shrink wrap over that. I reckon that'd go along way to containing a bad situation or atleast buying you some time.

Meeeeeeeeeeh. My pick was more a troll (I can be a LiPo cowboy too)
Have you ever installed ceiling bats? Now that's something you don't want to do without a mask.

With balance charging, sure. That's why bulk charging is 4TW. Essentially impossible to make a mistake. (yeah I know, famous last words)
YES! I thought you were crazy, but I believe you are far more-likely to have less issues with just bulk charging and using taps to monitor.
Every-time you break a pack down you statistically increase your odds of having an indecent (PR has determined this is the new term for a rapid exothermic release of energy, we don't use teh F word any more)
It's insane, trying to take a safer approach yields an increased likely-hood of failure.

How much ?
Aldi for $12, but might have to check the bunnings one out. Also got an electronics fire extinguisher (haven't checked but that should shoot powder not water^)
I'd only buy Australian complaint product, Mr One Hung Low isn't easy to hold liable, he is much like Well Endowed Motors INC.
Keen to keep overheads low and by substitute key parts with rice.

^That's what she said.

Now the real question is how can I exploit an OEM battery sample to be re routed to a USA address for review of a San Francisco division :lol:
No one would hold it against you if rented a Mustang and hit the open road, you know they don't have demerit point... :twisted:
t3sla said:
Have you ever installed ceiling bats? Now that's something you don't want to do without a mask.
A good way to get lung cancer too!

I thought you were crazy, but I believe you are far more-likely to have less issues with just bulk charging and using taps to monitor.
Fo shizz! Unless you have a badly behaving pack, for regular / commuter duties if you bulk charge to ~4.15 and dont discharge more than 80% capacity you can fairly safely fly blind.
I've been doing so for years.

you statistically increase your odds of having an indecent (PR has determined this is the new term for a rapid exothermic release of energy, we don't use teh F word any more)
It's insane, trying to take a safer approach yields an increased likely-hood of failure.
hahaha noted!
Did you mean indecent though ? Or incident ? Incendiant would actually be more descript!

Now the real question is how can I exploit an OEM battery sample to be re routed to a USA address for review of a San Francisco division :lol:
haha for the first few times I started getting spam email about batteries I'd reply "I might be interested if you'd like to send me a sample pack to test"
Oddly no one followed through :p

No one would hold it against you if rented a Mustang and hit the open road
Already have a stang convertible booked for 30 minutes after I touch down - heading south on Route 1 / pacific coast high way 8)
To the American audience i know mustangs are of no interest there but they're are a rarity here so it's kind of a novelty.

you know they don't have demerit point... :twisted:
Yeah but the cops there use their guns more than ours do!
dbaker said:
Who is Rhys M. :shock:

Jay, tell Rhys M you prefer to put the steroids in your bike instead of your body.

Have fun in the US. The cops only get gun happy if you run from them or seem to be on drugs. They do tend not to have much of a sense of humour in the larger cities though.

hah Rhys M is a mate of mine, he's one of those rare people that is both a keen lycra but has also embraced ebikes.
He also has a "green" mowing business where he uses all electric mowers, trimmers etc.
I'm building him some lipo packs for his gear as he's being charged out his arse (pardon the pun) for the commercial brand name batteries.

Thanks Clay, I don't intend to land in the US and start a shoot out or blow up a marathon or anything (too soon ? :p )
Worst case I might drift over the speed limit a little on a nice twisty road :wink:
Jay, don't worry about the cops. Especially in Yosemite, I give you an iron clad solid gold gaurentee that we wont be fuqed with. If we are, i will do some tin flashin myself and we will ride away happy campers :mrgreen: .

Sweet. OK, street race from one end of yosemite to the other - you're on! :lol:
I was more thinking of having a squirt through the bends on the winding coast road, but yeah nothing outrageous. I'll be in an auto hire car so not exactly a race car. Though it's well documented that hire cars have abilities that normal cars do not :p

Shooting you a PM now Rix.