Icharger mod to charge any voltage

That would require a complete redesign of the circuit board, in addition to FETs that can handle the higher voltage in the first place.

It would be easier to engineer a 20S balancing charger from scratch than re-engineer one that was clearly not built for that task.
You will need a BMS to balance charge 20S directly. This one is programmable and looks promising at a low cost and I think they have a 20S version: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/24S-Lithium-Ion-battery-Smart-BMS-with-UART-communication-port-and-86-4V-or-88-8V/32778195210.html

Or, you can do what I did for my 20S setup which is have 2 10S blocks connected in series for use and then I have another harness to put them in parallel for charging with my 3010B.