Modifying your Ebrake circuit for "Line Lock"


1 MW
Nov 3, 2013
Bellevue, WA - USA
This is a mod I did for a recent build. It's a simple inline switch added to my front ebrake circuit, that allows me to disable the front ebrake and still engage the motor for "warming up a tire". This is often referred to as a "Line Lock".

I used a standard 3-position switch, that has a three-wire output, though you could also use a two-position switch with two wire output for the same effect.

Essentially, you just interrupt one of the ebrake wires with the switch. When the switch is "On" (closed), the ebrake circuit functions normally. When you switch it "Off" (Open), it disables the ebrake circuit (tricking your controller into thinking the ebrake lever is not being activated.)

And then you can light up your tire. :twisted:


You can do same thing if in your country throttle is not permitted. Just hide the switch :wink:
I need that to sometimes disable regen. When climbing steep hills, the motor gets overheated so when I hit a downhill section, I want maximum motor cooling and use the friction brakes.
That's one way to do it. ;)

I use a separate lever for the regen brakes ATM, though I'll have a separate switch on the mechanical brakes at some point, for individual left/right/front on the trike, or rear/front on the bike.
Thanks for sharing the idea. I just use a separate momentary switch for regen so I can ride more fluidly and not further heat my motor in certain conditions.

More importantly, you went through the trouble of doing the video and posting the thread with that fail of a burnout to show us, hahaha?! The only reason I clicked on the thread and video was to watch an ebike burnout!!! :lol: