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I liked him in the the paul walker movies. I liked him especially in the mark walberg 'no pain no gain'. Better than him I like riddick, or jason stathom in transporter or especially crank!

Sorry guys I spouted all that from just the first 5 minutes of 'startrek into darkness'. The general entertainment/deep&esoteric just continues thru the whole thing. (and it's excellent!). Go figure, jj abrams had a hand, the guy behind fringe.
Was 'heroes' his too? cuz the first 10 episode story arc was totally his style imo. And 'spock' was one helluva character in that series. That actor is the shit.

Off to watch the 2008 star trek RITE THE F NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anybody like weird ass indie movies? Maybe not to watch ten times or anything, but many worth watching once or twice.

Repo man a good one on the list. Another one, called Bark! is really good. Or Pow Wow Highway, that one is really superb.

Others I like to watch just because they were filmed local. If you want to see what my town looks like, see The Burning Plain. Actually a very good movie too. I do lots of my riding out where the trailer burns.

Another one filmed here you likely can't find easy, got a much smaller release. The Odd Way Home. That one has Rumor Willis in it.
Yeah, Indie movies are sometimes the best.
Blair Which Project. Clerks. Requiem for a dream. Run Lola Run. All great films.

I'm also a fan of the small budget films. The original Japanese movie, "The Eye" was way better than the American version. "Pi" was Great, and also permanently changed my taste in music. "The Rocky Horror Picture show", isn't a movie you can watch at home, because the audience is the real show.

"Gas, Food, and Lodging" is another I like, filmed out in Deming NM, near Dogman I think. My Cousin is in it, so that might make me slightly biased, though.
Something more up my alley,



Watch this with a literal mind, and it'll tie you in knots - but the message is clear enough, if you like totalitarian plots.

*My wife *hates* this movie, btw - so it's not going to be a hit with everyone!
I was totally gonna mention that one! It's on utube 2, and I thought of it as indie, although I guess it isn't quite. I saw it years ago, quite a nice one, of a different breed. (no spoiler).
The Gylenhall's are both great- isn't there first movie a cult classic now?

The other one I was thinking of is 'kiss kiss bang bang', cuz it also has michelle monoghan (from source code). There's quite a few cool actors (downey jr and kilmer) in it, and it's kinda a dark comedy.
Probably available *somewhere* on WooWooWho, but "Murdock Mysteries" ""Who Killed the Electric Carriage". A snip:

"Prepare to be amazed (by his electric carriage thingee)"

Recumbent trike of course (cough cough) driven by... Magic Pie hub motor?
The blight of it. Not lettin' the video play in my country. Still a bit stiff about the revolution, it seems. What's all this then? I've found a new one what works.

(Probably shouldn't say this, but...) Through the miracles of "peer-to-peer" networking aka "Popcorn Time"... One fav the "Gangs of New York" (for history/"Hollywood" fans EVerywhere):

(Where one grrrl in my distant past escaped from to marry an "Irish" Canadian dude.)
Henry Ford as murder suspect. Heh heh. The quadracycle he was driving was long before anyone was thinking of electric start, ah, alternative history. And he won every race he's known to have run himself.

I'm not sure I want to top 20mph in that electric. That video seems to be running some 2.5x at times.

Not sure if I've heard of that one D.

Although Tom Cruise seems a little egotistical etc, and I don't like scientology on my breakfast cereal, his last two movies 'oblivion' and 'edge of tomorrow' have been awesome beyond compare.
I think I like things profoundly esoteric, and although that word doesn't quite fit, it's the closest I can think of. And most of the movies I like best I do consider profound. Isn't that way it should be?

They're in my top 25 fo shor.

View attachment 1
watching this one now
It's ter one beans on toast in six parts, guvner. 'Cockneys versus Zombies.'

Biscuit and Cookie pair whose Maw 'n Paw got bottled by the coppers 'cause they didn't want ter boom to the mizzen. Yer'd fink they would learn better than ter rob a bank. But they're at the brickin' mortar winnin' the bloomin' shootout wen the zombies start eatin' the bloody feet off the coppers. Oh, there's somewot of a tear jerker about ole' blokes, right, too. They're not the bloomin' zombies, right, ffough.

But I is bloody well tellin' the bleedin' story I is. I should let yer wotch for yerself. The first is in the chuffin' James Dean, the next 5 are the links below.


Hmmm ok? If it's one of your fav's it's going on my list of adventurous to-watch movies.

I'm thinking of 'frequencies' though tonight. I really liked much of the movie the first time around. It was really surprising. (imo sometimes they are the best personal movies- ones you gave a chance, and they really surprised you.)

It's kind of a differently filmed fiction-science that's fairly happy-go-lucky and simple.
It's almost indie, by 'britpack'


a wild ride the first time, will be totally diff the second
It's really neat how I can see myself in both contradicting main characters of the movie.

Something from the movie I think applicable to anyone:

You are low frequency
You are [strike]a genius[/strike] simple
look at patterns
look at old technology -history
look at IRONY :D


It's up to each of us to prove whether or not we have a soul?
Dauntless said:
markz said:
to understand, you'd have to watch it
But why nutspecial? Why would I do that :wink:
Ummm, to see what it's like to be smoking without actually smoking?

BURP. In classic ES Off Topic Mode, (if it's the tobacco leaf you guyz are tapping about) lately one addicted guy has been importing from these folks:

So, tiny tins of fine powered... stuff... that is like "concentrated" that you don't actually burn (with attendant concerns re second hand smoke like the gasoline/diseasal-powered horseless carriage) but... absorb like using the transdermal skin patch. (Note: Have to warn folks now about the danger of second-hand snot.)

"Old Style" pipes and cigars (w/little ones "cigarettes") waste so much of the leaf as burning and clogging up your lungs with dirty, poisonous stuff. In one recent extended vacation in local "health care SYSTEM" they actually did try "cleaning out my... breathing tubes" and daughters report TONS of... stuff cleaned out. (I blame urban air "quality" these daze.) but was probably at least in part from burning... other stuff. (Local gov. already monitors "air quality" obviously a concern due to tobacco leaf burners.)

Now back to your regular ES programming.

EDIT: PS... chuckle chuckle... snort snort. :wink:

EDIT (again): In the dead of cold winters (odd expression) guess who gets stuck inside watching folks bags and stuff while the gang of still burning-addicted have to go outside. :cry:
Some on Alt. Reality Planet ES might guess I'm a bit of a "history nut", especially re transportation (see e.g. ES thread "Horses of Iron"). And via the WWW I get to do my own programming re "Movie Night". So currently getting a chuckle re the TV movie series "Centennial" based on the 1976 novel by American author James A. Michener, published in 1974.

As series goes on some episodes get plenty of vids re American "western" history and folks from India (apparently) and watt they saw as "horses of iron" (trains - at that time run on fossil fuel "coal" burnt to heat up water).

Anyway, currently watching about at episode 7-8 centered around a small town Michener named "Centennial", in the state of Colorado. So had to look that up, and there IS a city now in Colorado named Centennial! But this city of Centennial was only formed in 2001!

Talk about reality imitating fiction. Hehe