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i captured the moment when i was about to start the episode, cold drinks and pop corn ready. Maybe you don't undestand the feeling i am talking about...

Nah don't mind him, I think he might be jaded :wink: / Some of us understand!

Funny I haven't seen the new Star Trek floating around. Off to find it!

/// Oh it's a show! I will wait for it to get goin and feel like they're always more riveting to watch without days weeks or years breaking up the nuiances and plot etc. Added to the list!

///Instead maybe it's time to check out that new JACKIE CHAN movie? ( THE FOREIGNER) . Like Arnold Schwarzenegger he just has that unique talent (although obviously unique to Arnold), and I hear this new one is pretty good and original.
So my relatives got the 'Thor: Ragnok' bootleg going last night. The first had such bad sound one of them thought it was foreign language. The second had problems, so off to the third where we saw people scrambling to their seats as it started the Marvel logo, actually seemed a kewl effect if you come from the business.

Actually seemed like they'd taken 2-3 good shorts and edited them together as a movie. 'We interrupt this movie to give you a completely different movie.' Not bad, but there was the feeling of wasting time on the side trip. Radnok itself Thor spent little time on. Hmmmmm.

Of course there was no alcohol involved, as I'm NOT the jaded one.
nutnspecial said:
///Instead maybe it's time to check out that new JACKIE CHAN movie? ( THE FOREIGNER) . Like Arnold Schwarzenegger he just has that unique talent (although obviously unique to Arnold), and I hear this new one is pretty good and original.
This is a good suspense-thriller movie. Like a Jackie Chan version of Taken and Tom Clancy's Patriot Games. Different from previous JC movies because it's a serious drama with none of his rehashed comedy hot potato game-like action routines such that all his movies are "seen one, seen 'em all," to me at least, anymore. Action & fight choreography is the same though. So he delivered the action part while Pierce Brosnan carried the acting part of the show. Also, was impressed by the Brit police interrogation scene near the end with them according all due respect to the suspect's civil liberties & due process.
I actually thought Chan stood on his own for the acting.
The movie was unique and impressive enough in plot acting and effects/talent.
Maybe it was just me but it actually felt like bronson was breaking bad having trouble with an irish accent? ( I said out loud ' miscast!', not even recognizing him as bronson) Good movie and Interesting story regardless I have comments but they would give away some of it-
Regarding an allegorical take on the beginning and ending. Was there any question the middle part was necessary or worth it? Of course it was- that is the message. But I think that more true for humanity itself than just one wronged man. . . I wonder if the east has a heads up on us there? I'm truly intrigued by many different cultures
Oh and plus one to the comment about John Wick 2 kinda falling short
and plus one to the comment about Riddick kinda ruling
There we go, you can catch 'Bright' on its first day of release on Netflix, no theatrical even though its $90 million.

The reviews were pretty bad, I'd say it deserves it. But the sequel has already been green lit.

So if you've seen 'Alien Nation,' you know what they added some 'Lord of the Rings' to. Oh, some 'XXX' and a little 'Fifth Element.' Maybe a few others, there's definitely not much originality here. 'How about some 'Bad Boys.' Maybe you'll think of one as you watch it, if you bother.

Maybe if you like the idea of orcs as cops and elves and other magical creatures in a conspiracy, causing some serious 'Die Hard' situations. . . .
Someone mentioned 'Blade Runner 2049'.

I don't think I ever saw the whole other one with Snipes, but I saw the first 20-30min of this one and damn I like it. Reminds me of . Well. Alot. Some maybe of Cruise/Oblivion and a little 'heavy metal'/ 'fifth element', and dept/transcendence, johanson/lucy.

My plan is to consecutively watch a little more and more of the movie from the start. Getting ready to watch 30-40min this time --- on a newer 4k screen.

Offtopic but does anyone see the diff with a new 4k screen running at least 120 refresh? The sht looks like a daytime soap opera recording. I kant quite explain the diff but I kinda liked the older 720 or 1080 and 60refresh? The newer almost looks more FAKE even though it's supposed to be more 'real'.
If you mean the original 'Blade Runner
No, I MEAN what I said. . . . But it makes sense now at least why I never saw it . . .at least in this reality lol.
I also never saw the 1982 blade runner or 1998 blade. Might put them on the list, but why? The people that wrote the newest have watched the originals and maybe 1000 more movies than I ever did or will. They combined prob have more life exp than 1000 of me. We are always improving, are we not? The rest must just be nostalgia.

Runner 2049 was pret dam cool. I washed it down with a midnight ride in the woods (in current east coast frigid temps) and then a rewatch of 2014 'Lucy' tho. . .
nutnspecial said:
If you mean the original 'Blade Runner
No, I MEAN what I said. . . .

Then it turns out you didn't. . . .

So dang, even age 42 at the time, still every thing I could have daydreamed of. Mira Sorvino in 'The Last Templar,' an otherwise okay but hardly fantastic movie.

So these popped up as I was looking for something. I've seen them in the order I posted them, that's the order you want to watch them. Because the second starts as the battle in the first is ending.

Found on Svengoolie tonight:
The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T
Fios 462


I want the cap the kid wears in the movie to wear when I ride. :lol:

I was forced to take piano lessons when I was a kid. Was either that or learn to play the accordion. :lol:

I believe I was concieved as my parents watched this movie at the drive in theater. :lol:
I think the reaction to a Kardasian is exaggerated, except I'm sure they're just using the excuse. The excitement over 'Bird Box' is overblown, but it's okay.

Damn, there's a new 'How to Train Your Dragon' movie. Loved the first two. The commercial calls it one of the great trilogies of all time, but no. It's something you gotta love even if it's not especially good

I'd have to look it up because I didn't read any of it, but it's actually some later novel in a series that apparently the movies don't resemble. But if they screw up the third one after the first two were so endearing. . . .
Watching How the West Was Won for the umpteenth time. Still remember the premere debut in Hollywood. Cinerama was all the rage.


Hey, I met this girl in the not safe for work pictures just as she was about to make this movie. Of course the statement ". . . . based on the true story of a serial killer who kidnapped women, disrobed them and then hunted them" is WRONG. It's a myth. Urban Legend. More to the point it was FAKE NEWS at the time. The press made it up. Still the filmmakers found it too much to resist and made a fun film anyway.

But if I was using that film to illustrate the point, I'd say the first half of the film was tedious and dragging whether she had her clothes on or not. The second half, where they acted out the press fiction, at least the drama played.
