Portable 5-8 amp charger

May I hijack this thread? I'm also looking for a reasonable charger, but for 88.2V (21s). I could get a Satiator, but those are a bit too expensive for my tastes. Any recommendations? Thanks!

john61ct said:
HLGs can also be stacked, in series or parallel
Are you absolutely sure this is possible? e.g. put 2x 42V HLGs in series to create a 84V one? With BMS in series there's always the question of blowing up FETs due to the doubling in voltage across their junction should one of two BMS switch its output off.
Yes, once you go past 60V, options for actual chargers are few and far between.

An excellent strategy is to build packs at 6-8S where balancing hobby chargers are cheap and plentiful, then connect in series for discharge.

7S *3 I guess if you really need 21S precisely.

Or yes 2* HLG-600H-42A in series will give you 71.4V - 88.2V no worries.

Or the cheaper lower wattage units if you don't want 7+ amps, the 600 goes up to 14A
