Portable programmable CAN Module


1 kW
Jul 11, 2018
I am looking for a portable programmable CAN module that continiously reads some parameters from the ASI controller while riding multiple times per second.
It needs to be compact and programmable, so that when an if-statement gets true, it will change a parameter in the controller.

So for example when speed goes above xx mph, it should send a CAN message that changes a parameter in the controller.

I have the CAN protocol and reading and writing that parameter is not a problem, but I don't have a laptop and USB-CAN adapter with me while riding of course.
TTL ist not an option unfortunately because it is already used for the display.
Thank you! Do you have experience with this?
How can it be programmed?
I looked over the specs of the Adafruit RP2040 CAN Bus Feather
and noticed it's a 3.3v board. You probably will need a level shifter to interface to the controller.
They are cheap and easy to use but in the long run it might be better to find an equivalent canbus controller on a 5v board.