Predicted Late Night Standup on Iowa

There's your campaign theme for Biden:

He should have run in 2016. Now he's back to bring you Hindsight in 2020.

So with 103 candidates in the hands of the also rans, Bernie just needs to stay within 100 of Biden and there's no first round winner and we get our brokered convention. I was counting on Klobuchar, Bloomberg, even Warren to beef up their numbers a bit and keep it fun, but they let us down.
by Dauntless » Mar 11 2020 8:37am

There's your campaign theme for Biden:

He should have run in 2016. Now he's back to bring you Hindsight in 2020.

So with 103 candidates in the hands of the also rans, Bernie just needs to stay within 100 of Biden and there's no first round winner and we get our brokered convention. I was counting on Klobuchar, Bloomberg, even Warren to beef up their numbers a bit and keep it fun, but they let us down.
I agree with you, would never vote for Biden now. We needed him in 2016, his mind is gone. Did you see him ranting and swearing at the guns advocate. Totally out of line.
Punx0r said:
Can someone please explain to me why the affordable care act is, apparently, "facist"?
Anything that Obama did is fascist, because they hate him, and fascist is the worst insult they can think of.
JackFlorey said:
Anything that Obama did is fascist, because they hate him, and fascist is the worst insult they can think of.

Thank you for.demonstrating the Fascist response to that question in trying to rationalize the problem away.

Fascism is iron handed control ("Although 70% of you oppose this, we will force Obamacare on you.") oppression of opposition ("We will PUNISH you for not getting Obamacare.") economic sanctions ("You can keep your current plan, but we will drive them out of business.")

As for all things Obama being Fascist ("Henceforth, the OTHERS shall be referred to as the 'Party of NO, whom you shall hate as directed. Fashionably so.")

Witness the 'Night of the broken Glass' when Obama's party was kicked out and they weren't gonna go peacefully. . . .

But maybe you're getting all butthurt prematurely. If I could just find a breakdown of it I'd be saying Bernie is closer now than he was in 2016. His big surge didn't come until April after Hillary promised she'd clinch in March. Buyer's remorse as people remembered they didn't really want Hillary to be president, they just wanted her to shield them from Bernie. For that, Bernie started winning states.
So seatbelts and crash testing of motor cars is also facist?

Obama was a president who didn't die in office. What would Trump's response be to that???
Punx0r said:
So seatbelts and crash testing of motor cars is also facist?
I wouldn't say that, but I would summize that forcing people to wear seatbelts in a jurisdiction where you're on the hook for your own medical expenses might be considered as such. If you're not on the hook for the expense of putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, who are you to tell him whether he can sit on his wall or not? :wink:
Well, Sleazey is doing some stand up of his own:

The debate was lost by both Biden and Sanders. He seems to suggest that Sanders was the biggest loser. (So does that mean he's first loser?) He says Trump won.

He also names Klobuchar, Warren, Harris, etc. as winners. You mean like, for not being there? Noooooo, because Biden, in one of his losing moves, said he's nominate a woman for vice president. He did NOT say there was this particular woman he was leaning toward, etc. He just pandered completely and said he'd nominate a woman, irregardless of if it was a good idea or not. I just want to remind him of the last time they choose "A woman" rather than the best candidate. Not only did she not debate well (Do you really doubt that Pence kicking Kaine around helped Trump?) but she had some baggage that turned out to come with her. Oh, that didn't change the fact that she was a woman, it just kept the presidential candidate from getting votes. Meanwhile, Sleazey had no explanation w these particular women personally were the winners.

So with gigs getting cancelled, and no opportunity to get back to sending jokes in to the talk shows. . . .
by The Toecutter » Mar 15 2020 10:41pm

Biden is so thoroughly senile, that he may be LESS competent than even Trump.

WTF America...

You picked up on that too. My mother though he was falling asleep. I am sure he was trying to read his crib notes.
CNN is really trying to salvage Biden after last night; I'd say for easily the last hour Diamond Joe was on the defensive, and I'm not sure why he was so ill-prepared to respond to his voting record (outside of credible discussions of his mental status). Also as a seemingly minor note- he looked terrible, at a time where we have a pandemic. Bernie looked (for lack of a better term) pink and supple, like a Grandpa that still gets speeding tickets. Biden on the other hand had his liver spots on display and seemed to grimace to me more often than not. New gal from TV Telemundo brought up an excellent point about Biden having NO support from the Hispanic population of America (finally giving them some attention...). Also doesn't help the man got caught in some VERY obvious traps, like Bernie's Obama clap or the confusion around the 10-year environmental kill mark that needs Biden's slow and consistent action... for some reason. Oh, and he'll force other countries to "Keep their commitments" to the climate accords: so we invade for oil, then 20 years later invade for wind? 3/10, Big oof.

Bernie easily got an 8/10 performance-wise; did some interesting things I didn't expect from him. For one, there was a law (I forget it's name, it was a BIG deal about 6 years ago) that Biden was for that would have essentially allowed families whom have had members who were shot and killed to sue gun companies for making the firearms- anyone with any knowledge of laws can say that's a terrible idea, because with that precedence you could sue an automaker for the death of someone EVEN IF they died by not wearing their seatbelt, because GM gave them the ability to do 80MPH. Short and simple, Biden may have just given Bernie the left-leaning gun vote (think Gun Owners of America) with that, coupled with Biden being pro "Assault weapons" ban.
Everywhere else, Bernie was rock-solid; speeches were typical Bernie, lots of focus on how Biden isn't treating systemic issues we face here in the US, and used COVID-19 as a GREAT example. Never got "angry", just forceful and purposeful. I do think he should have talked over Biden at least once though; there was a speech halfway through where I think if Bernie had interrupted Joe sooner he would have A. routed him and B. showed a firmer spine (but he still is friends with him, so it could have been respect more than anything else). Again easily 8/10, maybe a 9/10 if I think more on it but not the absolute smackdown some Bernie supporters think.

ZeroEm said:
You picked up on that too. My mother though he was falling asleep. I am sure he was trying to read his crib notes.
Or like when he'd quote Bernie word-for-word- did ya'll see the immigration question where Biden worded something that sounded like Obama endorsed slavery? He drifted more than once.

The Toecutter said:
Biden is so thoroughly senile, that he may be LESS competent than even Trump.

I doubt he'd (somehow) be less competent that the orange fat fascist, but I absolutely agree that some of our fears of his mental state were pretty obvious. His final speech was a rambling monologue about twice as long as Bernie's, and it was jarring to see him talk about togetherness then pull a 180 and get seriously angry at Bernie for whatever reason. He got tilted pretty bad a couple of times, and against the Mar-a-Lago masturbator he's gonna loose focus even worse- all Trump's gonna do is insult and twist the narrative, cause it's all hes got now (and credit where credit is due, he's good at it).

Bernie LOST the debate to Biden, who was considered to have had his best outing yet. Perhaps he was saving himself. Bernie is referred to as looking like he's had a recent heart attack. Well, what do you know, he HAS had one recently. Unable to really answer questions, resorting to his stale campaign speeches that didn't quite cover it. As long as he's preaching to the choir, his supporters will think anything is alright coming from him. But the choir isn't near big enough to nominate him, let along elect him.

I was thinking:We need wind power, right? Not enough windy places in the U.S. So instead of invading for oil, they invade for butterflies. Ever hear the one about the butterfly flapping its' wings in South America eventually stirs up a tornado in Kansas? If we invade countries to take their butterflies and ignore their oil, we then have the worlds' most renewable source of clean wind power. while the rest of the world gets dirtier and dirtier. Now THERE is a campaign promise.

I still think utilizing the natural movement of the oceans is a never discussed yet seemingly very practical method of generating electricity. Not that I necessarily know my ass from my elbow when it comes to generating enough power for an entire continent.

I also think Bernie is done but can't bring himself to admit it to his supporters and Biden is so far past his best by date he would be effectively useless as a world leader. A puppet reading from a script is the best you could ever hope for, because when he goes off script, watch out baby!

Half the country may hate the hell out of the current president, but it's difficult to argue that the US hasn't been doing pretty damn well during his tenure in regards to the economy, unemployment, etc. Up until a few weeks ago anyway. He may not be the leader a lot of people want, but he just might be both the leader they need and might just get for another 4 years.

Worth it for the entertainment value alone. :lol:

*As observed from north of the 48th parallel, with no pony in the race so to speak.
HK12K said:
Half the country may hate the hell out of the current president, but it's difficult to argue that the US hasn't been doing pretty damn well during his tenure in regards to the economy, unemployment, etc. Up until a few weeks ago anyway. He may not be the leader a lot of people want, but he just might be both the leader they need and might just get for another 4 years.

Worth it for the entertainment value alone. :lol:

*As observed from north of the 48th parallel, with no pony in the race so to speak.

hey do you trumpies remember when he tried to start a war with iran 3 months ago

do you remember how 6 days ago he was calling coronavirus a democrat hoax

did you know hes now calling for $1,000 per-person UBI since injecting 1.5 Trillion into the markets didnt stabilize it (UH OHHH, COMMUNISM)

Did you trumpies know hes afraid a journalist will cough on him as a form of germ warfare so hes been hiding in the White House

"Doing pretty damn well" get fuckin' real lol, nobodys making enough money except for the rich and farmers are committing suicide left and right. Youre tax "plan" just led to businesses refinancing their astronomical debts and the last quarter (before kung flu) had job "creation" leveling off, not to mention the yield curve getting frocked long-term. All corona's done is shown how fuckin shaky everything gotten under this moron- Or are you gonna pull yerself up by the bootstraps to kick corona virus out lmao
HK12K said:
Half the country may hate the hell out of the current president, but it's difficult to argue that the US hasn't been doing pretty damn well during his tenure in regards to the economy, unemployment, etc. Up until a few weeks ago anyway. He may not be the leader a lot of people want, but he just might be both the leader they need and might just get for another 4 years.
Maybe. After retirees lose their 401k's to the Trump recession, we will see if he gets the same level of support he once did.
HK12K said:
Half the country may hate the hell out of the current president, but it's difficult to argue that the US hasn't been doing pretty damn well during his tenure in regards to the economy, unemployment, etc. Up until a few weeks ago anyway. He may not be the leader a lot of people want, but he just might be both the leader they need and might just get for another 4 years.

Worth it for the entertainment value alone. :lol:

*As observed from north of the 48th parallel, with no pony in the race so to speak.

hey do you trumpies remember when he tried to start a war with iran 3 months ago

do you remember how 6 days ago he was calling coronavirus a democrat hoax

did you know hes now calling for $1,000 per-person UBI since injecting 1.5 Trillion into the markets didnt stabilize it (UH OHHH, COMMUNISM)

Did you trumpies know hes afraid a journalist will cough on him as a form of germ warfare so hes been hiding in the White House

"Doing pretty damn well" get fuckin' real lol, nobodys making enough money except for the rich and farmers are committing suicide left and right. Youre tax "plan" just led to businesses refinancing their astronomical debts and the last quarter (before kung flu) had job "creation" leveling off, not to mention the yield curve getting frocked long-term. All corona's done is shown how fuckin shaky everything gotten under this moron- Or are you gonna pull yerself up by the bootstraps to kick corona virus out lmao

Heyya Dubya. How's it goin?

... if you're not with us, you're against us.

JackFlorey said:
Maybe. After retirees lose their 401k's to the Trump recession, we will see if he gets the same level of support he once did.
If things pan out the way they're looking, the retirees might have bigger fish to fry than worrying about money.

I haven't really been playing the home game. Aside from the crash due to covid things seemed to be on a high note. How is the current state of the financial union directly his fault? That's not an argumentative kind of question, it's just a question.
HK12K said:
If things pan out the way they're looking, the retirees might have bigger fish to fry than worrying about money.
Very true.
I haven't really been playing the home game. Aside from the crash due to covid things seemed to be on a high note. How is the current state of the financial union directly his fault?
The fastest stock market slides have happened during his speeches that were intended to reassure people (and did the opposite.)
JackFlorey said:
The fastest stock market slides have happened during his speeches that were intended to reassure people (and did the opposite.)

That I believe.
by HK12K » Mar 17 2020 6:38pm
JackFlorey wrote: ↑Mar 17 2020 5:41pm

Maybe. After retirees lose their 401k's to the Trump recession, we will see if he gets the same level of support he once did.
If things pan out the way they're looking, the retirees might have bigger fish to fry than worrying about money.

I haven't really been playing the home game. Aside from the crash due to covid things seemed to be on a high note. How is the current state of the financial union directly his fault? That's not an argumentative kind of question, it's just a question.

Well it's not his fault, just like he has nothing to do with it going up right!
With that said: when rich people have extra money they put it in the stock market. Tax cuts. Trump fired head of the Fed to get lower over night interest rates lowered to speed up lending and investing. There is more but you get it.

Now, that he needs these tools they are used up.

So no, it's not his fault but not helping. better without him. This testing is his fault, but we are passed testing so why talk about it.