Readily available quality BMS


1 kW
May 10, 2012
Ok, this seems redundant and probably has been asked before, but where can one find a RELIABLE BMS for ,in my instance, a 28 series group of Headway 15 ah batteries.

Need a BMS that will not allow any individual cell to go over 3.6 to 3.7 volts while balancing and one that will be reliable and not discharge some or all of the batteries in the pack.


dnmun said:
i think we told you already there is no 28S BMS you can buy. you have to make one yourself or hack up two in series.

Thanks, but that is not accurate. There are of course 28 series BMS's you can buy but since I dont have time to scrounge the internet for reliable and well made yet affordable BMS's I put out this question for others on here in case someone is aware of anything different. It does seem that you have a negative slant on alot of things on here but come short in actually being helpful.

Boom. Here you go. Took exactly 32 seconds to find by doing a google search. How can you have time to post on here and sort through the replies and not have time to just type in "28S BMS Battery" into a search engine?

They ain't cheap, though. You could get much cheaper if you go with more standardized 12S, 16S, 24S type modules, like you can get here:
jimw1960 said:
Boom. Here you go. Took exactly 32 seconds to find by doing a google search. How can you have time to post on here and sort through the replies and not have time to just type in "28S BMS Battery" into a search engine?

They ain't cheap, though. You could get much cheaper if you go with more standardized 12S, 16S, 24S type modules, like you can get here:

Thanks for the info...what I was hoping was for someone to respond with a good BMS and experience to go along with it. The expensive one you mentioned is over $400.00 and the other is $95.00...big difference in is unrealistic and the other might not be very good...

Ok...I have found a couple of BMS's..

One at EV essemble....a 24 S Capacitor based balancing BMS at $139.00
View attachment 2

One at Besttec power co. a 24 S bleeding cell BMS and quoted me $174.00

One at BMSbattery a 24 S Bleeding based BMS and is $95.00
View attachment 1

Does anyone have any information or experience using any of these products??


markz said:
bestech MOQ is 2

Ok not sure what this means.... ive decided to go with evpower's individual bms units that shunt the voltage to whatever cell goes beyond 3.6 volts...

I have 28 headways and so need 28 of these lovelies....Once i get the lot balanced up with the weak RC charger( I can do six at a time) ( Imax charger), then Ill let the bulk charger go and monitor to make sure none go over 3.7 volts...the shunt comes on at 3.6 volts and 400 mah so with my 5 amp charger should work quite well...

Run that by me again?
Each cell gets over voltage protection, by discharging at 400 milliamps. Which should be more than the charger is outputting at that kind of voltage. Yeah?

Do the little boards talk to eachother or perform any other function?

I'm surprised the bestech was so expensive. Though I don't see it's current potential. Just that of the capacitor based one that is 60 amps.
Well if you type into Google.... "Define MOQ" it states that "› the smallest amount or number of a product that a company will supply: There is a minimum order quantity of 500 pieces for this product."

So in order to buy 1, and Bestech having a MOQ of 2, you got to buy TWO!

Bestech is your best bet! Just buy two of half of what you need. Or buy two of what you need and sell the other one off, but seems like you got an oddball one that probably no one will
yep, always buy two so you have a spare when you damage the first one from inexperience.

Bestechpower is a manufacturing company and not a direct sales outfit like BMS battery or EV assemble.

so they wanna justify the hassle of a small order and that is why they expect a minimum order. i got pretty good prices by respecting them and ordering at least 8-12 and 22 or so in my biggest order. that helped save on the air freight for each one but i got stuck with duties on the big order.

24S is pretty big imo so not sure why he decided he had to go to 28S. i got the D131 for $53 each by buying a dozen and then airfreight was only about $5 each.but i use four of them so for $232 i get a total of 480A at 87V DC.
dnmun said:
yep, always buy two so you have a spare when you damage the first one from inexperience.

Bestechpower is a manufacturing company and not a direct sales outfit like BMS battery or EV assemble.

so they wanna justify the hassle of a small order and that is why they expect a minimum order. i got pretty good prices by respecting them and ordering at least 8-12 and 22 or so in my biggest order. that helped save on the air freight for each one but i got stuck with duties on the big order.

24S is pretty big imo so not sure why he decided he had to go to 28S. i got the D131 for $53 each by buying a dozen and then airfreight was only about $5 each.but i use four of them so for $232 i get a total of 480A at 87V DC.

LOL...I decided to go to 28 be cause 1) It turns the h4080 faster... 2) It gives me more range... 3) It's less stressful on all the batteries..4) Gives more torque and speed...AND!!..I have the room in the battery box neatly tucked away under the seat..

However, noone talked about the little shunting one have an opinion about those?...the guys at evpower have run them in many projects and they work, just as long as the headways are not really out of balance. I have a 5 amp charger so as long as they are reasonably close they should work at shunting the voltage when it gets to 3.6 volts.

dnmun said:
nobody uses them.

Nobody uses them?...well, I withhold judgement on their effectiveness untill I get them. In fact you dont know that, you are just guessing. Obviously they use them with the numerous amount of projects they have and they work. Its interesting that when I ask a technical question I never get a real answer supposedly from all the experts around the if 400 mha shunt is enough to stop the charge of a single cell at 3.6 volts with a 5 amp

Naw man, you just need to hit up the Univercity of your City or Town and ask the electrical engineers your question(s).

Now depending on how broke they are, and hence how hungry, it might be as cheap as a $12 combo from McTummyAches aka McHeartAttack aka get the idea.
Could be much much more expensive.
Now lets hope that they enjoy ebikes themselves, then maybe its the upgraded and new and improved Version 3....$18 combo from FiveGuys or FatBurger. You still get the protein crash from not really eating anything nutritious. So Subway might be a better alternative, but those are everywhere, where is Blimpies sub...Mr Sub I've always liked better anyway. Subway always has the same smell in every store, like 7-11 convience stores. Now as my tangent has peaked and is now coming back in.

Thats the thing with forums online, most of us think we are "experts", maybe true, maybe dillusional.
You got to pick through whats been said, ponder it, do some googling, do some searching on ES, go to other forums post same questions......repeat.

Now you might think that I downed a 20 case of Kokanee tonight. You are wrong! Only 2 cans of pop, 2 cans of Dole Sparklers (non Alcoholic), Swiss Chalet 1/2 chicken, fries, sauce, some rice and chicken and a berry shake. I guess my ramblings are done.
There might be some information on the DIYelectriccar forum about those balancing shunts. Those guys tend to run high-voltage packs and I'm sure I've seen similar products used for balancing.
Punx0r said:
There might be some information on the DIYelectriccar forum about those balancing shunts. Those guys tend to run high-voltage packs and I'm sure I've seen similar products used for balancing.

Ok it turns out they work BUT they are very tempermental. At first because all of the cells were out of balance they didnt work. 28 Headway cells some at 3.2 volts others at 3.1 and still some at 3.3. As soon as the first one hit 3.5 volts the shunt began working and then got 4 volts I shut it down. I bled down the cell and tried again...another cell went over and i discontinued the test.

I contacted Rodney at EVpower and he said i need to charge all up to 3.55 volts and then they should balance out fine. I did that but when I hooked up the bulk charger (total voltage of 102 total volts) they began going over 3.95 volts again. This time i used the battery pack for about 300 watt hours....came in..all were very close at 3.3 volts. I started charging them...this time keeping a careful eye on them..when the cell begins going over 3.6 volts a red LED begins lighting...faint at first and then full on when it gets to about 3.99 volts.... the first cell to reach 3.6 volts began slowing down considerably...most others began catching up and hitting 3.5 volts (this is when the balancers start working to shunt the voltage. This cell reached 3.85 volts when most others were either at 3.55 volts or higher but none went over this voltage. The charger hit 102 volts and I shut it off...

Technically, since a headway cell at 3.5 volts is 95%+ charged, the pack for all intents and purposes was fully charged. It has been working ok ever since. I only have one question.

The balancers will shunt at a max of 500 mah and if the current goes past this they blow a resetable fuse to protect the shunt from overheating and will then stop working. Why would they not work when all cells were at 3.55 volts but when I actually used the cells taking about 300 watt hours out of them they seemed to now work...the charger is a bulk charger giving a max of 102 volts at 5 amps charge

View attachment 1
bms units.jpg

how much did that cost? how did you determine that 3.55V is 95% of full charge? is there a table somewhere?

it looks like you have a severe risk of shorting since the BMS units are laying directly in contact with the negative side of those cells. separated by the thickness of the shrink wrap that covers the case. very high fire risk imo.
dnmun said:
how much did that cost? how did you determine that 3.55V is 95% of full charge? is there a table somewhere?

it looks like you have a severe risk of shorting since the BMS units are laying directly in contact with the negative side of those cells. separated by the thickness of the shrink wrap that covers the case. very high fire risk imo.

Thanks for the response, but in fact there is a layer of currogated plastic that runs under the BMS modules installed in the trike. When the units are shunting the underside of the unit is only about 80 degrees, hardly enough to go through the plastic and then melt the thin layer of plastic surrounding the cell.

These were relatively cheap at $3.90 Aus each.

Most of the time charging these cells occurs at between 3.25 to 3.48 volts...after this, the charge rises very quickly meaning that there is not much capacity left at all. Anyone who has used these cells knows this to be true. If using a 5 amp charger a headway cell is depleted to 2.5 volts ( meaning for all intents and purposes it is completely empty) and I begin charging, the cell will spend about 20 to 40 mins getting to 3.25 volts or so. It will then spend another 1.5 hours getting to 3.35 volts aprox. It will then take another 40 mins getting to 3.5 volts and aprox 3 mins getting to 3.65 volts.

Still havent got my question answered... ;)

johnnyz383 said:
like if 400 mha shunt is enough to stop the charge of a single cell at 3.6 volts with a 5 amp
Possibly because the math may be obvious. ;) But the answer isn't straightforward.

In reality that isn't enough information to answer the question, because it depends on the state of the pack as a whole, and how the charger works, and how the BMS works).

I'll answer your question with some questions to show you how to figure out the answer:

If you have a pack that's way out of balance, such that the charger is still delivering it's full current to the pack even though one cell has begun shunting, what current is running thru that cell (and what is running thru the pack as a whole)?

If you have a pack that is almost perfectly balanced, and all but a few cells are shunting, the rest nearly at full charge, with the charger only supplying 130mA of current, what current is running thru the shunted cells? What current is running thru the shunts? What current is running thru the unshunted cells?

Does the BMS shut off pack charging current entirely once a cell begins shunting, if it's badly out of balance? Or does it only shut off current when the pack as a whole, balanced or not, reaches HVC?

(edit: also, I presume "400 mha" means "400 mAh", which is not a terminology associated with a shunt. Shunting is not done at a specific capacity (Ah) but at a specific voltage and up to a specific current (A, or mA for small shunts). Just so you will better know what to look for).
amberwolf said:
johnnyz383 said:
like if 400 mha shunt is enough to stop the charge of a single cell at 3.6 volts with a 5 amp
Possibly because the math may be obvious. ;) But the answer isn't straightforward.

In reality that isn't enough information to answer the question, because it depends on the state of the pack as a whole, and how the charger works, and how the BMS works).

I'll answer your question with some questions to show you how to figure out the answer:

If you have a pack that's way out of balance, such that the charger is still delivering it's full current to the pack even though one cell has begun shunting, what current is running thru that cell (and what is running thru the pack as a whole)?

If you have a pack that is almost perfectly balanced, and all but a few cells are shunting, the rest nearly at full charge, with the charger only supplying 130mA of current, what current is running thru the shunted cells? What current is running thru the shunts? What current is running thru the unshunted cells?

Does the BMS shut off pack charging current entirely once a cell begins shunting, if it's badly out of balance? Or does it only shut off current when the pack as a whole, balanced or not, reaches HVC?

(edit: also, I presume "400 mha" means "400 mAh", which is not a terminology associated with a shunt. Shunting is not done at a specific capacity (Ah) but at a specific voltage and up to a specific current (A, or mA for small shunts). Just so you will better know what to look for).

Hi and thanks for the response

Well, if I knew all of the things your asking I would also know the anaswer ;)

Heres the product info from the website

up to 500mA shunt current
- low quiescent current < 300uA (about 4.5 years to drain a 12Ah cell)
- 3.50V (+/- 0.02V) shunt switch on voltage
- Red LED indicates when shunt bypass is active (Led on at 3.6V)
- Dimensions 67 x 10mm
- 5mm holes at 40mm and 57mm centres, modules can be cut for smaller size cells.
- Easy installation and simple operation.
- Allows LFP cells to be safely configured in 12V applications.
- internal resetable fuse, tested to 16VDC.
- Extends the life of LFP battery packs that have no balancing

Although designed for these specific cells he told me they will work with any Lifepo4 cells provided you modify them as such.

"If you have a pack that's way out of balance, such that the charger is still delivering it's full current to the pack even though one cell has begun shunting, what current is running thru that cell (and what is running thru the pack as a whole)?"

Dont know. ...I know the bulk charger I have will shut the charge off at exactly 102.2 volts. ( 3.65 x 28 cells). This is assuming of course that each cell will get to 3.65 volts which in the real world they obviously do not.

"Does the BMS shut off pack charging current entirely once a cell begins shunting, if it's badly out of balance? Or does it only shut off current when the pack as a whole, balanced or not, reaches HVC?"

I dont know if near the end of the charge the bulk charger begins reducing the amps to the pack but I suspect not since there is no way it can "sense" how full the pack is unlike a smart RC charger that will bein reducing the amperage as the cell gets to full. The little modules are hooked up to each individual cell and only monitor that cell. They ONLY shunt the voltage when it reaches 3.5 volts on that cell its attached to. They have nothing to do with the bulk charger itself. As I understand it, it DIVERTS or SHUNTS the current to a "resistor" therby limiting the current to the cell so that in theory the others if close in voltages can catch up. It DOES NOT shut the voltage off to the cell.

The pack is close in voltages, and by that i mean each is within .09 of a for example one cell might be 3.25 and the next highest r lowest would be no more or less than 3.34 or 3.16 bu that would only apply to one or two cells most are within .04 of a volt.

"If you have a pack that is almost perfectly balanced, and all but a few cells are shunting, the rest nearly at full charge, with the charger only supplying 130mA of current, what current is running thru the shunted cells? What current is running thru the shunts? What current is running thru the unshunted cells?"

I dont know what the current running through the shunted cells are...but if all are over 3.55 volts then all of the shunts would be in operation allowing the lower cells to "catch up". So in other words, if it take a cell 1 min to reach 3.7 volts given a charge of 5 amps from 3.55 volts, then obviously when shunted the cell is now not getting full amperage and this may now take 3 mins or 5 not sure hence my question.

I hope there is now enough information so that someone can answer my question as to why the shunts did work...when the cells had been partially discharged and more out of balance then when they were all charged to 3.55 volts and did not work allowing the charge to go past 3.99 volts. (They all have a resettable fuse that will blow when the voltage goes past 4 volts saving the shunt from overheating that is, if the current is greater than 500 mah and continues so that the cell gets past 4 volts.


you can determine the amount of shunt current by looking at the shunt resistor and applying ohms law. except i saw no information about the balancing voltage which would determine the voltage to be used in the equation.

the shunt transistor should turn on at 3.60V for lifepo4 so if this is a normal balance voltage you could use that and divide by the value of the shunt resistor.
johnnyz383 said:

I hope there is now enough information so that someone can answer my question as to why the shunts did work...when the cells had been partially discharged and more out of balance then when they were all charged to 3.55 volts and did not work allowing the charge to go past 3.99 volts. (They all have a resettable fuse that will blow when the voltage goes past 4 volts saving the shunt from overheating that is, if the current is greater than 500 mah and continues so that the cell gets past 4 volts.

So here is an attempt at an answer based on my own experience with headways. With the LiFe chemistry the middle of the cells capacity tends to be a more more constant voltage. So basically when they were discharged a little it took more energy to get the voltage to change and become unstable. Once you get past that sweet spot in the middle or over 3.55, it takes only a tiny bit of current to make the voltage shoot up very quickly. I think this gave you the impression that the balancing was working great when it was slightly discharged because the voltage at that lower capacity didn't jump around as much. Had you left it to continue charging you would probably have had the same instability eventually.

I have yet to find an affordable BMS or RC balance charger that can keep balancing control of my headway pack during the shunting phase. Its really frustrating. They just go crazy around 3.6 volts. I ended up spending a weekend balancing them with an RC charger and a lightbulb as a load that I would move around to the high voltage cells. Once I got them within .03v I installed a cheap BMS. I then hooked them to a bulk charger. The shunts still couldn't keep up but the BMS would shut the charger off completely at 3.8v. The voltage would fall and the charger would cycle back on. I left them on that charge for a whole day and they work great now.

I think the trick with LiFe cells or at least headways is to not get too hung up on the voltage number at the top capacity. Just make sure when they are at high voltage that you are not hitting them with much current. Do this by starting with a well balanced pack before trusting the BMS. My pack currently charges until the first cell hits 3.8. The BMS then shuts it down and all it takes is one turn of the throttle to knock the surface imbalance off and they are all balanced within .009. I have concluded that the large imbalance is just surface charge after the last 1% of capacity and probably not worth worrying about. I just avoid letting them sit after a charge. If a cell hits 3.8 its not there for more than a minute and I'm Getting almost full rated capacity out of them which is a sign that they are truly "balanced".

I don't think the headways are well matched enough to work as predictably as I imagined they would. Maybe its all LiFe cells that are hard to top balance. I do think I am done buying them though because my Li-ion and Lipo cells all work just fine and balance great with a BMS and RC charger.

I could be wrong and the cells may die due to this charging method but I'm so sick of messing with them that I don't really care. I figure the BMS will at least shut them off even if the shunts can't keep up and if I had bought this pack with a BMS in a sealed pack I wouldn't know what they were doing and it would probably be fine for years.
johnnyz383 said:
"If you have a pack that's way out of balance, such that the charger is still delivering it's full current to the pack even though one cell has begun shunting, what current is running thru that cell (and what is running thru the pack as a whole)?"

Dont know. ...I know the bulk charger I have will shut the charge off at exactly 102.2 volts. ( 3.65 x 28 cells). This is assuming of course that each cell will get to 3.65 volts which in the real world they obviously do not.
Since these start shunting at 3.5v, then unless your charging current when at that voltage is higher than the shunting current, none of your cells will ever get higher than that.

So you'd be wasting power if your charger was set to 3.65v/cell but didn't put out more than maxshuntcurrent at 3.5v/cell, because all the cells woudl be shunting yet the charger would continue to put current thru the pack, just generating heat. (3.5vx500mA = 1.75W*28 = 49W of heat). If that's the case, you might want the charger set at #cells x shuntvoltage. That's something you may have to determine by experiment once you get the shunts and cells and charger.

If your charger provides *more* current than what is shunted, at the shuntingvoltage, then it can continue to charge even shunted cells. If that is a lot of current still flowing, then since your shunts can't be a complete BMS and actually cut off charge upon HVC, you'll need to manually monitor the voltage of each cell to be sure none go too high. Or setup the charger (if it can be) so that it does not provide too much current at that point.

"Does the BMS shut off pack charging current entirely once a cell begins shunting, if it's badly out of balance? Or does it only shut off current when the pack as a whole, balanced or not, reaches HVC?"

I dont know if near the end of the charge the bulk charger begins reducing the amps to the pack but I suspect not since there is no way it can "sense" how full the pack is unlike a smart RC charger that will bein reducing the amperage as the cell gets to full. The little modules are hooked up to each individual cell and only monitor that cell. They ONLY shunt the voltage when it reaches 3.5 volts on that cell its attached to. They have nothing to do with the bulk charger itself. As I understand it, it DIVERTS or SHUNTS the current to a "resistor" therby limiting the current to the cell so that in theory the others if close in voltages can catch up. It DOES NOT shut the voltage off to the cell.

And so, as noted above, you'll want to manually monitor cell voltages during charge. If everythign is well-balanced, it won't matter, but if it is not, that's where a shunt-only BMS creates a risk, because there is nothing except you to stop it from overcharging a cell or cells.

If your charger somehow can keep full amps going even though cells are shunting, if you have a badly-unbalanced situation, then you could have a real problem at hand. Probably it does not keep full amps going, and probalby curves down the amps as voltage rises, but unless you know how it works, you are basically charging without any idea what's happening in the pack.

With some chemistries, that has (probably) caused fires. Don't know if there's a documented case with your cell type or not.

The pack is close in voltages, and by that i mean each is within .09 of a for example one cell might be 3.25 and the next highest r lowest would be no more or less than 3.34 or 3.16 bu that would only apply to one or two cells most are within .04 of a volt.

Right now, yes. it ages and especially upon deep discharges, that will be less and less true. That's when a cell-monitoring BMS comes in real handy, so you don't have to remember do that yourself, during charge *and* discharge.

"If you have a pack that is almost perfectly balanced, and all but a few cells are shunting, the rest nearly at full charge, with the charger only supplying 130mA of current, what current is running thru the shunted cells? What current is running thru the shunts? What current is running thru the unshunted cells?"

I dont know what the current running through the shunted cells are...but if all are over 3.55 volts then all of the shunts would be in operation allowing the lower cells to "catch up". So in other words, if it take a cell 1 min to reach 3.7 volts given a charge of 5 amps from 3.55 volts, then obviously when shunted the cell is now not getting full amperage and this may now take 3 mins or 5 not sure hence my question.

Let's say you have cells that are out of balance by quite a bit (this is going to eventually happen, when will depend on various factors). You've got some that drop as much as a whole Ah less capacity than others, so after some are full and start shunting, then others are going to take the amount of time 1Ah takes to get in there, given whatever the current delivered by teh charger is at that voltage.

Let's pretend that's 1A, for ease of numbers. The not-yet-full cells will take another hour *at that rate* to fill up... It's twice what the shunts can pull aside from the already-full cells, so for at least an hour they will continue to be charged. But it won't actually be an amp for that whole time, it'll probably drop as the voltage of the cells rises. So it will take even longer than an hour. How long? dunno, that depends on the current and voltage curves the charger can deliver and how the cells respond and continue to rise in voltage.

Dunno how it would relaly work out with your cells, shunts, and charger.'s still not a question we can directly answer for you. Unless you have the data available already, you'd have to do experiments to determine the numbers.

I hope there is now enough information so that someone can answer my question as to why the shunts did work...when the cells had been partially discharged and more out of balance then when they were all charged to 3.55 volts and did not work allowing the charge to go past 3.99 volts. (They all have a resettable fuse that will blow when the voltage goes past 4 volts saving the shunt from overheating that is, if the current is greater than 500 mah and continues so that the cell gets past 4 volts.
So teh BMS will then protect itself, and not the cell it was meant to?

That sounds like a bad idea. What if the pack is so unbalanced for whatever reason that a cell causes that condition, and the charger is still charging? The shunt isn't doing anything to protect the cell then, whcih will continue to climb in voltage, preventing the shunt from resetting and doing it's job again. I don't know what the charge curve of thsoe cells is, or at what point they would begin internally heating from the overvoltage with current still flowing.

But what if the cell heated enough from that to cause distortion or melting of insulating materials? As long as you have non-meltable insulation outside the cell, that wouldn't be too bad, until it begins heating the other cells around it, etc., but what happens if the cell heats internally until something fails?

I think that with that mechanism in teh shunt, you will want even more to monitor individual cell voltages so that the charger will automaticlaly shut off if that happens.

That cell-level monitoring is one of the more important parts of a BMS. Even one that does no balancing at all but still shuts off discharge at cell-LVC and charge at cell-HVC would be better, because you could see by capacity monitoring that it is not balanced, even if there were no other indications, and you could fix it manually if you had to.

One that only balances but does not monitor or have any safety cutoffs is going to let you keep overcharging some cells and undercharging others, and is never going to even let you know this is happening. Without an LVC you will be able to overdischarge those undercharged cells, and wihtout an HVC the charger will overcharge the overcharged cells. Eventually something will fail, hopefully wihtout drama...but I would not bet anything on it, and give the possible risks, I would not do that.

Basically, the point was to show you that unless you have the information already, we can't know what it is either. And that you can't know the state of the pack with those, cuz they don't know, as none talks to the others or the charger, so you have a bunch of people laying down in a sealed room, blindfolded holding buckets and a hose filling them at some unknown rate, with not much to stop the hose from overfilling the buckets and eventually drowning some of those people. ;)
Man they were hard to find on that website. -

The designers themselves state that they shouldn't be used as the primary BMS as they have no way of throttling the charge current.

You need to balance at a lower current (400mA is the max these can bypass) so if you limit the current, these will balance fine. Pretty cheap balancers, was surprised at the price when I saw it.