Reasons why the ebike is a world beater thread.


1 PW
Jul 9, 2013
Ummm.. Started out in Victoria BC Canada, then sta
... for urban transportation, energy stored via electric energy stored by chemical reaction in a "bettery".

Seen elsewhere:
1) Parking rates... attractive.

(Sorry if this topic has not extensively here on Alt. Planet ES, and in one place? Perhaps some might provide links in this thread?)
2) Relatively cheap to maintain (easy).
Modern cells/bettery can be plugged in to recharge EVerywhere.
4) Ofter faster to get around town (see parking, above.)
5) Currently, one new complete (bare-boned) electric bike can be financed for LESS than 1/2 a monthly pubic (sp?) fare (it does at least in my burg).
Cycle routes don't stand still at peak times. They're often the quickest mode of transport.

Cycling. Keeps you fit and gives you more time in bed. What's not to like.

Edit: Are you just having a thread to yourself lock? I can delete my post if you like :)
It's the easiest way to supply all of your energy requirements for transportation using solar power. ie a great way to stick it to the man, because the man wants as much of your pay check every month that he can get his greedy little fingers on.
28 days later, your ebike might be the best thing you ever made. If the government don't tax it from you.
Aw... You guyz... Help! (Can't find the Thumbs Up button here.)
friendly1uk said:
Edit: Are you just having a thread to yourself lock? I can delete my post if you like :)
All inputs good AFAIK! (Watts the reason I hang/sit at the feet of you gawds. Grape, anybuddy here?)
Some vehicles (partly disassembled/folded if need be) can be carried e.g. on one shoulder.
Best riding experience-
superb handling

doesn't pollute
Gotta thread somewhere `bout how "If Cars Came With Warning Labels" mimicking anti-tobacco leaf wrapped in at least some fiber-like mini (cigarettes) cigars (in the citified ver, standing and walking PLUS EBIKING fer gittin' around on shore/land and there about. So ebikers are mostly stink-free eh? Chalk one more UP fer that better electrical magical thingee!
A Master hath commanded.
OK! Ebikers, cummon' down! And twodaze mysterious magical thingee question, who said "don't know if this qualifies as a scooter, but it does scoot!"? (Two free tix to a magical mystery sightseeing flight as prize.)
MAN Lock u realy know how to entertain a forum full of ebikers. :mrgreen:
Ebikes could reduce traffic fatalities massive if the majority would drive them mostly.

The Netherlands are the most inspiring example how to make things better.
The trend away from the bicycle and towards motorised transport only began to be slowed in the 1970s when Dutch people took to the streets to protest against the high number of child deaths on the roads: in some cases over 500 children were killed in car accidents in the Netherlands in a single year.[4] This protest movement came to be known as the Stop de Kindermoord (literally "Stop the Child Murder" in Dutch).[4] The success of this movement — along with other factors, such as the oil shortages of 1973–74[5] — turned Dutch government policy around and the country began to restrict motor vehicles in its towns & cities and direct its focus on growth towards other forms of transport, with the bicycle being seen as critical in making Dutch streets safer & towns and cities more people-friendly and liveable.
And voila results:
Oh goody. This news just in: "Stop the Child Murders" maybe rallying cry of the Ebiker Rebels EVerywhere! Oh sorry. Meant t'a say Ebiker Nation (per Geba.)
Dramatically less gasoline purchases. (Personally I've only purchased petrol twice since Jan. 1 and my tank is setting on full.)
In my tiny little twisted brain, as King of this nation, I would BAN the private horseless carriage (aka "car") in "urban" areas across the lands (wattEVer that means?). (Or hobble things electronically via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. by area.)
Lol iwould not ban them. for some work they are irreplaceable.
I would or we should limit the HorsePower of them to something not so joyfull.
And make the driverlicens harder to get with reaction and other aptitude checks. These have to be rechecked ever 5 years.
Maybe some harder penaltys if u loose controll when u shouldnt. eg. watching 10hours youtube car crashes. calculate brake distance and walk the brakedistance.
Keeping safetydistance double that what u feel safe brake hard before corners wher u can not see things behind the corner.
Patience training drive 5 minutes behind a slow biclycle driver.
Possible to anticipate some device failure?

(And, just curious, but which personal/"private" vehicle exactly might be "irreplaceable"?)
zener said:
Lol iwould not ban them. for some work they are irreplaceable.
I would or we should limit the HorsePower of them to something not so joyfull....

Since we don't think power limits is fair for us, let's just make it simple to regulate and give cars a flat 20mph speed limit and we get whatever the posted speed limits for our ebikes. Not only would that promote our better way, the ebike way, but if adopted it would immediately cut global oil consumption by about half.

Now that we've solved some huge world problems, don't stop there. Take all government owned and/or group provided guns, bullets, bombs, and other offense war weapons and melt them down to make electric bikes. That includes adapting all advanced materials and other research to use for ebikes. Wars would then be settled using a top down approach with swords, which means top leadership of each military match up head to head with the highest ranking pair going first.