Rectifier Huawei R4850G2 48V 42~58V 3000w

BoomerChomsi said:
Thanks for your update mate!

Which one did you ordered and where? :bigthumb:

I bought the 2000W one from here:
Good price imo. especially because I don't have to pay import tax + fees etc. like when buying from china.
I only need 10-13A to charge a 14S10P with NCR18650PF and less for my other batteries.
Cheaper than many other 500W chargers that have worse efficiency, can't be programmed for different voltage, heavier, etc.
Got the power supply today! It already had the a cable soldered to the 3pins on the bottom (with shitty wire though, replaced it), solder on the L and N pins and the pinout written on the top with a pen.

I played around with it and I'm able to change the voltage via the CAN bus :D
Voltage Min = 41.8V, Voltage Max = 58.6V
There seems to be a little bit of non-linearity (~0.3%), measured it with my BM867s.
Fixed with simple algebra, could be different for different PSUs and temperatures.
Vadj = Vwant + (Vwant - 49.0) / 110.0
XX XX = HEX(Vadj * 1020)

However the voltage resets to default after a minute.
The default voltage can also be changed, but it has a lower limit of 48.2V :/

The PSU takes about two seconds to turn the output on after it's been plugged in and has a soft start (voltage ramps up slowly).
The most annoying part about it is that the fan changes it's speed depending on the output voltage.
Lower voltage = Higher RPM!
Really stupid, I was looking for a quiet PSU, 96.5% efficiency but the fan spins at 100% with no load ?!
I didn't connect any load to the PSU yet.
Not sure if I can test the full 2kW, what could I even use to dissipate that much power?

Here's my code on Github:
Don't forget to connect a 120Ω resistor between CANL and CANH, spent an hour with bus errors and no communication before realizing ^^
This problem reminds me of the Flatpack 2, where you need continuous CAN messages to keep the current to your set value.
Thanks for your update! :bigthumb:

I am noob at programming, so really appreciate for your experiment.

Ps ee921 also thanks for your support :) 8)

You could use a some building site bulbs for high load?
Sure, Incandescent bulbs work fine.

I use Batteries for load testing.
I have 1S to 24S+ Batteries that can handle 50-100A charging current.
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I'm charging my 12S4P battery with 4A to exactly 49.2V with the R4830G2 as we speak.
It can do this just fine even without a micro controller attached (voltage and current can be set permanently).
Code here:

But it's noisy, the fan RPM goes up when the voltage goes down, so charging an empty 12S battery with 1A is very loud while charging a 50% full 14S battery at 10A is much more quiet, lol.
You can also hear some kind of high voltage switching sound, like the kind of sound you can hear next to power lines.
Really appreciated!

I am noob at programming, don't shoot me :lol:

Where can I buy this programming board? what model?
Also how do I connect this board to Huawei psu?

E.g I want to adjust voltage to 44V how should looks like?
And how to load this program into psu?

I used a TI Tiva-C because I had that lying around, but I plan on using an ESP32 that I'll hide in the PSU for adjusting parameters over bluetooth.

There is a pinout in this thread, the PSU is adjusted over CAN -> two pins CANH and CANL.
You connect those to a can transceiver:

But there are also USB to CAN dongles you can get and just send the commands from your PC, that's probably the easiest way - depending on what you want to achieve.
Thanks mate!

So if I understand transceiver is the interface between psu and can controller?

I just want to adjust voltage and maybe current that's all.

I will a look at internet how to use these things :oops:

Thank you very much!
usertogo said:
BotoXbz said:
I used a TI Tiva-C because I had that lying around, but I plan on using an ESP32 that I'll hide in the PSU for adjusting parameters over bluetooth.

There is a pinout in this thread, the PSU is adjusted over CAN -> two pins CANH and CANL.
You connect those to a can transceiver:

But there are also USB to CAN dongles you can get and just send the commands from your PC, that's probably the easiest way - depending on what you want to achieve.
This is really great news, I'll take a look at your code and check what it takes to port it to Arduino, maybe with a little OLED and a rotary encoder switch for menu control.
May I ask how you get to such a powerful background to have whipped this up so quickly?

I've had the hacker background since I was like 12 years old :D (22yo CS student now)
Basically hacked a lot of stuff and just recently found my way to endless-sphere (really great place btw.) by entering the world of electric vehicles.
Started with a xiaomi m365 where I hacked the firmware:
And made my own battery and open source BMS: /
There I saw how easy and cheap it is to build your own battery so I bought a BBSHD for my bicycle and now I'm waiting for some really cheap NCR18650PF cells to build my 14S10P battery.
That's why I bought this charger (before doing some research on it, check my previous posts with the chinese stuff).
The implementation was pretty painless, just send the right messages to the correct CAN ID, read the response / measure the output and learn from it.

Back to topic:
Porting to Arduino should be easy, sadly my ESP32 is still in transit while lots of other crap already arrived.
huawei.c only has 100 lines, you just need to adapt the SendCAN function and make an interrupt that calls OnRecvCAN when data is received over CAN.
If you want to add an OLED then check out:
You can get the actual current from 0x1001117e (sent every second or so?)
And if you send 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 to 0x108140fe you get a bunch of messages back at 0x1081407f which includes the actual voltage and the max current that is set.
Sadly that's all I know, if someone has a control unit for this thing and can sniff the CAN traffic (I used a $5 logic analyzer behind the CAN transceiver) that would be great. The PSU blinks the orange light which means no communication, so there are more commands for sure!
Im buy HUAWEI switch power supply R4850G2 53.5V 32A
How to easy get on 48Videal 50Vmin?
Thank you in advance

How to get this module if is for ajusment ?


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I get some details

Power Module Control Board Description
Here, the communication power module is defined as a 48V battery charger (for lead-acid/lithium-powered 48V batteries).
  This universal control board is suitable for Emerson R48 series power modules. It is controlled by communication protocol. It is easy to operate. The power module does not make any changes. Just connect the power supply and communication interface. The R48-500/1000/1800/2900/3200 has been tested and is theoretically supported by the R48 full range. As for other models to be tested and verified. The voltage is regulated from 41.5V to 58.5V, and the current regulation is 10% to 120% set according to the rated current percentage.
      The control board does not have a display, and the voltage and current display needs to be processed by itself or directly added to the output circuit.
***Special instructions on the working of the power module offline and communication online, many people do not understand this.
 1. The power module works offline, that is, the communication port of the module has no communication connection, but it is powered on separately. Generally, the panel orange light will flash after 40 seconds of power-on, which means there is no communication prompt. At this point, the output voltage of the power supply is the default output voltage of the module (many are 53.5V), and this default output voltage can be changed from 48V to 58.5V.
 2. The power module works online, that is, the communication port of the module has communication connection and the communication is normal, and the orange light does not flash on the panel. At this time, the power supply output voltage is controlled by the communication port communication, and the range is slightly wider from 41.5V to 58.5V. This control board controls the power module output in real time.
***About the control panel function description,
  The control board has two key functions, changing the default output voltage of the power supply and connecting the power supply to adjust the output voltage in real time.
 1. Change the default output voltage of the power supply. When the control board is normally connected to the power module for 10 seconds, the control board will send the default output voltage data to the power module. This data is a fixed value. The range is 48V~58.5V, 0.1. V stepping. After 10 seconds to change the default output of the power module, you can disconnect and remove the control board. The power module works offline again. The output voltage is the default voltage after the change. The voltage setting sent by the control board needs to be connected to the computer through the serial cable to preset to be saved in the control panel.
 2. Adjust the output of the power module in real time. The control board is connected to the power module normally. It is always connected. After power-on, the output of the power module can be controlled in real time through the knob of the control board. The output voltage is 41.5V~58.5V, stepping 0.1V. The current limit is 10% to 120% of the rated value and the step is 1%.
 3. To change the default output voltage of the power supply, only the control board is normally connected for about 10 seconds, and the real-time control power supply module needs to be connected to the power module normally. Real-time control permissions are higher than the default output permissions.
Function: (Red light / blue light is always on in normal working mode)
1. Voltage regulation 41.5V ~ 58.5V (0.1V step)
   Double-click the button to enter the voltage adjustment mode, the red light flashes, the blue light is always on, and the knob is rotated to adjust the voltage. Do not do anything for more than 8 seconds, and exit the function mode to the normal working mode. Each time the power module is powered back on, it will run the last adjusted value.
2. Current limiting adjustment, 10%~120% according to the rated current percentage (1% step)
   The first time you double-click the button to enter the voltage adjustment mode, double-click the button again to enter the current limit adjustment mode, the red light is always on, the blue light is flashing, and the rotary knob adjusts the current limit. Double-click the button again to exit the function mode to the normal working mode, or do nothing for more than 8 seconds, and exit the function mode to the normal working mode. Each time the power module is powered back on, it will run the last adjusted value.
3. The module resets and restarts.
   If the power module is shut down in case of failure, in any mode, press and hold the button for more than 6 seconds, the red/blue light flashes at the same time, and the power module resets and restarts.
4. Under voltage to turn off the power, (this function can be selected to turn off or on)
   If the power supply encounters a fault or has a heavy load and the output voltage drops to less than 36V, the power output is turned off for 5 seconds. After the problem is removed, the power module is powered off and restarted, or the button is held down for more than 6 seconds.
5. The battery is fully delayed to turn off the power module output (you can choose to turn off this function, no delay shutdown)
  When the battery is fully charged, the current starts when the current drops to 0.3A, and the power module output is turned off after the time is reached. (Delay time is 1 minute to 240 minutes optional) After the power module is powered off, it can be restarted, or the button can be reset for more than 6 seconds.
6. Change the default output voltage of the power module (when there is communication access, the output voltage is the voltage adjusted by the control panel in real time)
  This voltage is the output voltage when the power module is not connected for communication and works offline. The range is 48V to 58.5V, with 0.1 steps.
  For example, if the power module wants to change the default voltage to 50V, the control board needs to connect the serial port to the default output voltage of 50V. Then the control board can be connected to the power module for normal operation. Then the output voltage of the power module is 50V. It is. (The common default output voltage on the market is 53.5V)

Foreword: The communication power module is defined here as a 48V charger (for lead-acid/lithium-powered 48V batteries).
  This universal control board is suitable for Huawei 48 series high-efficiency power supply module. It is controlled by communication protocol. It is easy to operate and the power module does not change. Just connect the power supply and communication interface. 4815N; 4830N; 4850N/G have been tested and available, and other models are to be tested and verified. Voltage regulation 41V ~ 58.5V, current adjustment 0 ~ 60A (rated maximum) The control board does not have a display, the voltage and current display must be added in the power module itself, or directly added to the output loop.
***Special instructions on the working of the power module offline and communication online, many people do not understand this.
 1. The power module works offline, that is, the communication port of the module has no communication connection, but it is powered on separately. Generally, the panel orange light will flash after 40 seconds of power-on, which means there is no communication prompt. At this point, the output voltage of the power supply is the default output voltage of the module (many are 53.5V), and this default output voltage can be changed from 48V to 58.5V.
  Special note: Huawei can also change the default output current limit, ranging from 0 to 60A (maximum rating). This is great. After setting the default output of the power module we requested, let it work offline.
 2. The power module works online, that is, the communication port of the module has communication connection and the communication is normal, and the orange light does not flash on the panel. At this time, the power supply output voltage is controlled by the communication port communication, and the range is slightly wider from 41.5V to 58.5V. This control board controls the power module output in real time.

***About the control panel function description,
  The control board has two key functions, changing the power default output and connecting the power supply to adjust the output in real time.
 1. Change the default output of the power supply. If the control board is normally connected to the power module for 10 seconds, the control board will send the default output voltage and current limit data to the power module. This data is a fixed value. The voltage range is 48V~58.5. V, 0.1V stepping, the current limiting range is selected from 0 to 60A. After changing the default output of the power module for 10 seconds, you can disconnect and remove the control board. The power module works offline again. The output voltage is the default value after the change. The default setting sent by the control panel needs to be connected to the computer through the serial cable to preset to be saved in the control panel.
 2. Adjust the output of the power module in real time. The control board is normally connected to the power module. After power-on, the output of the power module can be controlled in real time through the knob of the control board. The output voltage is 41.5V~58.5V, stepping 0.1V, and the current limit is Rated 10% to 120%, step by 1%.
 3. To change the default output of the power supply, only the control board is normally connected for about 10 seconds, and the real-time control power supply module needs to be connected to the power module normally. Real-time control permissions are higher than the default output permissions.

Function: (Red light / blue light is always on in normal working mode)
1. Voltage regulation 41.5V ~ 58.5V (0.1V step)
   Double-click the button to enter the voltage adjustment mode, the red light flashes, the blue light is always on, and the knob is rotated to adjust the voltage. Do not do anything for more than 8 seconds, and exit the function mode to the normal working mode. Each time the power module is powered back on, it will run the last adjusted value.
2. Current limiting adjustment 0A ~ 60A (0.1 step)
   The first time you double-click the button to enter the voltage adjustment mode, double-click the button again to enter the current limit adjustment mode, the red light is always on, the blue light is flashing, and the rotary knob adjusts the current limit. Double-click the button again to exit the function mode to the normal working mode, or do nothing for more than 8 seconds, and exit the function mode to the normal working mode. Each time the power module is powered back on, it will run the last adjusted value.
3. Maximum output current limit value
   The control panel can be set to adjust the maximum value of the current limit value, ranging from 0 to 60 A. This value directly affects the current limit when the maximum output current limit and the default output are adjusted in real time. For example, if we set this current limit value to a maximum of 15A, then the knob adjustment can only be up to 15A in real-time control. The same is true for setting the default output current limit of the power module.
4. Change the default output of the power module (when there is communication access, the output is adjusted in real time by the control panel)
  This output is the default output voltage when the power module is not connected for communication and works offline. The range is 48V to 58.5V, with 0.1 step, default output current limit, selectable range 0~60A (maximum rating), 0.1 Stepping.
  For example, if the power module wants to change the default voltage to 50V, the control board needs to connect the serial port to the default output voltage of 50V. Then the control board can be connected to the power module for normal operation. Then the output voltage of the power module is 50V. It is. (The common default output voltage on the market is 53.5V)
please help mee to adjust output voltage 0 to 48 volt i have one
this psu
do you know wich wone line sample out put voltage?
This particular PSU doesn't go below ~41V.
There are some Server PSUs that can be modded to go from 0-60V but I think you are better off just buying yourself a cheap Lab bench PSU like this one:
Someone who knows what they're doing please sell these all ready to go with the V & A display and physical controls

Make a profit of course
john61ct said:
Someone who knows what they're doing please sell these all ready to go with the V & A display and physical controls
It looks like someone hacked this unit to deliver 0-90V and 0-30A!
billvon said:
john61ct said:
Someone who knows what they're doing please sell these all ready to go with the V & A display and physical controls
I meant controllers for these Huawei / Emerson 3000W 48V PSUs.

If Chargery makes those please link directly to the product.

Also, can the maximum **current** be controlled?
snejky said:
It looks like someone hacked this unit to deliver 0-90V and 0-30A!
link doesn't work from here
Don't these require a shelf / enclosure to work safely?

Netsure 502 system uses them?

But I often see reference to "positive ground"

telecom style —48V output

I only want +48V output, not negative.

Is the DC output's grounding fully isolated from the AC input's grounding?

How about either / both of these in relation to the unit's chassis ground, and what about between the latter and the shelf / enclosure?

Finally, note that many versions apparently require high voltage input, can't be run off "U.S. standard" 110-120Vac house circuits.

Of course those that do, probably derate their output a bit.
A little update on my PSU hacking attempts:


A ESP32 fits nicely inside the PSU, hotglued a TJA1050 onto it.
Power is provided from the PSUs logic board which has a 6.6V source, dropped down to ~5V with two diodes in series.


Black = GND
Red = 6.6V
Yellow = 9th pin on the pinheader, Enable pin, pulled up by PSU to 3.3V at 0.1mA
CANL, CANH is on the right side of the chip right next to the black wire.
It's a ISO1050 ->

The ESP32 is always powered when the PSU is powered on, the ESP32 can turn the high power part of the PSU on or off.
I'll probably look into adding a MOSFET as a diode to the output to turn the PSU off when the battery is full, etc.

Work in progress still, code on GitHub
Using this lib for CAN on ESP32
john61ct said:
snejky said:
It looks like someone hacked this unit to deliver 0-90V and 0-30A!
link doesn't work from here
Try this link it's very interesting. Such a high power and capabilities! With 90V output it can be our holy grail!