Regen braking and BMS


10 mW
Jul 13, 2016
If regen braking on an bike controller sends power into the load side of your battery pack's BMS how does it deal with the incoming power? I mean if the BMS has a whole side dedicated to charging the battery with incoming current, and a load side dedicated to outgoing current and cutoff, how does the BMS deal with it effectively?

Does this mean you can charge your pack via the load side of the BMS?
Yes, you can charge the battery through load side of the BMS, but in such case BMS doesn't protect battery from overcharging.
Usually this is not a problem as you almost never charge battery more than you discharge it during normal drive...

I have problem at home as when I go with bicycle to down town, I have to descent for ~65m as I am living above centre of the city. If the battery is fully charged before ride (as usually it is)...
The controller is set to disable regen braking when voltage goes over 59V (16S LiFe) and it happens often (when going to down town). Anyway, after 8 years the battery is still over 85% capacity. 8)

Controller is set for max 22A current draw and CA shows sometimes maximum regen braking current over 16A, average downhill regen current is usually 5-8A.
As I live on slopy terrain, I usually recover up to 20% with regen braking. In cold weather I'm pedalling downhill while I'm braking with motor just to warm up my body (sorted heating, lol).
Yes, you can charge through the discharge leads, as said above.

Your bms may not be too happy with larger amps going through the bms discharge though. 5 amps should be no problem for most bms.