Segway proves its safety.


10 TW
May 30, 2008

In essence,

Segway Inc. Company owner dies after falling off river cliff after falling off a segway.
Reminds me of the first man to fly in a hot air balloon in 1783. Pilotre de Roseire. A few years later he invented a balloon where he heated hydrogen with fire. Whoopsie, and became the first man to die flying a hot air balloon. The Wright brothers came very close to doing the same thing. Croaking learning to use thier invention.
From the story:

but the incident seems certain to raise fresh questions about the safety of the Segway, which is banned on British motorways

It's legal on motorways elsewhere??? :shock:

Who wants first go? :twisted:

Actually, in Britain AFAIK, it's only legal on private land. Like some ebikes I could mention. :p
I think one of those crappy electric Razor scooters would be a better choice than a Segway. At least you can carry them and take them with you, and could mod them to go 20mph. I almost want to get one to play around on..... :D
Actually someone mentioned to me the other day you can't drive cars or motor bikes or ebikes that are not legal even on Private land without a drivers license. They wer told that by a cop who brought in documentation that stated that.
Lessss said:
Actually someone mentioned to me the other day you can't drive cars or motor bikes or ebikes that are not legal even on Private land without a drivers license. They wer told that by a cop who brought in documentation that stated that.

The have this wide range things called motorsports racing...
JennyB said:
Actually, in Britain AFAIK, it's only legal on private land. Like some ebikes I could mention. :p

Spot on. I checked the law a few weeks ago and any powered vehicle that doesn't conform to one of the range of already defined types is, by default, illegal to use on any UK highway, public path or publicly-administered (or in some cases just publicly accessible) land.

Electric bikes are treated as bicycles (so are legal on some highways, some byways, cycle tracks and some other public rights of way, but not footpaths) provided they comply with the bizarre mix of UK and EU legislation that applies here (essentially 250 watts with no power assistance above 15mph).

Electric bikes with more than 250 watts, or with power assistance that is provided above 15mph, are illegal here in the UK (at least on roads etc), as are electric scooters (unless classified, Type Approved, registered and insured as mopeds or motorcycles), electric skateboards, balancing scooters etc - in short anything that isn't a Type Approved vehicle, bicycle or approved disabled persons vehicle isn't allowed. Segways and other balancing scooters have been ruled as not being a disabled persons vehicle (apparently someone tried to get the DfT to classify them as such but they rejected them).

The daft comment in the article about motorways is just typical sloppy journalism. I guess the writer didn't have a clue that loads of vehicles are banned on UK motorways (but not other highways), including bicycles, mopeds, agricultural vehicles, slow moving vehicles, disabled persons vehicles, some vehicles carrying wide loads, vehicles being driven by a provisional licence holder etc.

The most probable explanation I've heard for this accident is on the other thread, the one about accidentally leaning forward when near the edge of the cliff. It makes perfect sense to me and just constitutes a rather tragic human error, not a fault in the vehicle itself.

in britain don't they still have on the books that any motor vehicle on public roads is required to be escorted by a footman walking ahead by 50 feet waving a red flag to alert other carriages so they can keep their horses from getting startled?
that should work for segways too.
The guy was 1 day from retirement too. I think the real danger here is not segways or cliffs but the part of the human mind that decided to mix the two. It is simple safety that a segway shouldn't be going along a high cliff, especially without a footman waving a red flag. (What if he was to startle some horses, we would have had a real tragedy then.)