Springtime allergies/sinus infections? DIY $40 air filter!

We had 2 dogs for many years (loved them both). Wife needed a room air-filter in the bedroom to be able to sleep. It was a HEPA unit, but it had a thin foam pre-filter. Thanks goodness it did. I cleaned it once a week to wash out bulky dust and tons of fur strands. If not, I am certain the HEPA would be clogged in a day. The larger area units shown here would last much longer, but once clogged (if you have no common filter in front of it), it too will get clogged way too soon. Once clogged, air pressure differences will get dirty air to flow through the cracks in the system arrangement.
We have ~ 170 wild fires in BC right now and in Nanaimo here we have a thick smoke layer and its not good. I can feel it in my nose and lungs. I'm going to see If I can build one of these today. One of my friend was out on his sport bike and found a bunch of dead birds laying on the road from all the smoke.



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Smoke much harder to filter out than pollen grains, which are gigantic compared to smoke particles.

Somehow we got enough rain this year to miss smoke season. But we usually get a smoky June, as the beetle eaten trees go up in gigantic fires.

Hepa might help, I don't know for sure since I didn't have the hepa filters 3 years ago when it was really bad.
Mine made it through the freakishly bad allergy season and i survived not getting a sinus infection or other sickness by the seat of my pants.. pseudoephedrine and a $50 box fan saved me quite a lot of money.

The filter is very dirty after just 2 months. That says something about how effective it is imho.
Will definitely be doing this again next allergy season.
dogman dan said:
Smoke much harder to filter out than pollen grains, which are gigantic compared to smoke particles.

Somehow we got enough rain this year to miss smoke season. But we usually get a smoky June, as the beetle eaten trees go up in gigantic fires.

Hepa might help, I don't know for sure since I didn't have the hepa filters 3 years ago when it was really bad.

I did some research and from what I can find wood smoke is 1 micron -2.5 microns in size
So if this can remove ~ 90% of .3 microns then the wood smoke should be filtered fairly well as well. I wanted this for my asthma earlier this spring so now I have it for next year if I need it as well.

Update on my cheapo air filter ( yes, it worked great all spring!! )
Once sinus infected, I rely on saline rinsing my nose, or a trip to the ocean for the same thing while surfing.

I also found as long as you can get to a place reasonably low pollen to do it, a ten mile ride three days in a row prevents the sinus build up that leads to infection. Here in the desert, I just need to ride farther away from civilization to get that. By august, the weeds along paved roads drive me away to the dirt trails.

This is why my car has a bike carrier, so I can get my bike to a place where the ride helps my general health, instead of ruining it.

Ran the Hepa filters less this summer than ever, we actually got rain that cleaned the air this summer. But I sure do rely on them during that pollen storm of tree pollen in the spring. Getting away helps too, this year we went to Big Bend Natl park while the trees in our neighborhood were peaking. No mulberry trees there.
I have been attacking my sinus infections with 3 things to great success for 2 years now ( the first 2 years of my life that i haven't had an infection!! ):

1) 1st thing in the morning, mega hot shower.
2) as soon as the nose dries out from that, flutanicasone ( aka Flonase, which is now available right off the shelf ) in both nostrils.
3) Immediately start taking sudafed. Start with 1/2 of one, wait 2 hours, take the other half. If things are really bad, take half a bronkaid ( ephedrine ) in 4-6 hours. Continue dosing along and riding a ephedrine/pseudoephedrine high until 6 hours before bed. Things will eventually drain / loosen up.
4) Hit the shower for 15 minutes some time before bed.
5) Flutanicasone right before bed.

So far, this protocol has worked. I have tried every other idea in the book including vitamin supplementation, herbs, neti pots, etc to no avail for over a decade.

The air filters are just there to prevent getting the infection in the first place. During spring, i have to be very cautious with how much time i spend outdoors..

Note: If you cannot get real ephedrine or real pseudoephedrine, i would drive a state over and stock up as much as you legally can without sounding the alarm, as if you were buying for a meth cook :lol: side effects and all, the stuff is critical for doing the job of kicking a sinus infection's butt in the early stages of it's development. Flutanicasone will not do the job all by itself. If you are getting bronchitis, skip the pseudoephedrine and go hit the ephedrine as hard as you can. You will sweat, your heart will race, but there is a 90% chance you will save yourself a course of antibiotics ( VERY bad for you when you graduate into the more powerful ones like i have ) and a doctor's visit.

Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine have been used for respiratory ailments for eons in Chinese medicine in the form of Ma Huang, the plant. The side effects of heavy dosing is over stimulating and agitating, but these substances DO work.

Yes, the dip in the ocean can cure a sinus infection in the early stages.. but i'm 1000+ miles from the sea. So this is the protocol i go by.
Bad, bad sinus year for me in northern OH this year also. Had 5 sinus infections in the last 10 months. Seen a rash of docs with CT scans and all that jazz. Have started allergy shots to build an immunity (hopefully) and am one month into protocol. Folks say it may take a year to see results on that track.

I have had a fan in the bedroom for years for white noise and air circulation, why I never thought of throwing a filter on that ol' 20 inch box fan, I don't know... but will pick one up tonight. Thankful for the vids in this thread!
Oh man, i'm sorry to hear it. I had a few years like that when i lived in Oregon and California. Nobody ever figured out what was wrong with me.. i just believe that i have a hyperallergenic response to certain things and concluded that i need to be a bubble boy for the rest of my life, to some degree :lol:

I eventually graduated up to the WORST antibiotic, ciprofloxacin, in order to deal with these sinus infections, because these infections used to not end without that level of intervention.
Ciprofloxacin is a nightmare and multiple studies point to it as being both mutagenic to DNA and that it eats away at cartilage and tendons. It has multiple black box warnings. So another sinus infection for me is incredibly scary.

My boss has the same problem, even after having her sinuses drilled out. She is so bad that she can barely tolerate living on the coast of California.

I have used a fan for white noise for eons ( light sleeper ) , and i think recirculating all the crap in the air is actually detrimental to my allergies. So, anything that moves air needs a filter on it IMHO.

bigmoose said:
Bad, bad sinus year for me in northern OH this year also. Had 5 sinus infections in the last 10 months. Seen a rash of docs with CT scans and all that jazz. Have started allergy shots to build an immunity (hopefully) and am one month into protocol. Folks say it may take a year to see results on that track.

I have had a fan in the bedroom for years for white noise and air circulation, why I never thought of throwing a filter on that ol' 20 inch box fan, I don't know... but will pick one up tonight. Thankful for the vids in this thread!
why I never thought of throwing a filter on that ol' 20 inch box fan, I don't know... but will pick one up tonight

Put a cheap filter on the outside, to catch the big stuff...the HEPA filter should be closest to the fan suction side.
spinningmagnets said:
...the HEPA filter should be closest to the fan suction side.

Why suction side? I guess it's just easiest there because you don't have to worry about it blowing out because it presses against the grill? The UofM guy said on the outside.

Filters are on the very outside of HVAC units just to keep the heating and cooling coils clean. All older units have really bad leaks through the case on the suction side, and also filters with big gaps that the air goes around. On many apartment buildings you can see the dirt on each floor around the duct and on opposite wall and where the air looses velocity under the door. But for a room circulator, I don't think it matters at all if a bit of air bypasses the filter. It just gets the air cleaner through multiple air changes.

Thanks for this thread Neptronix, this could be a life saver for a lot of people incl me. Hope I remember next spring!
Yep, Nep deserves thanks for the thread. That's what the doc said to me a couple of months ago, that I was in a hyperallergenic response and had "tripped over the edge." The cat scan was interesting... right side sinus like a walnut and the drainage canal visable, left side sinus was like between the size of a little grape and a chick pea.

Thanks too spinningmagnets, I'll pick up two filters for the fan. I see the logic of protecting the more expensive HEPA filter.
I saw a natural path 2 months ago and its worked miracles. He tested me for sensitivities and I removed those goods (big one was sugar) and all my problems are gone as well I lost 24 lbs in 6 weeks. Having limited coffee and 0 sugar other then what's in meat and vegies was hard for a couple days but its easy now!! Once you get your body healthier it won't react to allergies as bad. I still have my fan with hepa filter and I run it when we clean or vacumm but not all the time.
I have zero sugar in my diet ad maybe 30 grams of carbs a day at most. I really wished that low carb, high fat did magic for me, but it hasn't.

However, i have been able to successfully ward off a few sinus infections that could have gone critical in the 2 years of eating this way.

I dunno if it's the sinus infection protocol, the diet, or both..

I know that when i visited Portland this year, i was back in full blown sinus infection hell within a day. It took 3 hours of driving along Oregon's coast with the window down for my sinuses to fully calm down and return to normal.
I have the same problem in many parts of California.

Utah is a little sketchy, and Colorado is fine for me.
neptronix said:
I have zero sugar in my diet ad maybe 30 grams of carbs a day at most. I really wished that low carb, high fat did magic for me, but it hasn't.

However, i have been able to successfully ward off a few sinus infections that could have gone critical in the 2 years of eating this way.

I dunno if it's the sinus infection protocol, the diet, or both..

I know that when i visited Portland this year, i was back in full blown sinus infection hell within a day. It took 3 hours of driving along Oregon's coast with the window down for my sinuses to fully calm down and return to normal.
I have the same problem in many parts of California.

Utah is a little sketchy, and Colorado is fine for me.
There is more to it.. Do you eat bread. Bread is full of sugar. Sauce on salad? Dairy? Yeast? Sulphates?
You really need to read lables. Even some meats have sugar added.

Non the less you are just guessing. If you see someone who can test you for sensitivities then you will know what to avoid. And some of the sensitivities will go away after time. I will be re-tested in 2 weeks and I will post how it went.
My first test said Yeast levels in the gut were high. Read up on candida. Then all the sensitivities Malt, milk products, cheese, sugar, garlic and a few others. By simply staying away from them and taking a yeast buster 3 times a day I can smell better then I ever have and the varsol tank burns my nose in my shop so now I need to keep it close.
Arlo1 said:
There is more to it.. Do you eat bread. Bread is full of sugar. Sauce on salad? Dairy? Yeast? Sulphates?
You really need to read lables. Even some meats have sugar added.

I don't eat meat with sugar added or bread. ( i won't even eat beef jerky since it is preserved with sugar ) I have 30 grams of carbohydrates a day, no more.. ( sugar is a carbohydrate, so that's included in the 30g figure ).
I may get a few grams of sugar by coincidence here and there; like if i eat something with a slice of tomato on it. Otherwise, some of my carbohydrates come from nuts, the occasional vegetable, etc.

Candida is another ballgame.. i don't have any symptoms of that, but i used to have all the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and the weight to go with it. Sounds like a nightmare; your entire bacterial colony getting usurped by a yeast warlord, lol..

I wish our western medicine was a bit more on the ball. A lot of the issues i have were either improperly diagnosed or not treated properly. I've handed doctors thousands of dollars for nothing and spent 10 years learning how to fix myself by reading stuff on the net constantly. Your health can turn into a complex science experiment very quickly. These days, i trust naturopaths more than allopaths.. unless i've just had my arm break off or something.

Arlo1 said:
Non the less you are just guessing. If you see someone who can test you for sensitivities then you will know what to avoid. And some of the sensitivities will go away after time. I will be re-tested in 2 weeks and I will post how it went.
My first test said Yeast levels in the gut were high. Read up on candida. Then all the sensitivities Malt, milk products, cheese, sugar, garlic and a few others. By simply staying away from them and taking a yeast buster 3 times a day I can smell better then I ever have and the varsol tank burns my nose in my shop so now I need to keep it close.
Any food allergies will increase histamine levels and cause more allergy discomfort, which may not be discomfort in the nose, but all through your gut and body. I used to get hives on my arms, till I got on the milk probiotics.

But that may have nothing to do with sinus infections. I have the narrow passages too, and they just don't clear right, whether the issue is pollens or just dust. So it's not just allergies, but all kinds of particulates that can cause me to infect.

Sudafed was my stand by for years, since it's a pure decongestant. But I found all antihistamines, or other drugs like Flonase would dry up my sinuses, causing even less drainage of dust that got up there. So use those when pollen is the issue, but don't take them when it's not. Or at least once in a while, stop and hammer it with the Sudafed.

Fortunately for me, when I started biking 30 miles a day, nearly all sinus infections stopped. I might have allergies from riding through a pollen storm, but no infections. This was because at that time my job involved eating dust all day doing construction tasks. On the ride home, I'd spit all that shit out helping a ton. 100 miles a week did the trick, any less I'd start packing up.

Once home, HELL YES on the filtered air. Easy to do. Helps a lot to at least sleep well. Put the good filters in your furnace in winter for sure. No need to suffer all night because your dogs fur is full of black mold or pollen.

Re the yeast, if that is your problem, it can get real bad. When I was very sick 4 years ago, I developed a bad case of fermenting gut. It made me even sicker for sure. The smoking gun for the yeast problem I had was funny smell breath, a headache that never went away, and severe brain fog. Essentially, I was hung over for over a year till I figured out what I had.
Allergies and Sensitivities are completely different things. If you remove the things you are sensitive to. Then the things you are allergic to wont bother you as much as you body grows stronger.
I bought a air filter the other day for about $100 AUD, Pretty much the exact same concept but had housing for the filter..


THE FRIKEN PLASTIC USED, leaked chemicals into my bedroom... smelt soooo bad as well like burning oil or something, probably ABS plastic..
caused me to get a sore throat

Im so doing this once i find the right fan!