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Surly LHT front wheel drive

I would love to incorporate a one-way bearing ... of course, these forums are the first place I've heard of them!

Where would one obtain such a thing?
HOOOLEE smokes. Those are some bearings! :mrgreen:

How do I decide which one to use? I should make this a new thread, really, I guess....
Love that front end, it's bad ass ♥
It irritates the hell out of me when people get help developing this stuff and then they get weird, take their ball and go home. Luckily, I saved this thread in my archives.


Ps, I tried to contact this member via PM, but no answer. So, here are all the details on the build. Next post will be the pics

16T / 44T 5M PULLEYS


I really like this build. Front wheel drive is one very good solution to having good pedalling ability and good electric drive on the same bike. It can also be removed easily and a stanard fork installed.

Very nice build quality too. I love the bottom bracket drive idea for the jackshaft. Very well executed.

I have considered this too.

Oh, did I say, very well done?!


Just been for a ride of around 7 miles in distance, hilly(up to around 8%), not sure of the distance exactly as I haven't got a bike computer set up yet.

It goes well!.

I had it in 3rd gear(front hub) most of the time which is the 1:1 gear, so gearing seems to be about right. The Watts Up meter was showing around 600-700watts most of the time on the hills and upto 1000+ watts in places.

I really need the speedo on to get any useful figures. Also I unplugged the power when I got back and lost all the data on the meter , I keep forgetting it's not a Cycle Analyst.

The bike cut out a couple of times again, it seems to happen when I open the throttle too quick. The bike needs a proper lever type throttle.

The rear hub is not set up correctly so I was only getting the 2 top gears and the lowest gear, so I will need to look at that.

Battery container is an aluminium drinks bottle http://www.sigg-aluminium.co.uk/sigg-traveller-blue-10l-65-p.asp.

It contains 4 Vapextech 12V packs running at 24V.

I have only managed a couple of short rides so far (the weather is terrible). The first ride the controller (castle creations hv85) was cutting out constantly so I adjusted the low voltage cut off down to 18V.

Second ride was much better but still cut out at full throttle. Not sure the reason, I believe it was drawing about 40A when it cut out (difficult to see my watts up meter through the sleet).
I will try again once my hands have thawed out.


Yes it's a kart sprocket carrier machined down and simply bolted to a 24t hub gear sprocket. The holes on the sprocket lined up with the carrier perfectly, which was lucky .

The hubgear sprocket is a Sram 24t, its one I had already from years ago so I am not sure if they are still available with the same pattern. The kart sprocket carrier is like this one http://www.macckartingonline.co.uk/kart---40mm-sprocket-carrier-490-p.asp you can pick them up cheap on ebay.

The main reason for not using rear hubs in forks is the wider spacing needed, especially if you want to run disc brakes and suspension. There are some narrow trials hubs which take a screw on freewheel and have disc fittings.http://www.trials-uk.co.uk/product.aspx?productid=642


I am also adding 2 more battery packs, so it will now be run at 36V

Changed the rear gearing to a derailleur setup. 53/39 front 11-30 rear.

Will test tomorrow.
Tested the bike today, very strong winds again. This thing really flys at 36V. The torque is incredible in the lower gears.
8.4 miles
202 watt-hrs
Peak watts:2956
Peak amps:103

The throttle worked great, much better than a twist type IMO. 29mph up the last hill .
Todays ride:
15.18 miles
average moving speed 21.5
watt-hrs used 208
5.9 ah
13.7 wh/mile

It's this motor https://www.hobbycity.com/hobbycity/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=3890&Product_Name=HXT_63-74_200kv_Brushless_Outrunner_(Eq:5240)
48kb is still too big? I don't know if I want to shrink them more than that. Thanks for the tip though,

Open the pic in "paint" or similar program. Go to "image", click on "resize" and they will ask you for a per-cent. Go from 100% down to 90%, and then keep doing that until the pic is about 600 wide.

Yeah, if it got posted on the internet...its still floating around out there somewhere. Or so I'm told by a girl who got drunk and passed out in a room full of strangers with cell-cameras...

The image width isn't the problem.

The issue is he used the attachment tag instead of the image tag:
     [ATTACH type="full" alt="Untitled.jpg"]7[/ATTACH]
Instead of this:

If Katou fixes his post I'll delete this.








WTF happened to this post?

Is this another user who did a whole build thread and then deleted everything?

Thank goodness Mitch saved some of this :)

Heyyyyy!!! I do all the work, and mitch fixes the pictures and takes the glory? I'll have you know that I was the one that spent nearly 10 minutes copying and pasting, thank you very much.

And yes, regrettably, this is another dude that went N*ts and V**lts on us. Except this time, we don't even know why. I was quite enamoured of his build, and exchanged several PM's with him, seemed a nice chap. Suddenly, a few months ago, he just up and deleted everything. Working on developing the idea as a product? I don't know.

Thanks for the help Mitch (you glory-hound you)

My bet would be what seems to happen here a bit - he decided to commmercialise the idea, and needed to remove it from the public domain to secure IP rights (which he already waived by making it public domain). Stops people from claiming 'prior art'.
katou said:
It irritates the hell out of me when people get help developing this stuff and then they get weird, take their ball and go home.

i refer to these kind of individuals as a '1way street';
everything flows only toward their direction.
what kills me is that every now & again someone comes along who thinks he's invented the cat's pajamas *coughsafe* that they ignorantly believe is something original & don't want to have anyone else copying them.
when in fact to date there is nothing new that i've seen on ES & elsewhere that hasn't been tried & patented over a century ago (except maybe the robot stoker Jules, would have to check into that).
this is a forum for sharing ideas, if u don't want to share, work in isolation & see how far that gets u.

katou, if it's any consolation i'm tremendously grateful that u put in the time & effort to restore this thread.
i've now done a few salvage jobs like this so i'm familiar with what's involved.
this one quietly snuck by me & i definitely appreciate ur sharing some of the load, many thanx.

even so, based on the sentiment that i quoted i get the feeling that like me, u don't do this for the recognition or thanks.
sur it's cuz we're pistov but mostly it's to show these 1way street people that with the internet it's different now.
this is to demonstrate the futility of their actions.
it's like sticking their nose in their own poopie & swatting their behind, 'bad doggie!'.
they need to change their attitude/habit that they've grown accustomed to.
come to terms with the new reality that u no longer can simply erase everything like it never happened.
there's no point to manually deleting hundreds if not thousands of posts one at a time, so why even bother wasting ur time trying?

katou said:
If Katou fixes his post I'll delete this.

katou said:
Heyyyyy!!! I do all the work, and mitch fixes the pictures and takes the glory? I'll have you know that I was the one that spent nearly 10 minutes copying and pasting, thank you very much.
A better fix would be for you to fix the original post so people don't need to scroll through all the intermediate posts to see the pictures that go with the text.

An even better fix (IMO) would be for Katou or someone to start a new thread with the appropriate title, a brief explanation, and the text and information, then delete this mess.

Might be even better fix if its possible (and if its easy - might not be worth the time) would be for the admins to restore the original from backups and lock it.
I guess I should have put a smiley after that copy and paste remark? I have tremendous respect for the fast work Mitch is capable of. No matter what the subject, he seems able to find information that I can't, and he does it in record time.

Only Miles is faster, and I still think he MIGHT be a bot.

Regardless, I agree that it would be best to fix the initial post I made. It is indeed a mess. If someone else wants to fix it, they're welcome to do so.

I'll do it myself eventually. I only had a few minutes to work on it, and that's what it got. Now it will have to wait it's turn again, lots of other stuff in front of it.

Hi katou,
katou said:
I guess I should have put a smiley after that copy and paste remark? I have tremendous respect for the fast work Mitch is capable of.
I'm sorry if I gave you the impression I was upset because I wasn't.

Thanks for the thread restoration!

The reason has nothing to do with the commercialising any ideas. I just don't want any association with the crap that's posted here on a regular basis.

Get rid of the so called 'Cesspool' and keep discussions related to electric vehicles and technology then I will be happy to participate.

I didn't want to make a big deal about this.

cargo said:
The reason has nothing to do with the commercialising any ideas. I just don't want any association with the crap that's posted here on a regular basis. Get rid of the so called 'Cesspool' and keep discussions related to electric vehicles and technology then I will be happy to participate. I didn't want to make a big deal about this. :|

It might suffice to post your build on EV album where there is no discussion. That way, others can still learn from your work.
Dear cargo, your build is interesting and well-done. I'm sorry that you are unhappy with much of what goes on here at ES. I wish you luck with your future efforts. Perhaps this thread will become a warning to others.

If there's a chance you will ever want to withdraw access to your future pics and info, I would advise that you avoid publishing them in a global public forum. I have also saved pics and info that I find interesting.
Whoa, dude, you're still here??

I had no idea you were still checking in, my pm to you has been in my outbox for like 2 months.

I agree with you on the cesspool BTW. I let them do what they want in there, can't see any way around that, other than PM the owner and ask him to remove it. (which I have not done)

Personally, I like to know who's saying what in there, so I check in occasionally. Keep your friends close...

FWIW, I miss seeing what you're working on, this idea here, as a first effort, was very innovative. Nothing similar has come along since. I want to see what you'll come up with next!

cargo said:
The reason has nothing to do with the commercialising any ideas. I just don't want any association with the crap that's posted here on a regular basis.

Get rid of the so called 'Cesspool' and keep discussions related to electric vehicles and technology then I will be happy to participate.

I didn't want to make a big deal about this.

You don't want your anonymous identity associated with some of the posts on these forums?

You don't want to make a big deal about it and you deleted all your posts?

The whole point of forums like this is to share knowledge, helping each other learn. Your build is interesting enough that some people feel its worth preserving. Deleting posts that could help others learn serves no constructive purpose. On the contrary its petty and destructive and or malicious.

I'm trying to be constructive, in the spirit of the following story:
A man visited Lord Buddha when he was living in the forest and started criticizing him. He continued until it got dark. When the man realized it was dark he was worried about finding his way home and started to leave.

Buddha said before you go I would like to ask you one question:
"If someone brings you a present which you don't accept who does the present belong to?"

The man said "it belongs to the person who brought it."

Buddha said:
"Brother, listen to me: if the receiver refuses to accept the gift offered
to him it remains with the giver. I refuse to accept the gift you have
brought for me."

Then he gave him a lantern to help him find his way home.