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This man may change the world Andrea Rossi & eCat

LM stuff is conceptual. I believe when all "high power density" (as defined by the Lawson criteria) plasma containment designs were reduced to practice, unknown/unexpected plasma instabilities were observed.
Is what the LM guys are developing very different in principal to Rossi's LENR ?
Do not either of them require a shift in our conventional understanding of energy sources ?
It is easy to criticise and dismiss these experiments, but much harder to accept that we may be wrong in our traditional understanding of physics.
Remember ...global earth, manned flight, space travel, were all once laughable !
The Lockheed reactor appears to be 'conventional' hot fusion, like the sun. They just claim to have figured out a way to keep million degree plasma contained at a density high enough to sustain a reaction. No easy trick.

Rossi's invention requires a shift in understanding, but 'cold' fusion has been around for long enough that people are starting to figure out some of the secrets. Whether Rossi's thing actually works or is just a scam is yet to be seen, but I think it is possible.
bigmoose said:
Here is a guy that I have been studying the past week, Andrea Rossi. He is an Italian inventor of the eCat or E-Catalyizer. It is a device in the genre of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR). If this is real it will revolutionize the world. Oil will be for lubrication only.

Andrea claims the following for his device:

  • Utilizes nickel powder and simple hydrogen
    Utilizes a trade secret catalyst in the device
    The small "lemon" sized eCat produces ~7 times the input heater power or about 7 Kw out
    It can run for up to 6 months on a load of nickel powder
    It can run without out input heaters, so called self sustain mode of 7 Kw out for "a while"
    It is currently optimized to produce 100 degC steam
    Negligible radiation outside of shielding
    Post reaction products are radiation free

Andrea "talks" a lot, so there are a lot of info trails on the net. Some of them say that a large reactor ran away in the spring and produced over 120 Kw during the event. The linked video says there is a burst of gamma rays when the eCat "lights off" which would be a signature of a nuclear event. All the video's show folks working in very close proximity to eCat's that are in operation, and there is no mention of health effects.

There is a statement in the video that he used a unit to heat his laboratory for a year or so successfully.

Here is a picture of Rossi with four eCats with the exterior open. The outside plumbing is copper pipe from a hardware store it looks like.
View attachment 2

Here is a close up of the reaction chamber:
View attachment 1

Here are the two Swedish scientists he allowed in and gave some spent Ni powder to for them to analyize. They found Copper isotopes in the Ni after the runs, perhaps indicitaive of transmutation.

Here is a video where Rossi leads you through his device:

Here is a "news" type analysis of his device:

What do you think? Is it real? Will Rossi eCat's be the future for the world? Like all reality, Rossi is not perfect, he has a failed oil recycling company that got into pretty deep trouble with the Italian government in years past. The video says he has contracted with the University of Balogna to study his device at the cost of 500K euro. Is he for real, or is this a complex fraud?

Is this for real?
I don't know yet, though I am earnestly hopeful that the process is a true success.

or is this a complex fraud?
Not just complex, but, apparently also quite expensive, if it is not legit.....
fechter said:
The Lockheed reactor appears to be 'conventional' hot fusion, like the sun. They just claim to have figured out a way to keep million degree plasma contained at a density high enough to sustain a reaction. No easy trick.

Rossi's invention requires a shift in understanding, but 'cold' fusion has been around for long enough that people are starting to figure out some of the secrets. Whether Rossi's thing actually works or is just a scam is yet to be seen, but I think it is possible.

Just my humble opinion, but neither the Lockheed or any of the Cold Fusion schemas look to be adaptable to small scale uses such as one small unit powering a house or a car.

Oh, or a e-bike.
I have done no calcs yet, but the Lockheed scares me. The proposed energy density sufficient to power a town of 100,000 produced by a device small enough to sit on a flat bed pickup truck sounds to me similar to the energy density of the nuclear device "fuses" which ignite city-busting "Standard Nuclear Devices" that are designed to flatten a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area" ( an average entire city). The fuses are rated at between a tenth of a kiloton to 1 kiloton, relying on my aging memory.

A tenth to 1 kiloton is too much destructive potential to have easily maneuvered around on flat bed trucks.
Obviously individual home/vehicle power units would be the ultimate,
However, just having a safe, clean, low cost(??) infinite energy source would be a paradyme shift in so many ways.
It immediately changes the basis of world politics in ways hard to imagine, as well as totally refocusing financial markets.
But,..not all of these changes would be for the better necessarily !
Looks like LM wants to use it in planes first, maybe they are planning to blast the heat as a propulsion force? Anyhow, I don't think they are closer than anybody else on the fusion reaction creating excess energy, they are just planning to do research on a smaller containment unit using a different type of magnetic force.
Hillhater said:
Obviously individual home/vehicle power units would be the ultimate,
However, just having a safe, clean, low cost(??) infinite energy source would be a paradyme shift in so many ways.
It immediately changes the basis of world politics in ways hard to imagine, as well as totally refocusing financial markets.
But,..not all of these changes would be for the better necessarily !

You are talking about giving a fusion reactor to dumb arse morons who can barely function in the world we have now!
Can you imagine a world full of red necks with guns and a fusion reactor? It's bad enough we let them have guns.
Modbikemax said:
Can you imagine a world full of red necks with guns and a fusion reactor? It's bad enough we let them have guns.

"Hooooeeeeeeeee, Ethel, that new fusion reactor on the still is givin' more kickaboo joy juice than I got jugs. Mebbe if I shoot a few holes in the bottom. . . ."
Dauntless said:
Modbikemax said:
Can you imagine a world full of red necks with guns and a fusion reactor? It's bad enough we let them have guns.

"Hooooeeeeeeeee, Ethel, that new fusion reactor on the still is givin' more kickaboo joy juice than I got jugs. Mebbe if I shoot a few holes in the bottom. . . ."

'ken oath mate! :lol:

If Rossi's device actually works, it seems possible that under some condition all the energy could be released over a short period of time resulting in rapid, automatic dissassembly (to quote someone else). Does the reaction become self limiting above a certain temperature? Whether there is any kind of reaction going on is yet to be seen, but you would certainly want to know what all the operating behaviors are before marketing such a device. Supposedly you can pack the energy equivalent of an oil tanker into a car-sized package. That sounds scary in a way.
There are lots of good reasons to let someone else deal with producing and distributing power and just paying a fee for service. Economies of scale,maintenance, redundancy to name a few. You only need to look at how some people maintain their cars to see what would become of privately owned personal power stations. We would need government departments policing idiots to protect them from themselves, same as cars.
I saw on the news last night that there are some towns or communities in australia that plan or are currently building a community off grid renewable power system..

but i do agree... give an idiot/bogan a 1000 volt/5kw pv system.. I picture a LCD screen counting the days since the last incident, and it does not seem to make it past 30 days :?

even if the voltage kept at 12 volts, there will still be that lcd screen counting days since the last fuse that blows.
nechaus said:
I saw on the news last night that there are some towns or communities in australia that plan or are currently building a community off grid renewable power system..

but i do agree... give an idiot/bogan a 1000 volt/5kw pv system.. I picture a LCD screen counting the days since the last incident, and it does not seem to make it past 30 days :?

even if the voltage kept at 12 volts, there will still be that lcd screen counting days since the last fuse that blows.

Most of WA is off the grid and WA is not connected to the Eastern states.
Whole towns and mine sites run their own power stations, hundreds of farming stations run their own power systems.
Probably a sizeable chunk of the QLD is probably off any grid too. These systems are run by government or competent power companies. Cheap reliable energy would be fantastic for millions of people living on diesel generators or expensive solar power systems. If this thing were a reality it would be taken up very rapidly by an ready market even without backyard power stations.
nechaus said:
I saw on the news last night that there are some towns or communities in australia that plan or are currently building a community off grid renewable power system...
Many years ago, as part of a seriously misguided indigeneous resettlement programm, the Au government built a series of small community " stations" of 4-10 houses in remote areas, that were powered by large solar arrays with battery banks in containers.
The programme failed and most of these installations now lay un used in the middle of nowhere....containers full of batteries standing in the outback sun for 15+ years ??.
I certainly hope this doesn't happen, I wish I could remember the town so i could copy and paste the news artical/video...
But from what I saw, The whole town seemed to be totally behind it.. heaps of people signing partitions ect..
Interesting to watch h the live data screen from King Island's system

Been involved in a few 30kW systems and the company I contracted for, were supposed to be installing solar to supply the whole town of Newman WA, but fell through.

Solar farms should have been the Australian, primary source of solar PV, but the Howard government had the brilliant idea of introducing the hotch-potch domestic rooftop PV program, typical right wing, there was probably more $$'s in it for their pockets somewhere.
megacycle said:
Solar farms should have been the Australian, primary source of solar PV, but the Howard government had the brilliant idea of introducing the hotch-potch domestic rooftop PV program, typical right wing, there was probably more $$'s in it for their pockets somewhere.

More likely a grab for votes. There is certainly no money in it except for a few carpetbaggers. Power bills have gone up in WA partly to pay for over generous feed in tarriffs. Contribution to the power grid is almost zero and according to Western Power a pain in the arse in over supplied suburbs. Pretty much a waste of time and money. Most systems are poorly installed and of such low quality they no longer work or won't for much longer. There is one in my street which has the shade of a tree on it all day :roll:. We have a 60% reserve capacity for days when we all turn on our air conditioners which we were told to install by the same power company to save power? Go figure.
Modbikemax said:
More likely a grab for votes. There is certainly no money in it except for a few carpetbaggers. Power bills have gone up in WA partly to pay for over generous feed in tarriffs. Contribution to the power grid is almost zero and according to Western Power a pain in the arse in over supplied suburbs. Pretty much a waste of time and money. Most systems are poorly installed and of such low quality they no longer work or won't for much longer. There is one in my street which has the shade of a tree on it all day :roll:. We have a 60% reserve capacity for days when we all turn on our air conditioners which we were told to install by the same power company to save power? Go figure.
Probably right with the grab for votes and that silly, competitive, pseudo - individualist, neoconservative attitude, that means a screw up of proper policy making, that could of lead to much more efficient/effective (by an order of magnitude)solar farms and power stations, that could also agument the network parameters, even at night, instead they give us this mess and now consequently want to screw the RET, LNP fools.
The main Increase in power pricing is coming from parasitical retailers, we don't need, the market is plagued with the profiteers.
The contribution to the power grid was never the intention of the policy, it's aim was to cover consumer usage, the idea was for a domestic solar system to hope to cover the energy bill, e.g. network=0 contribution, obviously this is an ideal and situation and varies a lot, also there was under and over subscription.
I've put 10kW on an old couples roof and the networks job in part was to catch and penalize this.
Most systems are not poorly installed, obviously because it is a government scheme, systems have to checked by inspectors and installers have to pass an accreditation course and are licensed, it's a piss poor policy decision by a piss poor government, at the time (Howard).
Yes it's odd now we have parasitical retailers that part of their job is to help with energy efficiency, did they tell you to install a few 'splits', some small units, lounge, bedroom, 1.5-2.5kW have COP's of close to 5, this means 1/5 of the rated output is input, e.g. 2kW is 400W, that very reasonable value for climate control.
Standards vary from state to state I agree. My mother installed a system on her house in Victoria which is quite a bit better than the systems installed in WA. Feed in tarriffs are more realistics and there is a heavy focus on safety.
In WA if you have a bag made of carpet you can be open for business, it seems. Feed in tarriffs were the highest in the country and anything goes. I really don't mind if people want to put their solar panels under trees, but I do mind if I have to pay them for it.
Amazing as it may seem, Rossi is still at it and still getting money from investors.



September 10, 2018
Andrea Rossi had been reporting recently on the Journal of Nuclear Physics that his team at Leonardo Corporation had been testing two E-Cat SK reactors rated at 10 kW each to see if they would be suitable for building the first industrial E-Cat plants.

Rossi says that last night (Saturday, September 8th 2018) they decided that they have decided to use the SK reactors instead of the smaller 1kW QX E-Cats. He had said that they would run a 10-day test, but it apparently only was six days, having started on Monday.

Rossi had admitted that moving ahead with the E-Cat SK does entail some risk, since it has not been put through the months-long Sigma 5 testing that the smaller QX reactor went through, but it is a risk he is willing to take apparently. He stated
“the Sigma 5 reaches with the Ecat QX helps the trust in the SK version.”

So what happens next? I asked Rossi this question and his answer was simply “industrialization.” As far as when the first plants would be delivered to customers, he wrote to Gerard McEk this: “We will begin to deliver in 2019, surely not in January. By January we would start the production.”

As best as I can understand things, the actual starting of industrial production had been on hold until Leonardo had decided which reactors they would be building. Now that decision has been made, one would expect that they would start to move onto production.

We will have to wait and see how things progress now. The next important public event will be the product introduction of E-Cat products which Rossi has said he hopes to hold in January. I don’t think he will hold that event unless they have had success with the production process by that time.
And the story goes on...


Leonardo Corporation is pleased to announce that it will be presenting the worldwide introduction of its E-Cat SK product, a revolutionary cost-efficient clean energy technology, in a live streaming broadcast on January 31, 2019.

The E-Cat operates on the basis of physical principles which allow for energy production at power densities far higher than with fossil fuels. No radioactive fuels are used, and no radioactive waste is produced. The E-Cat SK produces kilowatts of energy while consuming only grams of inexpensive and abundant fuel (hydrogen, nickel, lithium) over a period of six months. E-Cat reactions do not involve any chemical combustion, so no greenhouse gas emissions are produced.

The E-Cat’s inventor, Andrea Rossi states, “I am delighted to have arrived at the point where I can introduce an industrial product to the world. My goal has always been not only to demonstrate an important discovery in a laboratory, but also to implement it into useful products that can have important benefits for mankind. E-Cat technology will allow businesses to become more profitable through the reduction of their thermal energy costs, and at the same time they will be reducing negative environmental impacts.” Dr. Rossi has patented the E-Cat in the United States (US patent no. US 9,115,913 B1) and the patent has also been granted in all of Europe, China, Russia, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Australia, South Africa, and is pending in other countries.

The E-Cat SK is a product designed to be used in industrial settings where heat is required, ranging from simple space heating to applications where high temperatures are needed, including electricity generation.

Leonardo’s business model is based on delivering heat as a service. Leonardo retains ownership of the E-Cats and will install and remotely operate them. Customers pay for heat delivered at costs that will always be significantly lower (at least 20 percent lower) than the cost of any other energy source the customer may use.

The live broadcast will begin on January 31st at 9:00 a.m. US Eastern time at http://www.ecatskdemo.com. Live participants will be able to submit questions to Dr. Rossi who will answer them live during the presentation. Instructions on how to submit questions will be provided at the website above at the commencement of the presentation. The event will be recorded and be made available for later viewing.

Companies interested in discussing possible incorporation of E-Cat technology in their industrial operations are invited to contact Leonardo Corporation at info@leonardocorp1996.com

And a demo video:

And closer to home...

Brillouin Energy Awarded Patent For Its Potentially World Changing Fusion Reactor
European Union Issues Patent for Controlled Electron Capture Reaction

January 31, 2019 08:15 AM Eastern Standard Time

BERKELEY, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Brillouin Energy Corp., a leading company in the Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) field, announced that it has obtained a significant Patent associated with its design for a potentially world-changing “Hydrogen Hot Tube”, or “HHT™” reactor system from the European Union Patent Office. The Patent, which has been issued for a crucial component of the HHT reactor system, the “Controlled Electron Capture Reaction” (CECR) for “Energy Generation Apparatus and Method”, is dated September 26, 2018.

EU Patent awarded for Brillouin Energy’s Controlled Electron Capture Reaction (CECR) associated with its world-changing #HHT reactor system is another step forward for making clean energy available and affordable to everyone.

Brillouin Energy has made significant progress since the last quarter of 2017, when it was making a few Watts of controlled LENR (excess) reaction heat on a consistent and repeatable basis. In the last five months, the Company has reached the stage where it is now reliably able to produce 50 to 60 Watts of controlled LENR (excess) reaction heat with a Coefficient of Power (COP) consistently over 2.25 times (2.25X energy output vs. energy input) within its HHT™. As these COP results continue to rise, Brillouin Energy’s CECR technology continues to move closer to being able to power up to 30,000 homes for one year on the amount of hydrogen contained in the volume of an average glass of water.

“We are on the cusp of a new era of cheap, abundant and reliable power from LENR-based systems, at a time when the United States and many other countries are re-examining their approaches for supporting clean energy technologies,” said Robert W. George, Chief Executive Officer, Brillouin Energy.

The CECR Patent issued by the EU is one of the Company’s primary patents describing the underlying physics for controlled pulsed power stimulation of an LENR reaction. It outlines the practical technique for inducing and controlling the reaction within a metallic lattice. The reaction produces a large amount of thermal energy, and an extremely small amount of inert (harmless) helium. Other than this primary heat output, there are no toxic, radioactive or CO2 byproduct emissions of any kind.

Brillouin Energy’s HHT™ reactor system is designed to operate at temperatures between 100°C to 700°C depending on application. It uses a very small amount of hydrogen gas with a nickel-metal catalyst to produce LENR heat on a highly controlled basis. This will be suitable in meeting industry’s needs for clean, cheap modular heat and power at the point of demand.

So either this stuff is real, or these guys are incredibly good at duping investors.
I want a nuclear powered bike. Seems like converting heat to electricity would be less efficient than just running a steam engine directly.

fechter said:
Amazing as it may seem, Rossi is still at it and still getting money from investors.
Yep I watched it all and couldn't believe it. The echo from a perhaps empty garage, and perhaps three people on chairs and a bare concrete floor (because of the echo). He kept talking about the "dancing ballerina" plasma picture, but no details, or state of the art instrumentation with calibrations. No explanation of the two graphs on the left of the segmented picture. This is not science, this is not even a high school science fair. Never would give the measured COP, only a calculated one from the chart paper.

I am fairly sure ... I think... of two world class laboratories that offered to measure the COP and radiation signature of this device without opening it up. I believe he refused. Still an "eCat" and mouse game.

If he has it, the worse management of technologies possible. He thinks he can keep secret the innards. Once someone "big" gets their hands on a unit it will reveal all. If he doesn't have it, it is now a parlor charade. What a let down. Sad group of apparently delusional ol' timers...
bigmoose said:
If he has it, the worse management of technologies possible. He thinks he can keep secret the innards. Once someone "big" gets their hands on a unit it will reveal all. If he doesn't have it, it is now a parlor charade. What a let down.
I can't figure out what his endgame is. His approach doesn't really make sense if the goal is to monetize a scam invention. Unless he really does think it works; he may be able to delude himself sufficiently to keep that belief alive.