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This man may change the world Andrea Rossi & eCat

If this is real, we all have enough nickel for our entire lives worth of energy in our spare change drawer.

This isn't like its burning the nickel, its actually trading mass for energy, and E=MC^2. In other words, a tiny bit goes a very long way.
liveforphysics said:
If this is real, we all have enough nickel for our entire lives worth of energy in our spare change drawer.

This isn't like its burning the nickel, its actually trading mass for energy, and E=MC^2. In other words, a tiny bit goes a very long way.

I tuned in late to this thread.

For years I worked for an advanced research space program for which no credible idea was too far out to examine. We wouldn't have spent more than a couple of man-hours examining this, and that's being generous. This is naked hogwash.

There's a general principle that goes "remarkable claims require remarkable substantiation". Well, this Rossi dude's claims far surpass remarkable, but his proof doesn't even pass for ordinary.

I agree Chalo. Like I said, I'm 99.9% certain it's a 2 bit con
However, I would still investigate further to clear up the 0.1%
I'm with Luke on this one, and I think the major players that have shown interest feel the same....

I'm not a gambling man, but I occasionally bet on the grand national or similar, just for a laugh. Sometimes I bet on complete outsiders as well, just a quid or two. just for a laugh. Hell, once or twice those outsiders have come through. Not often though...

The big names interested in this are not really your gambling types either, but they have nothing to lose by throwing (the multinational corporate equivalent of) a few quid on an outside bet, just for laughs. Just because they have shown an interest in it doesn't mean they take it that seriously.

This sort of thing is appealing because we all want it so badly, and we all recognise that in this day and age, things "we don't know we don't know" are becoming a scarce commodity.

It would have been nice to have been a tinkerer / inventor 150 years ago when there was so much still to be understood.

Thanks for posting this Moose, I'll be watching with interest, and hoping it comes true. I'd even throw a couple of quid on it, just for a laugh, but I won't be betting the farm.
jonathanm said:
...and we all recognise that in this day and age, things "we don't know we don't know" are becoming a scarce commodity.

It would have been nice to have been a tinkerer / inventor 150 years ago when there was so much still to be understood.

Pick up your pen and drop it. No one on earth has a snowball of a clue what gravity is, how and why it works, and why whatever dimension its in lets it interact with ours depending on our mass. For that matter, the light that hit your eyes watching the pen fall is completely not understood even to the nature of what makes it up or how it travels.

Don't be lead down the rose path and end up so foolish as to think because we assign a name to things and write formulas to predict how they behave from watching observations that we have a bit more of a clue what they are or how they behave than cultures 2000 years ago did. :)
liveforphysics said:
Don't be lead down the rose path and end up so foolish as to think because we assign a name to things and write formulas to predict how they behave from watching observations that we have a bit more of a clue what they are or how they behave than cultures 2000 years ago did. :)

Trudat... maybe Rossi also doesn't fully understand the results he's getting, maybe it's why things has been so vague? As the old Chinese proverb goes, "If you don't know what it is, then it's JAZZ FUSION *rimshot* :lol: :lol:

liveforphysics said:
Don't be lead down the rose path and end up so foolish as to think...we have a bit more of a clue...

Oh, I agree about that too - we have workable models to explain what's in the black box, but that doesn't mean we know what's in the box.

But we made a lot of good stuff out of newtonian physics - still do even, even though we know it's not really the way things work.

This is kind of what I'm saying though - gravity? we have it modeled and we work with it on a day to day basis in extreme depth. light? (and other forms of electromagnetic radiation) again - we have a great model that enables us to do incredible things with the properties we can work with. nuclear fusion / fission - the same.....

But at some point someone is gonna say...."no, that's close enough to work some stuff out but actually this is how it really works"

This is what I'm talking about.....

There is so much to study nowadays just to get to the cutting edge of any of these sciences, that by the time you get there you are already indoctrinated in "the way things work".

To start thinking outside of the box is a hugely difficult undertaking for the majority of scientists and researchers. It almost takes some idiot who doesn't really understand things to come along and find something new.

Or some genius. Or someone with a brain that's just wired up differently - savant style.....autistic or aspergers type of brain. Rossi seems a bit like that, but maybe its a red herring and that's one of the ways he gets the support. With the greatest respect, Our hero Cedric Lynch is that type of brain as well, I think.

There was an article in Wired recently about experiments that would be great to do if they weren't totally unethical.... I wonder if we could somehow raise a generation of kids to discover and invent things free from the shackles of what had come before them - what might they discover?
Hillhater said:
Arlo1 said:
...All I know is I'm going for broke ordering as much cheep lipo as I can before some ASSHOLE says its to dangerous to ship to Canada!

Thats, betting both ways ! :lol:
If the ECat does work, we may have to switch over to STEAM powered bikes ( Sbikes ??) :lol:

Bagging a few shares in Nickel producers may be a smart move too ! :eek:
Na i will just put a steam turbine in my back yard making my electricity. Maybe one in my car but thats because lipo is still to expensive!
John in CR said:
I'm just going to attach an eCat to my 60kwh Eestor super-capacitor.

You can use cold fusion to heat your eCat!

Arlo1 said:
All I know is I'm going for broke ordering as much cheep lipo as I can before some ASSHOLE says its to dangerous to ship to Canada!

You are going to be kicking yourself in a year when that shit costs half of what it does now.
would be nice to hear a female speak tho

@ 10:00 They're gonna give all the secrets away if they're not granted a patent!


the patent system is rigged by/for the powers that be anyway, either way china will have no qualms about pirating the secret sauce, he he! :twisted:
Pure said:
Arlo1 said:
All I know is I'm going for broke ordering as much cheep lipo as I can before some ASSHOLE says its to dangerous to ship to Canada!

You are going to be kicking yourself in a year when that shit costs half of what it does now.
Nah I got some big ev shit to build I can never have to much lipo right luke :)
Did I here that right the hydrogen combines with nickle to produce copper and steem? So we can have it spit out windhing wire and run the turbine at the same time? :mrgreen:
at 2:00 they're talking about "nuclear battery"? Is this even possible or just entertainment?

Dee Jay said:
at 2:00 they're talking about "nuclear battery"? Is this even possible or just entertainment?


It seems to be a distinct possibility. Many people have reported producing energy through cold fusion/LENR etc. However, no one has gotten results anywhere close to what Rossi claims.

The arrogance of the guy saying it is impossible is sickening and insulting. It seems we have learnt nothing at all. Despite the seditious nature of many of our scientific advancements to previous conventions, we are still producing the same scorn towards anything that challenges the status quo.

There is something rotten in the scientific community. As I am going to write something on this I won't elaborate further.
Joseph C. said:
The arrogance of the guy saying it is impossible is sickening and insulting. It seems we have learnt nothing at all. Despite the seditious nature of many of our scientific advancements to previous conventions, we are still producing the same scorn towards anything that challenges the status quo.

There is something rotten in the scientific community. As I am going to write something on this I won't elaborate further.

I hear you on that..skeptisism is a healthy thing but those with hidden motives, the first thing they'll do is throw their "credential" weights around and try to slap you with a piece of paper that says they know everything and everyone else is wrong. And if that fails, they'll pay traditional media to trivialize important advancements by distorting them into mere concepts and entertainment, burying the signals with their noise, like Michael Moore has been doing with his "documentaries". We was blue in the face yelling "Bush this, Bush that" but no revolution sparked by it because americans thought Moore was actually doing something about the problems and simply turn off the TV and sleep well that night. HA HA Moore is a double X agent. :evil:
So if you look at energy and when you exclude nuclear energy can never be produced or destroyed, it can only be transformed from one type to another. Then you think we are absorbing it from the sun all the time would it not be a big problem to be creating more energy eg nuclear... SO what I'm getting at what happens when one day planet earth is totally to full of energy????????? Do we become a sun?
No, because on balance significantly more energy is re-radiated from Earth into space than is absorbed by it, which is why it has cooled down from a molten state to what it is nowadays. ;)

Even Mercury, as close as it is to the sun, radiates more than it receives (else it would be either a molten ball or have evaporated away).
Just to add to what Amberwolf said, the heat from the Sun isn't even enough to keep the dark side of the Earth from freezing.

The reason we don't become blocks of ice at night is because of the huge ball of molten and solid 5,000 degree Celsius plus metal that makes up the core.

We have a tendency to forgot that we live on a giant, energy-producing furnace.
Dee Jay said:
@ 10:00 They're gonna give all the secrets away if they're not granted a patent!
So 10:00 has come and gone did they get their patent?
Joseph C. said:
Arlo1 said:
Dee Jay said:
@ 10:00 They're gonna give all the secrets away if they're not granted a patent!
So 10:00 has come and gone did they get their patent?

He means at ten minutes into the video.
Lol ok !
Hillhater said:
Joseph C. said:
The reason we don't become blocks of ice at night is because of the huge ball of molten and solid 5,000 degree Celsius plus metal that makes up the core.

We have a tendency to forgot that we live on a giant, energy-producing furnace.

Could some one please tell Al Gore !


Don't up-set the apple cart! Don't bring logic or real science into a great money making scam!

Al finally found a way to re-invent himself as someone credible AND make him rich! :mrgreen: