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Throttle; Twist, thumb, half grip or custom?[Solved]


10 MW
Jul 22, 2014
Parts a piling up and next week I start building. Finally. But one thing I have forgot all about is the throttle. I don't even think I have remembered to do any reading about the topic :oops:

I do know I would set up torque throttle, to avoid twitchy throttle. But I am not set on what to try, twists, thumbs or half grips?
If someone has tried all types pls tell me what you think and why you prefer one over the other.

I guess I could just order both types but then I am surely wasting money, and I hate that. Coming from m/c and dirtbikes I kind of leaning towards a half grip, but I've seen several posts complaining about throttle being to sensitive. And I have no idea if that is because they are using speed throttle or because the throttle itself is the issue, the physical throttle itself - the hardware part.

I saw trevc2 had something that to me looked like a mechanical throttle, like we know from m/c or dirtbikes on his Greyborg. And AFAIK he run that throttle with an Adaptto Max-e, so it was not some obscure controller with special setups or tweaks. If that helps with a more consistent throttle response that might be worth looking into. Anyone used a throttle like that? And how would it even work? I mean in a motorcycle or dirtbike it is easy. The gas wire goes to the carb, lifting the piston/needle. The only thing I can imagine is a setup with halls that somehow measure the position of throttle and convert that into voltage. Well that is my best guess. If you have any ideas pls fill me in, as I am just thinking out loud.


Edited: This throttle is using Gwhy's custom setup throttle box. Read more: https://endless-sphere.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=58801

Turns out the proper throttle is not expensive or hard to score. A Domino Trial for 10 £ + the custom throttle magic box from gwhy.
I prefer thumb because I find them more safe. If I need to hold the handbars strongly I know I won't speed up.

I feel the opposite with full grip.

I've never used half grip, but you can find they feel uncomfortable for some users.
Half grip my preference, but if the bars are 90% to the frame, like rams horn road bike, or big back swept cruiser, then I prefer the thumb type.

I have no trouble riding dirt with the half grip, riding where you need to hang on good. But motorcycles taught me a long time ago not to death grip the bars, except those moments when you must.
Ok so I ordered from China thumb throttle and half grip. I just went for the cheapest ones, total of 13 $ shipping included.

There seems to be many happy Magura owners on ES, except those who went with the Domino throttle. :)
Those who chose Domino tends to feel that Magura is prone to failing at any time. I don't know if that might be water/moisture related? Seems the Domino has higher IP rating so maybe the Domino stands better against the elements? I guess I start out testing these cheap ones, then if I feel I don't like I can order Domino or Magura at later time.

Have any of you actually had a Magura fail on you? And if so did it fail during rain shower? Weather is always an issue where I live.
It is really a matter of preference. Yet to ride off road with a powerful bike, most will prefer a half twist.
Well what do you know. I must have forgotten to do a proper forum search before I started this thread :oops:
Turns out brother gwhy is making the throttle box that was used on trevc2's bike. And it seems that a proper throttle from Domino is way less then I first thought. My initial lookup was priced at 90 $. E-bike ready. Well the Domino trails throttle is 10 £. Add whatever gwhy now charges and it should be even cheaper then the stock Magura. And people who used Gwhy's throttle seems very pleased.

I cross my fingers that he still got them in stock or has a new batch ready any day soon. Below is more info in his thread.

I find that thumb throttles are safer yes, but my hand goes numb after 15minutes, especially if you commute and hold constant speed. There is a reason why normal vehicles with Internal combustion engine uses full twist grips, nothing beats it.
Ive been using a Magura throttle now for the past 12 months and have a little over 10,000km's on it with no troubles at all, It has been riden in extreme rain as i went for a ride in 100kph+ wind and rain during a cyclone with nothing to go wrong at all.
Ive used a Thumb throttle before on a trike and didnt like the feeling, how ever it was the 1st time i had used one and my muscles in my hand were not use to it but it went numb quite quick.
My Magura runs through my CA so being 1 to 5 volts isnt a problem when combining it with a CA.
I come from a Moto Enduro back ground so using a half twist wasnt even an option for me as i was use to a full twist.
Throttle out of stock....
Well guess I will try different vendor.

Btw there is an option to choose fast, slow or variable opening.
I'm guessing slow means longer turn of throttle before acceleration happens?
But what is the variable opening of the Domino Throttle? Is to to let user choose slow or fast throttle?
macribs said:
There seems to be many happy Magura owners on ES, except those who went with the Domino throttle. :)
Those who chose Domino tends to feel that Magura is prone to failing at any time. I don't know if that might be water/moisture related? Seems the Domino has higher IP rating so maybe the Domino stands better against the elements? I guess I start out testing these cheap ones, then if I feel I don't like I can order Domino or Magura at later time.

Dropped my bike on the throttle side yesterday. My Domino began to stick mid throttle and wot. Had to pull the emergency plug twice. Yes, twice. Now it's gotta go. It actually has only about 150mi on it. A waste of $100. I should have known a pot twist would be easily damaged. I suppose the Magura is no different. Lucky for me, I purchased 2 Gwhy boxes. They may have been his last 2 from the last batch. So, I came here looking for throttle and cable solutions for the Gwhy box.

It seems like a pain in the butt. Custom cable length is a must. But, for aggressive trail riding, it seems the only way to go. I'll put a thumb throttle on the bike to avoid downtime, while working out the Gwhy box.