TSDZ2 Dead


100 µW
Jan 2, 2020
Hi All,

As of last night my previously flawless 6 month old TSDZ2 wont power on at all and I was wondering if someone could point out any obvious things to check or links to any diagnostics.

What Ive done so far:

Tried a different battery, although both are at ~40v so are clearly charged
Re-seated all connectors
Opened motor to check for obvious signs of damage or moisture (it was a misty night when it stopped working). Its completely dry.

Any assistance would be very much appreciated!
Eeesh, this isn't looking good.

Fair warning to anyone buying one of these motors, mine had ridden just over 1k kms before it died without ever being used in challenging conditions. Looks like Ill have to move over to a Bafang.
startledpancake said:
Fair warning to anyone buying one of these motors, ........
Welcome on Endless Sphere.
That is a far-reaching conclusion after one day waiting for an answer

But because I see no other activity anymore here (only 2 posts now), I think you aren't interested in answers anymore.
I think you have made your choice already.
I wish you good luck with the purchase of the Bafang
Elinx said:
startledpancake said:
Fair warning to anyone buying one of these motors, ........
Welcome on Endless Sphere.
That is a far-reaching conclusion after one day waiting for an answer

But because I see no other activity anymore here (only 2 posts now), I think you aren't interested in answers anymore.
I think you have made your choice already.
I wish you good luck with the purchase of the Bafang

Well to be honest you didn't provide me any useful information. Apart from telling me to search, which of course Id already done. Im now dealing with the supplier, which despite the bad rep people give Aliexpress, it looks like they will honor the warranty. I will add the details later, but indeed the motor looks dead.

So not so far reaching after all. Never assume strangers don't know what they are doing without evidence to the contrary, is advice I try to live by.
startledpancake said:
Well to be honest you didn't provide me any useful information.

Never assume strangers don't know what they are doing without evidence to the contrary, is advice I try to live by.

Yes I did by posting the link to the TSDZ2 thread here on E-S but seeing your post count you didn't bother asking there. And I'm another user here on E-S then the one you quoted so reading and searching aren't your strong points apparently.
Maybe you really are a startled pancake...
SlowCo said:
startledpancake said:
Well to be honest you didn't provide me any useful information.

Never assume strangers don't know what they are doing without evidence to the contrary, is advice I try to live by.

Yes I did by posting the link to the TSDZ2 thread here on E-S but seeing your post count you didn't bother asking there. And I'm another user here on E-S then the one you quoted so reading and searching aren't your strong points apparently.
Maybe you really are a startled pancake...

Or alternatively I was already working with the supplier, and giving it some time before responding. Having searched that thread I saw there was nothing there that was relevant and posting there also probably wouldn't have much help.

You have chosen to be rude and completely unhelpful in the meantime. Don't be so childish.
startledpancake said:
You have chosen to be rude and completely unhelpful in the meantime. Don't be so childish.

As I read it you're the one that is rude, impatient and ignorant. Advising people not to buy this motor because yours "died" and not posting your question in a much more appropriate thread where users of this motor actually come and discuss said motor. Then throwing a tantrum when you didn't get a reply after 1 day. And no reaction to my polite suggestion to ask your question in the mentioned (and linked to for your convenience) thread about the motor.

If I would have been rude and unhelpful I would have posted what I'm now really starting to think: flikker toch op en zoek het lekker zelf uit, sufkut.... :roll:
Be interesting to hear if Ali is true to their word. Please provide an update when they are or aren't. FWIW I have two BBS02's (my wife uses one) that have both performed admirably.
startledpancake said:
Well to be honest you didn't provide me any useful information. Apart from telling me to search, ......
Patience and reading aren't you strongest points I think.
I gave you the exact topic where you could ask and how you can check the controller without display.
imho was this an answer on your question for some assistence.
I wish you succes with the warranty handling from Ali.
2old said:
Be interesting to hear if Ali is true to their word. Please provide an update when they are or aren't. FWIW I have two BBS02's (my wife uses one) that have both performed admirably.

Thank you for the advice. I initially didn't want to go with the Bafang as its a little less efficient, but reading around there do seem to be quite a number of defects appearing on the TSDZ2 (although they seem to have improved over time). Would probably go for a BBSHD if I do end up buying a new motor. I know those things rack up 15k + kms regularly.

The supplier have been very responsive so far and have provided a EU return center to send the unit back for repair, once I explained this issue and provided a video detailing the setup. Ill provide details of how the overall process went and the supplier name once (if;) its all complete.
Elinx said:
startledpancake said:
Well to be honest you didn't provide me any useful information. Apart from telling me to search, ......
Patience and reading aren't you strongest points I think.
I gave you the exact topic where you could ask and how you can check the controller without display.
imho was this an answer on your question for some assistence.
I wish you succes with the warranty handling from Ali.

Which you deleted before Id had a chance to reply (despite it only being a couple of days later), yet now are accusing others of having a lack of patience.

If you want to discuss issues with TSDZ2 problems/warranty returns/reliability in comparison to other systems, please go ahead. If you are just here in an attempt to feel superior and get into pointless internet arguments with people you've never met, please politely bugger off and do it somewhere else.
SlowCo said:
startledpancake said:
You have chosen to be rude and completely unhelpful in the meantime. Don't be so childish.

As I read it you're the one that is rude, impatient and ignorant. Advising people not to buy this motor because yours "died" and not posting your question in a much more appropriate thread where users of this motor actually come and discuss said motor. Then throwing a tantrum when you didn't get a reply after 1 day. And no reaction to my polite suggestion to ask your question in the mentioned (and linked to for your convenience) thread about the motor.

If I would have been rude and unhelpful I would have posted what I'm now really starting to think: flikker toch op en zoek het lekker zelf uit, sufkut.... :roll:

The motor has actually "died" and is now off for repair, the "eesh this doesnt look good" was written after me resoldering the connectors and performing a bunch of electrical tests on it to no avail. You assumed that it was due to no replies, but not for the first or the last time, you were incorrect.

Its a valid warning that after a relatively low number of kms my TSDZ2 broke, which Im repeating here so the message doesn't get lost. One isolated example is hardly statistically significant but somebody who's looking for a ebike kit can use this in their consideration. Having now read more about the unit and its failure rate (there is also more info, I bought mine 10 months ago), I would indeed probably have purchased differently. I knew they had some reliability issues, but of course assumed that it wouldn't happen to me...

Now please, go find another playground.