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Vaping around ( Video on page 2 )

Finally, got the 3 liquid tanks finished. All of them feature a built in pump that is activated by turning a dial and thus transporting the liquid into the atomizer.

Next up is the design and build of the vaporizing chamber. :)

Just like your bike, that thing is a piece of beauty!
Spent many hours machining more pieces.
The first of 3 pump units finally works. It took forever to get these delicate threads smoothed out. :)


The Lipo battery holder is the thing on the right side. It´s unregulated and thus allows sub ohm vaping. :)

A dripper was installed using a double coil made from 0,28 Kanthal heating wire with 7 turns and a diameter of 2,4mm.
It runs at only 0,8 ohms and really produces crazy clouds of great tasting steam. :mrgreen:
cal3thousand said:
Gregory said:
TheBeastie said:
Does any one have a recommendation of a complete 18650 based vapor kit? I am not entirely sure I will get into this but I at least want to have a think about it or have a go and its a lot easier if I could choose something thats of decent quality from the get go if I choose to get one.

FastTech has a heap to choose from. So does DX. I got a Vamo. Order lots of the appropriate wicks/cartomiser/coil head because they are a consumable and waiting on delivery from China takes a month.

I concur. I have a ~$20 Vamo V5 that does a great job since it is adjustable. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.

Just make sure to get cells that are unprotected. For some reason, it doesn't like protected cells. Must be that startup pulls a high enough current to trip the protection.

Samsung 25R's work great!
Where do you buy your juices? I noticed on fasttech there pretty cheap per bottle.
Also I was wondering is if vaping is cheaper then cigarettes why do so many people still smoke? Also if nicotine juices are more easily producible then cigarettes how does big tobacco plan to hold onto its position of power?
Also cal3thousand what is your avatar picture of? is that some guy in a movie? whats he holding?
wineboyrider said:
My friend brought some legal tar stuff from CO and he and vaped it. I'm hooked ! Just don't want to get caught with the stuff here. :?
Been a long time since I smoked any other that stuff mainly because I find it disgusting to smoke anything really.
I came across a pretty good video on turning bud to liquid vape oil, looks pretty straight forward.


Also found this video on making standard nicotine liquid that I thought was good, thing that hit me is I can't help but see that big tobacco can't hold a lot of power over the Vape industry because it's so easy to make your own eliquids etc.
The only thing they can hope for in the long run is people are too lazy to make their own liquids, I am sure there will be money in selling liquids but it won't be anywhere near the power big old tobacco holds.
Also came across this video of this guy who hates people associating weed smoking with vaping, I can see his point of view but I don't think there's much he can do about it.

Also regarding vaping safety I am surprised by the whole "we don't really know" how dangerous vaping is. I remember seeing years ago video of where they had mobile phones permanently strapped to the heads of a bunch of monkeys in a cage at Motorola or some lab to see the effects on them, I wonder if they have big Vape machines blowing Vape into a glass box with a bunch of bunnies and moneys somewhere to see how long they live vs how long bunnies and monkeys living in fresh air live?

Progress! Yes.

The vapor chamber with triple coils is almost finished.


The mechanical mod on the left side is from Hades.


The pump actuator. Turn the dial and inside it´s groove a needle is carried up and down. The connected pump rod moves the liquid according to your twist. :)
TheBeastie said:
cal3thousand said:
Gregory said:
FastTech has a heap to choose from. So does DX. I got a Vamo. Order lots of the appropriate wicks/cartomiser/coil head because they are a consumable and waiting on delivery from China takes a month.

I concur. I have a ~$20 Vamo V5 that does a great job since it is adjustable. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done.

Just make sure to get cells that are unprotected. For some reason, it doesn't like protected cells. Must be that startup pulls a high enough current to trip the protection.

Samsung 25R's work great!
Where do you buy your juices? I noticed on fasttech there pretty cheap per bottle.
Also I was wondering is if vaping is cheaper then cigarettes why do so many people still smoke? Also if nicotine juices are more easily producible then cigarettes how does big tobacco plan to hold onto its position of power?
Also cal3thousand what is your avatar picture of? is that some guy in a movie? whats he holding?

I mixed my own stuff for a while. Still have a CRAP load of nicotine that I will never go through. Maybe I'll offer it up to one of you dudes for the price of shipping.

I think people still smoke out of convenience and ignorance. Big tobacco is making a play to make 'vape mods' illegal while manufactured e-cigarettes will be OK. :evil:

About my avatar, that's Peyton Manning in a commercial. I'm a Denver Bronco fan and he's been very instrumental to their recent success :mrgreen:
Looking pretty good Dlogic.
I have been vaping on my Vamo v6 with a Protank-II atomizer and I think its pretty cool. I haven't pulled it out in front of other smokers really but I am thinking its going to be funny to say "mined if I smoke?" and pull out this foot long steel chrome pipe with the 18650 battery in it.
I could just imagine how bigger kick you could get pulling that big beast out :lol:
One thing I been noticing though is just how many puffs per dollar I get from this I am at like 400 puffs according to the Vamo v6 LCD display but I have only gone thru a tiny amount of juice.
I just had to add this pic of the bottle of juice that cost like $3 says its the equivalent of 600 cigarettes.


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TheBeastie said:
Looking pretty good Dlogic.
I have been vaping on my Vamo v6 with a Protank-II atomizer and I think its pretty cool. I haven't pulled it out in front of other smokers really but I am thinking its going to be funny to say "mined if I smoke?" and pull out this foot long steel chrome pipe with the 18650 battery in it.
I could just imagine how bigger kick you could get pulling that big beast out :lol:
One thing I been noticing though is just how many puffs per dollar I get from this I am at like 400 puffs according to the Vamo v6 LCD display but I have only gone thru a tiny amount of juice.

For big steam clouds and loads of taste the Tobeco Cerberus is highly recommendable.
Instal the Hades mechanical mod using a 26650 lipo battery and you´ve got yourself a serious smoke machine. :mrgreen:

On mine 3 Kanthal coils with 7 turns on a 2,4mm diameter are just the thing for getting perfect results.
Be aware though that only 8 to 10 puffs will fill up a normal size living room in thick smoke.
This is also quit handy when at a party where the smoke machine has just broken down. :)
Cool, now that´s a sleek word of the year.

To go with that, may i serve you the almost finished steam chamber. It will hold a triple micro coil setup. Still got to machine some parts.
Hope it´ll finally smoke up my place this weekend.
Will stay in the toolshop all day tomorrow for getting things finished. :mrgreen:


Yeah thats pretty amazing vapemod Dlogic.
I guess the next step is to start selling them for $800 each and wait until you get an order to China and see your baby get cloned. :pancake:

I was just reading this article from CNBC, its a negative article.
"Another study of nearly two dozen e-cigarettes bought in the United States found large amounts of nickel and chromium, which probably came from the heating element"

I noticed you said you use Kanthal wire which seems to be the best choice.

I did some research and found that Kanthal A-1 doesn't contain any nickel which isn't very healthy to get into the lungs as it can become carcinogenic. K A-1 instead has aluminium which according to wikipedia etc isn't toxic, the only dodgy thing about aluminium ever health wise has been its unsubstantiated link with Alzheimer's disease, I would much rather die with Alzheimer's disease then get cancer.

There is of course a whole host of different metals in regular tobacco cigarettes, including the favorites being Lead and Cadmium.