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Weirdest, most odd thing that has happened to you while ebiking?


1 MW
Dec 10, 2013
What is the weirdest, most odd thing that has happened to you while out riding your e-bike?
Being told to leave the MUP, by about 50, 20-30 year old joggers that looked like firemen, or navy seals, or something. You know, shaved heads, 250 pounds or more, no fat on them. Clearly from out of town, here for training or something. One looked about to fist fight me over it. I stood my ground and told them it was a bike path.

FWIW, they had no idea I was electric. They just thought bikes were not allowed. It was weird, facing down about 50 aggro males half my age.

Other shit just normal and expected, like a pickup swerves to run me off the road, throws shit out the window at you, right turns into your path etc.
I was riding down a hill on paved trail and at the bottom there was a group of kids standing on both sides looking at something. I didn't notice until it was too late to do anything, that there was a giant timber rattlesnake stretched out across the trail, I had no choice but to run it over. I am confident that I didn't do much to hurt the snake, but I was terrified about those kids standing near it. I was worried that running it over like that with my bike would cause it to aggressively strike one of the kids. I stopped and went back and luckily the snake just slithered off in to the woods without incident.

It turned out to not be a big deal, but my heart was sure racing there for a few seconds. Ever since I slow way down while going down that hill.
On the 60mph leafbike, which i usually ride at 40-45mph on the road, i get a mixture of guys in sports cars complimenting me ( saw me rip the throttle from a stoplight ) and people yelling at me to get out of the road, because i'm on a bike ( the yelling stops when
they see me accelerate. )

On the cannondale semi-recumbent, which i'm usually pedaling instead of using the motor, i get all sorts of thumbs up, 'cool bike, man!', and smiles from people walking around. The bikeE never gets this kind of appreciation.
I was in the left turn lane on the Raptor with the baby trailer on 88th in Surrey, omw to pick up my son from preschool. Judged the speed of the oncoming car, had plenty of room, made my left. Apparently the person I turned in front of and the person immediately behind me were too busy watching me to notice they were about to make a gross miscalculation and slammed head-on into each other.

Or my maiden long-voyage on the Revive when it was still front motor. Blew a front tire 15 miles from home on a Sunday during covid. Sidewall failure. Decided to try riding on the flat. Vibrations were an issue. Front wheel fell off and bent the dropouts. Wrestled it back together and pushed it home. Happily the basket was able to hold enough beer to keep me hydrated and it was a beautiful day. 15 miles though.
I went out riding over lunch on a cloudy day last spring. As I was riding along, it seemed like the sun came out from behind a cloud (slightly behind and above my left shoulder) - which cast a shadow down and slightly forward on my right side. This was all completely normal as I've ridden in sun, clouds, mix of sun/clouds, etc.

But as my shadow formed, it just kept getting darker and darker and darker, over a period of just a second or so, until I perceived it as being nearly pitch black and blurted out loud..."What the... hell?!?" turning to my left to see what was casting the light. In that instant, all was back to normal, cloudy day and no shadows.

I kept looking to see if I could find a patch of sky where the sun might have come through, but it was just a smooth deck of clouds, nothing broken or patchy. Then I also started thinking...I was headed mainly south, near noon, so there is no real way the sun would have been above and behind my left shoulder, it would have been nearly straight ahead. Plus, over the next hour of riding, it was just pure clouds, nothing patchy or partly cloudy.

So there ya have it! Never had anything similar happen before or since. The only things I can think of are that it was totally imaginary...but then I really wasn't day dreaming or in any state of 'half consciousness'... I was out biking down the road, so pretty actively engaged in what I was doing. ...and it was real enough to give me goosebumps then and even now thinking back to it. The other possibility that comes to mind would be some type of meteor making a bright flash for a second or two. Possible, but I'd think something that big would be reported or noticed... though maybe if it just flashed ...in the clouds...and didn't hit the ground?
That sounded like you were about to be hit by a big truck with extra lights or something.

When you see the flash, duck and cover.
a few weeks ago i was out on my bike and someone in a car started beeping at me and shouting.
trying to overtake and bullying me off the road.

i pulled onto the pavement, still going on my journey. they went past me.

they had to stop at some traffic lights, all of 20 meters ahead, as i went past they were shouting some language i didnt understand. so i carry on down the pavement on my bike.

next thing i know they have overtaken the cars infront also waiting at the lights, engine revving like crazy. then they continue to go at silly speeds down the road past me, shouting all kinds of stuff i still didnt understand.

i go to my firends, and explain the above to him.

then he points out whats on my cheap ebay chinese helmet, that i didnt even realise (i have terrible a geography/flag skill)

see picture :lol:

its coverd with tape now, the whole things gonna get a respray at some point


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I do not get it, I know geography and have been around the world a few times.

jimmyhackers said:
then he points out whats on my cheap ebay chinese helmet, that i didnt even realise (i have terrible a geography/flag skill)

see picture :lol:

its coverd with tape now, the whole things gonna get a respray at some point
I seriously dont see anything, I thought maybe its something to do with Germany way back when, in the world wars.
But even Lemmy got no hate.
I was looking at the dragons, I completely missed the Russian flag.
So if the incident took place prior to the invasion of Ukraine, then its Russians in the car.
If the incident took place after the Ukraine invasion, then it could be people against the flag.
I would have to reread the story again to tell which is which, the driver seemed aggressive so hate of the flag.
there are several of those goldern bird dragon things on the helmet,

its seems the one on the back is the other main russian flag emblem/mascot and there are others on the sides/top of the helmet that represent the differnt russian military devisions....

i only got it because it had the cool teeth.

the more i look at it....it definately needs a respray.

does it look overtly russian military to anyone else?


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It does now that you point it out, but only a few rare birds will nibble on that.
Just break up the eye flow with a red bull sticker or 3, or a couple "No Fear" stickers

jimmyhackers said:
does it look overtly russian military to anyone else?
jimmyhackers said:
does it look overtly russian military to anyone else?
Looks overly juvenile to me more than anything else, but it does have the RU flag and RU eagle insignias, yes. I would defend your choice to wear whatever designs on your helmet you desire but be aware that there are currently a lot of inflamed emotions out there and you may end up suffering unintended consequences. IOW, when on a bicycle out on the open road it doesn't make sense to piss off a bunch of cagers.

Agree with you that it does need a respray! :thumb:
Agreed somewhat but not on the respray, just cover the insignia's and flags with stickers, find some Trek, Redbull, No Fear or better yet whats the slogan bicycle couriers like to promote, "One Less Car" sticker
Texas state flag star sticker would work well :thumb:
American flag sticker :thumb:
I heart Texas O&G sticker
I heart Texas cattle sticker
Better yet Greta Thunberg propoganda "How Dare You" stickers
:es: How about an Endless Sphere sticker? :es:
Then an ES sticker with the web address, so when you are asked the same questions over and over again from random strangers gawking at your ebike or emotorcycle you can point to the ES stickers and say check it out, then point to your sticker with your es username on it.

The problem arises is how do you hide the correct color sequence of the Russian flag that is the banner across the helmet.
Dont want to risk it, will be a trigger to only anti-flag people, most likely Ukraine but Polish people too or anyone familiar with and has family in the Ukraine.
Maybe throw in some really small white stars stickers along the banner strips, one proud patriot American who may come from the state of Texas, and is now across the pond, who really knows tho ;)
Better to be ultra safe and just stick a bunch of American flags to cover up the Russian colors of the strips.
You could be known as the American riding in Europe somewhere with whatever accent you got coming from where you come from.

Here are some examples of sticker placements, t




99t4 said:
jimmyhackers said:
does it look overtly russian military to anyone else?
Looks overly juvenile to me more than anything else, but it does have the RU flag and RU eagle insignias, yes. I would defend your choice to wear whatever designs on your helmet you desire but be aware that there are currently a lot of inflamed emotions out there and you may end up suffering unintended consequences. IOW, when on a bicycle out on the open road it doesn't make sense to piss off a bunch of cagers.

Agree with you that it does need a respray! :thumb:
My guess, the language they were shouting in was Ukranian.

I like to take nice expensive helmets, and spray them with cheap spray paint. Then they have zero resale value and can be left hanging on the mirror while I'm in stores. My climate, white or yellow is good, last thing I need in summer is a black hat on my head.
Got hit by a mirror once. Straight up hit and run. Yea it hurt a little, but could have a whole lot..if they were going faster. Surprised the shit out of me, like a big brother just walloping your arm out of nowhere.. Pretty sure it was on purpose. I was over, and minding my own business... I woulda held that mother down until the cops came if I could have caught up.. but he took off. Chevy Full size, one of those old chrome plated mirrors that swivel in.

Lady once followed me at 8mph in a Jeep once shouting " Do you live here? Where do you live? Is this your neighborhood?" with like twenty cars piling up behind her as she crept alongside me, as I pedaled. I just kept on repeating the questions to her until she got frustrated at the honking and zoomed off. Yes, I have lived on the hill above Oley for the last 41 years, bitch. I was waiting for an accident to happen. She was like "IDGAF" to the twenty cars behind her as she gave me trouble at 8mph. She went on her way and the rest of the cars were happy, let me tell you. Its so nice when you set your own pace and people dont care and work around you.. but blocking traffic as you yell on some guy on an ebike traveling through the neighborhood? Lol go away.

Those are the only two weird instances I have had going on my fourth year ebiking. Everywhere else its " how fast does it go" and " thats great bike you got, what kind of battery is it and how much did it cost? ".

Here is another story, kinda cool. You know those "Thermal Stickers" I have on my hub motor and I like to give away to other ebikers? Well, like two years ago, some kid from Phili, like 20-23 years old, came to my house ( rode like 45 miles that day, each way) because I had a BMS he wanted to buy and he needed it and wouldn't wait for shipping: So I said come pick it up. He did, and went home, ( after charging midway at a gas station, he later told me) leaving in the middle of the night. He must have gotten home like 3 Am.

Anyway, a week later the bike was stolen. Near brand new white stealth bomber clone with a 3kW motor, Sab150, black moto rims and spokes, a new BTR battery, and generic forks.

....he was devastated for a month ( bike was only a month old, hence him buying the new BMS i had), until another ebiker friend of mine, (this one was an OG ebiker, like ebiking for ten years plus,) sent me a pic with the kids bike in the pic. Asking me if this was his stolen bike. I couldnt tell,... very well from the picture, looking at a stripped frame and wheelset, a generic bike from another, with the 3000w hub motor and moto rims.. but.. but.. I could clearly see the sticker I gave him the month before, at my house and where he had placed it, on the bike, that night. The thieves had left it intact, and on the hub motor. We eventually used this evidence for the bike to be returned to its original owner. From the center of phili, lost for a month, hopeless,and then back into his hands, . All because of that sticker I gave him that night.
jimmyhackers said:
does it look overtly russian military to anyone else?

It is literally a helmet designed for a fan of the Russian military. Or a Russian military vet. That big star with colors is the logo of the Russian Army. The double headed eagle with anchors behind it is the Russian Navy.
I once had a cop open his parked patrol car door right in front of me as I was passing by. That banged me up pretty good. The prick tried to blame it on me and threatened to issue a ticket. I told him to go ahead and give me one as I couldn't wait to see what the judge would have to say when I contested it in court. That shut him up. He didn't like it when I told him he should give himself the ticket instead. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
nicobie said:
I once had a cop open his parked patrol car door right in front of me as I was passing by. That banged me up pretty good. The prick tried to blame it on me and threatened to issue a ticket. I told him to go ahead and give me one as I couldn't wait to see what the judge would have to say when I contested it in court. That shut him up. He didn't like it when I told him he should give himself the ticket instead. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I had something like that happen on my motorcycle. Semi driver kicked his door open and held it open with his foot. I ducked under the curved part of his door and flipped him off and kept riding.
Well one of the most unexpected things happen while riding one day. Actually I was on a sidewalk thankfully, and a car behind me flipped, I think the driver tried to turn left over the medium, very strange considering they were only going about 35 mph. I was completely in the zone riding my ebike enjoying the nice weather and bam out of nowhere I heard this loud screeching noise behind me, I jumped so freaking hard :lol:

There were two adults and one child in the car but no one got hurt. I helped them crawl out the windows as the car was still laying upside down in the street. The little girl was not even in a child seat but thankfully she was not harmed.

I’ve also seen several people wreck those lime scooters while riding near the city lol but that’s almost common these days, those scooters are everywhere lol